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Songs of Praise
by Don Pedal
12/05/2015 / Worship
What loud music! Have you ever been in a service where you felt drowned in sound --- sometimes to the point that it is painful to the ears? Have you ever gotten angry and thought, what is wrong with these people?
Many of us sit quietly through the service and do not return. We might even feel inwardly guilty about our feelings and are not sure how to deal with them. I had this problem myself and turned to our Lord in prayer. I asked for guidance. What does He say in scripture about this? How did the early church worship? The bible tells us that King Solomon dedicated the temple with singing, cymbals and harps, praising the Lord. The glory of the Lord filled the house of God. (2 Chron. 5:12, 13). Some of us might think we can accept what scripture tells us about temple worship back then but raising hands and jumping around in the aisles must certainly be pushing the envelope.
Scripture shows us that raising hands is certainly Biblical. (2 Chron. 5:12, 13). Dancing and moving around is also Biblical. There might be times when dancing in the aisles should be used with discretion if it becomes disruptive to the service or causes uneasiness in the other worshipers. It should never be permitted to distract us from worshipping our Lord. As we sit in our seats and ponder the various issues discussed above, we must remember we are in a house of worship where love, tolerance and forgiveness abound. God loves every one of us, even the ones bouncing around waving their arms. We must be careful not to let our surroundings distract us from our own personal worship of our Lord. Let us rejoice and be grateful to be part of the love and worship going on all around us. Be thankful that we live in a land that allows us freedom of worship and protects us from violence.
Let us thank our God for His love for us, the daily forgiveness of our sins and the blessings He so lavishly pours out on us. Not all of us have a warm home to go to in a peaceful neighborhood. Some of us have to choose between healthy meals and our medications. How about those dedicated people who ensure that our power and gas lines are kept working. Do not forget those wonderful men and women of our military who risk their lives that we might continue to live safely in the land of the free.
As we faithfully attend services at church, let our prayers and attitude reflect our wonder in the presence of the Lord himself as we join our fellow believers in exalting His wonderful name.
As a senior citizen, I am dedicated to serving the Lord through sharing my experiences and insights with other believers. My primary focus is upon being an disciple of Jesus and, in being one, I can help others to find their spiritual way also.
This article is original and not copywrited
Article Source: WRITERS
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