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  1. Grateful by jackie parent  
    Lord you never cease to amaze me, I'm so grateful.

  2. From My Heart... by   
    I am thankful for Grace

  3. A thank you note to God by Jennifer Cardinal  
    A prayer of thanks to God

  4. A thank you note to God by Jennifer Cardinal  
    A prayer of thanks to God

  5. A thank you note to God by Jennifer Cardinal  
    A prayer of thanks to God

  6. WORSHIP ON HIGH by linzy bruno  
    "My very breath is Yours to take....."

  7. Right Where We Are by Sheila Mills  
    How we view worship can get confusing at times. Instead of trying to define what worship is, maybe we need to step back and look at what it is not.

  8. Right Where We Are by Sheila Mills  
    How we view worship can get confusing at times. Instead of trying to define what worship is, maybe we need to step back and look at what it is not.

  9. Right Where We Are by Sheila Mills  
    How we view worship can get confusing at times. Instead of trying to define what worship is, maybe we need to step back and look at what it is not.

  10. For He Deserves by louis gander  
    I drew attention to myself
    and never thought it odd -
    until I heard the compliments
    that should have been for God.

    So I have changed my attitude
    and changed my wicked ways -
    that I might focus on my God -
    for He deserves all praise!

  11. We're All Born Slaves by Krystle Foster  
    Like Moses we don't realize that we're all born slaves to sin because of Adam's and Eve's fall back in the garden of Eden. Because Adam and Eve sinned they broke up their fellowship with God and were forever separated from Him. The day they ate the fruit they died a spiritual death. And were eternally separated from God and His Love. So every child born after Adam and Eve their children which we all are, no matter what color our skin is, were all born as slaves to sin.

  12. Praise His Light by Carlton Steele  
    Jesus Christ,
    God in the Flesh,
    My Father, My Creator,
    Have mercy on me in my mess

  13. Sun Worship by Deborah Brunt  
    We can't hear it, but the sun is singing. More accurately, it's strumming. It's playing acoustic guitar. It's sending thunderous organ music into space. So what purpose does the music serve?

  14. A Man with a Plan by Ramona Cook  
    It is difficult to separate Worship from Salvation. Salvation is provided by the One we worship; and Worship is stirred in our hearts because of His provision of Salvation and because of Who He is that provides it.

  15. Always in My thoughts by Andrea Ogunba  
    Always in My thoughts

  16. With God All Things Are Possible by Eric Huntley  
    What are your thoughts of God? Are they high and lifted up about a God Who can do anything or are they low looking to man for your needs?

  17. The Beauty of Gratefulness by Dorcas Graham  
    Gratefulness opens and expands our capacity to see God's goodness and receive it when it comes. It helps us to forget what hasn't materialized because we are centered on what is present. It is gratefulness that opens the hand of God.

  18. LAY IT DOWN by Florence Simmons  
    Song Lyrics,
    For Sale

  19. THE GREAT I AM written by Tim Horne by TIM HORNE

    This is a Christian Song that is Uplifting

  20. A Concert From the Throne by Gregory John Monroe  
    A possible scenario of what it could be like having God sing to you.

  21. Breathe - The Rhythm of Life by Anthea Van Der Pluym  
    Breath - the very substance of God that gives us life - the rhythm of our lives...

  22. Worship Encounter by Anthea Van Der Pluym  
    Where is the place of encounter? Our Father desires us to worship in spirit and truth....

  23. Lord, Are You Talking To Me? by Audrey Bryant  
    We must take responsibility for our own spiritual healing and growth. In order to grow we may need to discard many Christian beliefs as we learn how to die to self.

  24. Happy Father's Day by Aprill Goodlow  
    God the Father, The Father of Jesus.

  25. "Up. Daddy" by Winnie Kaetzel  
    On the tape, my pastor friend illustrated his sermon with a story about a father walking with his very small daughter who had recently learned to walk. En route she took a tumble. While still on the ground, and without tearing up, she lifted her hands to her father and said, "Up, Daddy."

  26. Give Thanks by KATHY BROCKS  
    We are coming together to give thanks to our heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost for all the Lord has done for us. Jesus is our headship. In Hebrews 1:1-3 explains Jesus' position and the victory of freedom Jesus achieved for us.
    This is our Lord Jesus, who knows His position. But what do we as man, Christians understand who Jesus is at all.

  27. Feeding the Birds by   
    Gaining Faith Through Feeding the Birds

  28. Interview: Martin Jean, Director, Yale Institute of Sacred Music talks about his department by Peter Menkin by Peter Menkin  
    In an effort to discover in what singular way this Religion Writer could uncover the work of Yale Institute of Sacred Music, to discover what the Institute does, and even take a look at how the Institute of Sacred Music explores Christianity, these two interviews were developed. The first is with Martin Jean, Director of the Institute. He speaks directly with the reader about the Institute. The second interview is with new Fellow of the Institute for Sacred Music, David Stowe. He exemplifies one aspect of exploring Christianity and looking at Sacred Music.

  29. When we worship God, is it this God or a little god of our imagination? by Faith C  
    God is giving us a chance to change...

  30. The Cross at Calvary by Richard L. Provencher  
    they tormented Him, our Jesus
    shamed Him, scourged
    and defiled His kindness


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