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The selling of the land in Palestine
by Robert Randle
The State of Israel has come under increasing international pressure to cease its expansion into East Jerusalem and building more Jewish settlements, therby displacing Palestinian families who have lived in the region for generations. Of course, for the Palestinians who want a State in this same area that they consider their ancestral home along with the Israelis, this is a blood-fued that doesn't seem to involve a solution that will satisfy both of the warring sides.
Wanted! True Leaders, Fewer Rulers
by Gray Eagle
Graft, greed, corruption -- apparently, that is all politics is anymore. Where are the true leaders, the servants of the people, for the people, and by the people?
One Nation Under God
by Bill Fortenberry
The Constitution is founded directly on the teachings of the Bible. To demonstrate this fact forty-eight points of correlation between these two documents are presented in order of their appearance in the Constitution.
NAACP accuses Tea Party of racist agenda
by Robert Randle
It must be difficult for the nation's oldest Civil Rights organization to find their place in this complex, increasingly multicultural, bi-racial, ethnically and religiously diverse American society.
The Obama Administrations First Crisis Management Response fails test
by Robert Randle
Democratic Presidential contender Sen. Joe Biden once commented about Prsident-Elect Obama that within six months of his Administration that he will be tested. Well, a little over a year and a half President Obama has faced his first Domestic crisis, and like the former George W. Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina, has been slow to act, take charge, get ahead of this disaster and show "real" leadership; although technically speaking, there is very little that the federal government can do in this particular disaster that will have repercussions on the ecological balance of the Gulf Coast region for years to come.
Should convicted felons be allowed the right to vote?
by Robert Randle
There are strong feelings on both sides of the political spectrum or moral divide regarding how convicted felons should be treated. After a criminal have served their time in prison or some other place of detention, should they be stripped of their right to vote, and where in the US Constitution or Amendments to it does the denial of one of our most cherished and fundamental civil rights become the Law of the land?
Government: A Man-Made Institution Destined for Failure
by Angel Casiano
I am not asking for Christians to refuse to participate in the political process, God can even use you in it. We do not lack Biblical and even current examples of men and women used mightily by God in politics. What I am encouraging our Christian brothers and sisters to do are to look at government for what it is; a man-made institution destined for failure. No offense to our Founding Fathers; my respect and my honor to them; but history do not have the authority to take away the Truth of God's Word.
How to Stop a Runaway Train
by Gary H. Patterson
Crucial lessons from Germany's invasion of France during the second World War. Is the United States on the verge of making some of the same mistakes?
Every Swaying Palm
by louis gander
Just watch the dancing leaves
and see what man believes
despite what lies ahead...
Do employees have Right-of-privacy when using work-issued communication devices?
by Robert Randle
The Right of Privacy is one of the most cherished of American freedoms; along with those of Free Speech, Freedomof the Press, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, etc. And while no one wants to see their "Rights" taken away or diminished in any way, yet it is the duty of the Courts to ensure that these same precious priviliges are not taken advantage of because in doing so, it erodes the very freedoms that many have given their full measure of devotion to ensure future generations would enjoy them.
President Obama and the Members of Congress may need to reread "The Constitution"
by Robert Randle
One of the things that most Americans can reasonably agree on is their distrust of "Big government," and with President and the Federal Reserve writing a blank endorsed by the taxpayer for burgeoning government programs and bureaucracy, Americans are understandable hopping mad; not only about this, but increasing intrusion into the lives of private citizens, but regulating financial markets and commerce.
What's the real issue in the Health Insurance debate?
by Robert Randle
When the Founding Fathers drafted the Constitution of the United States and in THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, penned these words: ". . . that they [Men] are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. . ." Now, these great statesmen and intellectuals did not mention anything about the right of every American to affordable Health Insurance, but rather continued allegiance the King of England and the tyranny imposed upon the colonial settlers by him.
