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Is Gay OK? Deceived part 6
by Paul Taylor
Biblical perpspective of the homosexual lifrstyle
The Essence of Celebrations in Marriage
by Anthony Osei Boateng
Celebrations entail, acknowledging a present happy moment or bringing back to memory past happy or relevant moments in a joyful manner.
A Charished Love
by harvestgal Ndaguba
Once I was alone, but I loved God. I had a vision to serve Him with all my heart. I heard the cry of nations calling me, calling me to bring them the Good News.
The Unfaithful Man
by Bernadette Ontong
This is an article on what is expected from you as a marriage partner. There are very few things that do not have space for grey areas.
Christian Marriage Help: Change Yourself, Not Your Spouse
by Karla Downing
This Christian marriage help will enable you to take back your power to change your life whether your husband or wife changes or not. Here is how you can do that...
Christian Marriage Help: Adjust Your Expectations in a Difficult Marriage
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help that will keep you from being continually disappointed in your difficult marriage? The best way to decrease your disappointment is to adjust your expectations.
Christian Marriage Help: Five Causes of Weak Marital Boundaries
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help to enable you to have stronger boundaries? If you have difficulty setting boundaries in your marriage you are probably tolerating more than you should and allowing yourself to be disrespected. Boundaries are simply what you will and won't do and when communicated to your husband give him feedback on how you want to be treated. Here are five causes of weak marital boundaries...
A Prayer for Marriage Partners who cannot be together
by Eyvonne Black
Can I Slip Into Your Pocket?
by Gloria Comingore
I feel safe from the world when I'm inside your pocket and my cares are free.
As I snuggle just a little closer to those loving arms that keep me safe from harm.
I smiled and ask can I slip into your pocket?
Same Sex Marriage
by Maurice Armstrong
By the powers vested in me in the State of..... I now pronounce you ? ? ?
Bootlegging, is the term used to describe the Illegal actions of those who blatently copy: and market their versions on the streets; for $5.00 or you can get 2 for $7.00.
Same sex Marriage is therefore the Illicit, xxx rated verxion of a Sacred Masterpiece.
Emotional Affairs In Christians Homes
by M. J. Andre
An emotional affair may not be about sex, but it is certainly an extramarital affair and you're definitely looking for something. It is as powerful as a sexual affair and has the potential to destroy your marriage just as much. Some Christians are forced to live in marriages where emotional affairs are as easy as breathing. As a result, there is a lack of emotional contact because the one, who is doing the cheating, find the contact needed in their emotional affairs. Some experts believe and emotional affair is more damaging than a physical one.
Christian Marriage Help: Five Signs Your Marriage Has Healthy Submission
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help having to do with submission? Ephesians 5:22 tells wives to submit to their husbands. It sounds fairly straightforward, but there are marriages that have unhealthy submission that is damaging to the wife and the marriage relationship. Here are five signs that your marriage has healthy submission:
Christian Marriage Help: Boundaries With Sex for Christian Wives
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help regarding boundaries with sex in your relationship with your husband? If you believe you can't say no, are uncomfortable with your husband's sexual requests, find yourself disliking or avoiding sex, or are upset with your husband looking at pornography, then this article will give you the answers you are looking for. Here are four boundaries you can have with sex.
Dealing With Challenges In Marriage With Unbelieving Spouse
by Ngozi Nwoke
How can I overcome the storms of life in marriage when my spouse is not in agreement with me? If this is your question, relax because this article will answer it for you. Truly, if you and your spouse are in agreement, it is easier to overcome challenges than when you are doing so alone. But God is aware of this situation and has a solution already for you.
Christian Marriage Help: Five Signs Your Marriage Involves Unhealthy Submission
by Karla Downing
This Christian marriage help gives you five signs that your marriage involves unhealthy submission. Submission works in tandem with the husband loving his wife as his own body and as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:22-33). It is not God's intention that a wife be abused, neglected, controlled, or mistreated. Here are five signs you can use to evaluate the health of your partnership...
