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Delighting in Exalting El Elyon - Part 2
by Tonja Taylor
1/08/2020 / Worship
This is part 2 of “Delighting in Exalting in El Elyon,” where, in part 1, we discussed how the LORD inhabits the praise and worship of His people. We praise and worship Him because He is worthy; to drive out demonic forces before the preaching of the Word; and to have the Presence of the LORD manifest so He can do miracles for us, like He did all those years ago. Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8)!
Another reason we worship is so God’s Presence ushers us into His throne room—into the Holy of Holies, so that we might run to our Heavenly Daddy and be as close to Him as possible! The Throne Room is the place of prayer where, when we know that He hears us as we pray in His will, we know that we have what we ask (I John 5:14:15)! Relationship with the LORD is why JESUS died—so we might have relationship with our Father and worship Him in all His glory!
But what do “praise” and “worship” mean? It may be more than you think! The LORD (both the Father and the Son, Jesus, plus the Holy Spirit; together, the three make the Holy Trinity, "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one." Mark 12:29
Here are a few facts about praise and worship that I found in research, plus examples that I have personally experienced, or known others who have experienced:
PRAISE — This means “to worship, to extol, to recognize and lift up the good deeds of the LORD.” He is good and only good, and all He does is in His multi-faceted wisdom. Praise ‘expresses our joy to the LORD.” When we praise Him, we put our attention on Him, and His goodness. It is a way of showing thanks.
There is protocol in Heaven, the court of Father God and Jesus the King. The order is: (1) Praise (2) Worship (3) Prayer or preaching/teaching of the Word.
Earth is supposed to be a reflection of Heaven (since the Garden of Eden. However, when Adam and Eve fell, everything was messed up. But Jesus came to help restore things. He has to work with man’s free will, and that’s what the problem is; why everything is not “fixed” yet! But He keeps working with us, praise the LORD, and He is moving mightily in this season to restore Kingdom order to the earth. As we cooperate with Him and praise and worship all the more, our minds are set on Him and He can give us strategies for victory.
Praise music, which is usually more upbeat, focuses often on victory over the enemy and other triumphs. Then the music usually slows down, and the worship music is inviting the Presence of the LORD; focused entirely on Him and His truly awesome goodness and attributes.
It is often during true worship—when we are focused on Him instead of ourselves, others, the circumstances of the day, or how the church looks, and other distractions—that His Presence comes so that those truly seeking Him, in alignment with His Spirit, sense and understand that He is pleased with the worship and has come in His power to heal and deliver and reveal.
Each one of us has a unique relationship with the LORD, so only you and He know when you have truly crossed over from praise to worship. But don’t be concerned; close your eyes if you need to (I do, most of the time during praise and worship, or I look up instead of at the praise and worship team) and ask the Holy Spirit to help you focus on Him. He will.
Ways to praise and worship the LORD Jesus Christ include:
raising or waving the hands;
creating things that glorify the LORD
sign language to songs that glorify the LORD;
bowing to Him;
dancing to Him;
playing an instrument to glorify Him;
speaking His Word with reverence;
shouting His names and deeds to Him;
telling Him you trust Him;
telling Him you love Him;
telling Him you appreciate Him;
tithing in obedience to the Word
testifying to others about what the LORD has done for you;
giving money to support the work of the church and other ministries;
giving to others financially and materially, emotionally and prayerfully, as the LORD leads;
volunteering your time and gifts to advance the Kingdom of God;
praying as He leads, even if your mind doesn’t understand why or for whom
doing things to serve others to show the love of God, while you’re at work or in the grocery store, or wherever;
doing your very best job wherever you are;
keeping a thankful, positive attitude;
being kind and considerate, loving towards others;
and sometimes, simply a silent awe as you ponder the sublime fact that the all-powerful, all-knowing, uncontainable Creator of Heaven and earth and everything in it wants to interact with you!
I am so thankful our Father God is merciful, kind, patient, gracious, and forgiving. He delights in and loves us His born-again kids so much!
We will never be perfect till we get to Heaven, but when we delight in exalting Him (El Elyon, “The Most High God”) as we praise and worship Him from our hearts (where Jesus lives, once we have repented and received Him as Savior and LORD), then He can do marvelous miracles in us, through us, and around us, and help us know Him better, and the world see and desire His Life!
Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.
Article Source: WRITERS
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