Hillary Clinton's comment may be a wake-up call for Israel
by Robert Randle
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent statement at the summit called AIPAC should have been a reality check for the Israeli people; not to mention, another glaring example of American 'hubris.' While avowing unrelenting support for the nation of Israel, she went on to say that with all the sophisticated weapons and technology being developed by the enemy, [in light of this continually evolving situation], "WE NOT BE ABLE TO PROTECT ISRAEL ANYMORE."
The Jewish people, their military and political leaders need to return [repent] to their LORD God through living according with the Law [Torah] and not adopt the customs of America and Western Europe. When this happens, the blessings which come to Israel will flow throughout the entire world and we will all be better off because of this.
Political Parties Explained
by Robert Kiser
Who is right? The left or the right?
Community Involvement: Are You Letting Your Light Shine?
by Robert Baines
This article discusses community involvement. Among the issues noted are community systems, how people of influence operate out of their value systems, and suggested ways to be involved in your community.
Senator Harry Reid's comment about Barack Obama not all that surprising
by Robert Randle
It is puzzling why there is such a public outrage and shock when another politician or public figure, usually a White male, makes disparagingly hurtful or insensitive racial remarks. Nevada Senator Harry Reid, leader of the US Senate made reference to then Presidential candidate Barack Obama's skin complexion and the way he talked (dialect) as being something of a viable asset which separates him from the stereotypical Black man; making him more appealing to White voters.
by Rebecca O'Connor
The fear of overpopulation from the 60s eliminated the promise of security in a future generation. What to do with the surplus "Baby Boomers", is the next question. Is the answer government run healthcare?
by Stanley Davis
That was a successful tea party in DC, Thanks to all who supported it. God bless America!
Liberals in Power
by Stanley Davis
Liberals in power can cause harm to this nation as a whole. Not to mention the minds of our children. There is a way that seems right unto man, but the end of it is death.
Remembering 911
by Stanley Davis
As we recall 911, let's keep fighting for America.
The Second Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms
by Robert Randle
This is one of the most emotionally charged issues in American society, ranking right up there alongside Abortion and Gay Rights. Did the Founding Fathers of this newly formed experiment in a Democratic Republic ever envison a future time when generations of private citizens would have a proliferation of deadly assault rifles and automatic pistols? It is true that self preservation is the first law of instinct but it would seem that gun control laws may go a little beyond that to where violent deaths from these weapons is the leading cause of Homocide in America.
by Kerry Peresta
A tongue-in-cheek overview of Obama's sneaky slide towards socialism and a word or two from one of our founding fathers.
by Kerry Peresta
AARP has relentlessly hounded me over the years and I became curious. After a bit of research, I found they represented one of the largest left-wing lobbying groups in the country. My article humorously exposes their tactics.
Changing Demographics (part three)
by Stanley Davis
Oh the times are a changing, they say we have 40 years so let's make the best of it.
Changing Demographics (part two)
by Stanley Davis
Oh the times they are a changing, we need to stand and be the Christians we are called to be.
Changing Demographics (part one)
by Stanley Davis
Oh the times, they are a changing.
Are Tacoma mayoral candidates closet Christians?
by Robert Randle
Have we become so cynical in our political discourse and social values such that identification as a Christian is seen as a liability? Is it like the policy regulating gays in the military; "Don't ask and by any means, please Don't tell [anyone]?" One would think that a life dedicated to Christ and His Gospel would be seen as one valuable asset in the often corrupt world of political theatre but it seems that if one is a Child of God, they might as well hang a left to the nearest EXIT.
Christian Awake
by Stanley Davis
We need to truly stand united today if we are to be effective for Jesus Christ
Rights and Wrongs
by Jan Ross
What happens when an Ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven serves in the military? Should that Ambassador surrender his or her spiritual citizenship and be silenced while in active duty? Is it wrong for an Ambassador to live his or her faith, fulfill the Great Commission, and honorably discharge their duties and responsibilities to the military at the same time?
Is America a Christian Nation?
by Alan Allegra
Some tell us we need to "embrace universal principles that emphasize our common humanity and promote greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures." This sounds well and good and politically correct, but is it practical or possible?
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