Christian Marriage Help: Five Signs Your Marriage Involves Unhealthy Submission
by Karla Downing
This Christian marriage help gives you five signs that your marriage involves unhealthy submission. Submission works in tandem with the husband loving his wife as his own body and as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:22-33). It is not God's intention that a wife be abused, neglected, controlled, or mistreated. Here are five signs you can use to evaluate the health of your partnership...
15 Steps On How To Overcome The Storm Of Life In Marriage
by Ngozi Nwoke
Storm of life is real in married life. There is no successful marriage without a story of overcome challenges. The main issue is how to overcome these challenges of life. This article tells how to deal with these storms of life in marital life.
What About Divorce?
by Brian Allison
Can a Christian divorce? In this article, the author presents a detailed Biblical and balanced view of this controversial subject.
Wisdom for Marriage
by Brian Allison
This article provides practical guidance and instruction for those desiring a happy, healthy, and thriving marriage. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 provides the inspiration for the author. The style has a pithy, poetic flow.
Husbands, Love your Wives even as Christ loved the church
by Gregory Winfield
Have you ever wondered why dogs are considered man's best friend? Husbands, find out how adopting a few K-9 characteristics can improve your marriage.
Marriage Secret-Success Secret To Husband And Wife Relationship
by Ngozi Nwoke
In a husband and wife relationship, the first desire of the couple is to have a successful marriage. But many are ignorant of the success secret to a "heaven on earth" marital life. Marriage is to be enjoyed and not endured. Lay hands on the marriage secrets and you will have memorable story to tell generations after you. This article talks about one marriage secret that will change your attitude towards your spouse for the better.
by Anthony Osei Boateng
When you interview some spouses about their reasons for cheating or being unfaithful, some refer to an earlier offence by their partners as the main reason which fuelled their cheating action.
Couple Surives Marriage Problems
by Greg Miller
After 10 years of marrige, a couple develops marital difficulties. They dscover that only the Lord can solve their problems.
As Christians; spiritual people, our concept and definition of beauty should not be the same with that of the world.
They walk by sight; they see merely on the outside,
But we walk by faith; we should see mainly in the inside!
Three Strands
by lynn gipson
Man, wife and God make three strands. These three cannot be easily torn.
Christian Marriage Help: How to Face Your Fears
by Karla Downing
This Christian marriage help will show you how to face your fears in your difficult marriage. Fear is a natural response. It is a God-given basic survival mechanism to protect by enabling a person to heighten senses and attend to what is threatening by either fighting or fleeing. Some people "freeze" when they feel fearful and find themselves unable to do anything in response to the danger. It is the "freeze" that keeps you from facing your fears. The following eight steps will help you face your fears.
Christian Marriage Help: Six Ways to Respond to Your Husband's Use of Pornography
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help because your husband is using pornography? Here are six ways to respond to your husband's use of pornography...
Christian Marriage Help: What Submission Is and Isn't
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help? Are you wanting to know what submission is and isn't? Then, this article will answer your questions. Ephesians 5:22-24 says, "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord" (NIV). Sounds simple, but what does that really mean in a marriage?
Christian Marriage Help: Wives Believe Internet Pornography Is Cheating
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help because you are a wife that believes internet pornography is cheating? "Internet cheating" is rampant even with men in the church. It includes viewing pornography, engaging in chat room conversations, sending personal pictures online, and self-stimulating while engaging in one of these activities. Women do not like their husbands engaging in this internet cheating and have the following emotional reactions...
Christian Marriage Help: Five Signs That Show Your Spouse Is Serious About Ending Unfaithfulness
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for Christian marriage help to deal with your spouse's unfaithfulness to you? Whether it is in engaging in pornography, chat rooms, one night stands, a long-term affair, or any other sexual acting out, you want your spouse to stop and you want to know if the promises to stop are sincere. Any healing is contingent on the unfaithful spouse being "done" with the affair or acting out. Here are five signs that show your spouse is serious about ending unfaithfulness...
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