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Worshipers Win: A Look at Psalm 22
by Tonja Taylor
What glorious news this is in Psalm 22! Written thousands of years ago, the Holy Bible is relative and revelatory for today! As true worshipers of the only true God, the LORD Jesus Christ, we win!
Meanings of Some of Colors for Worship
by Tonja Taylor
Out of my private worship time with the LORD, and wanting to go deeper with Him, I have learned to create simple worship instruments, and have about the meanings of some of the colors. May this give you deeper insight into worshiping the Master, the LORD Jesus Christ!
7 Ways to Praise God in Hebrew
by Tonja Taylor
These are inspired by a highly creative worship leader (now in Heaven), who is one that the LORD used to teach me to truly worship. May they inspire you to deeper worship.
Planting of the LORD
by Jacqueline Julyan
Keep me fresh O LORD, fresh and green as delicate as the snowdrops coming into their light in Springtime.
What The Little Do
by louis gander
"Then as I looked around me too,
my wand'ring eyes did search.
Did I see other hypocrites
inside my little church?
A teeny, tiny, little man
was sitting in my pride.
And there I stayed day after day
and could have 'til I died."
To Whom Do You Bow?
by Tonja Taylor
Everyone is worshiping something or someone, whether they realize it or not. To whom do you bow?
Worship is NOT an Interruption to Prayer!
by Tonja Taylor
Are you wondering why, when you set yourself to pray, that you move into worship instead? For a few years, I thought that was wrong, but I couldn't seem to control it. Now I now the LORD is pleased with it. Worship is NOT an interruption to prayer, but rather, part of the flow!
Cardiac Arrest of the Spirit
by Helen Murray
This poem meditates upon a visual experience and translates the experience to a possibility in the church.
And There, Heard One Crying
by Samuel Dumas
Away, in the New City, even amidst the unnumbered singers in and around the golden walls of God, winged beings heard this one, crying.
Delighting in Exalting El Elyon - Part 2
by Tonja Taylor
Here are more than 20 ways you can delight in exalting El Elyon, the Most High God, through praise and worship!
Delighting in Exalting El Elyon - Part 1
by Tonja Taylor
One of the names of Jesus Christ, the true God, is "El Elyon," which means "Most High God." When we exalt Him, we can experience Him; He can do miracles!
The Law Of The Overflow
by Aifuwa-Rich Iyamu
The Law of The Overflow is a very small hand book designed to be read in one sitting. The book was written in two nights after an encounter with the Holy Spirit by the Author. The Holy Spirit gave direct instruction for the believer to experience the overflowing blessings of God.
It is believed that this little hand book will give you specific instructions from God to follow which will bring you into Godâs overflowing blessings.
Should Christian Women Cover Their Heads in Public Worship?
by Max Aplin
In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 Paul tells his readers that men shouldn't pray or prophesy with a covered head, and that women shouldn't do these things with an uncovered head. There are good reasons for thinking that these principles are not dependent on culture. Nevertheless, it is a mistake to just assume that the principles must always be implemented.
The beauty in creation reveals the beauty of the Creator, and so all people are exposed in some measure to the glory of God. Christians should expose themselves more to this glory in order to reflect it. In this article it is made clear that we are responsible for seeing and sharing the glory of God, for this is a key motivation to worship.
What Should the Dress Code Be for Christian Worship Services?
by Max Aplin
There are pros and cons to dressing well and to dressing casually for Christian worship services, but the stronger arguments seem to support dressing casually. Wearing casual clothes helps to make poor people, who only ever wear this kind of clothing, feel welcome to attend.
True Worship
by David Holdsworth
...the act of worship that is always beautiful and pleasing to our God is love.
by ralph jackson
Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. Ultimately the whole blame landed on God who created them and so the blame game has continued down the annals of time.
Man With a Bag 2
by Richard L. Provencher
Even the recluse in this poem has been given a mission in his new life. Thank you Jesus for your forgiving and helpful nature.
My Fortress is My GOd
by Kate Warren
Do you ever get tired of the struggle against sin? You get tired, sometimes stumble and fall. Here is an encouragement, know and warriors run by your side in the worst of your struggles and you can reach the safety of the fortress and be strengthened and refreshed.
Songs of Praise
by Don Pedal
Have you ever been in a service where you felt drowned in sound? Many of us sit quietly through the service and do not return. What does our Lord say about this in scripture? You might be very surprised by the answer.
Coming Near to God: King David's Habit of Genuine Worship
by Cate Russell-Cole
Examining the role of genuine worship within the Church, and where we fall short in that, based on King David's Psalms. Three main ways David worshipped are examined as long-term, spiritual habits to be emulated.
No Dogmatism In Christianity
by Olawale Ogunsola
Do you know that some people are referred to as "religious dogmas"? It is sad that such people include Christians. This is wrong!
In the Beginning God
by Michael Pleasant
In The beginning God is the most profound statement ever conceived. This article explores this statement in depth.
Tennebrae-A Ritual of Shadows
by Susan LeDoux
Tennebrae is a somber worship service that is still performed during Holy Week in some Catholic and Protestant churches. It dates from the Middle Ages and is a ritual of"darkness, or shadows.
Break forth your praises
by S Mariah
He is always for you
He is always here with you
Look not unto your sins
It has nothing to do with you
It has something to do with HIM indeed
Let out of your burdens
Cast them all unto the Lord
Who Are You On Christmas Day?
by Olawale Ogunsola
Do not be a stranger to yourself. You must know who you are anytime of the day. Therefore, who are you on Christmas day?
Will You Welcome Jesus into Your Home?
by Dianna Sandora
Did the story of the birth of Jesus get lost in translation? The Bible was originally written in both Greek and Hebrew and subject to interpretation. It is important to remember that the birth of our Lord and Savior is one of hope and love not rejection.
Worshipping in the Dark?
by Donna Kazenske
So the new phase in the church is worshipping Jesus in a dark sanctuary.
Upon understanding the immeasurable greatness of God, you will be compelled to fall on your knees in humble adoration and magnify Him with absolute holy fear and love.
Thou are Great, O Elohim!
Until to Christ we lay down our all,
what we've surrendered is too small!
And if we dodge this total consecration at His cross
We will suffer unbearable loss.
Take it all, Jesus, take it all my Lord.
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