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Husbands, Love your Wives even as Christ loved the church

by Gregory Winfield  
7/30/2012 / Marriage

We are all familiar with the saying, "A Dog is Man's Best Friend". Along with the K-9 characteristics of loyalty, and dedication, dogs simply make us feel good. A dog will sit at the door or on the porch waiting for your arrival and as soon as he hears the distinct sound of your car approaching, he will hop to his feet in anticipation. When you walk through the door, your dog will be all over you showing you his love every single day for the rest of his life. As humans, we all need to feel loved and no creature on earth shows love on a more consistent basis than a dog.

Husbands, have you ever given consideration to what happens psychologically in our wives when, during the first days, weeks, or months of our marriage we greet our spouses with warm kisses, flowers, candy and other tokens of affection and these shows of affections taper off after time? What signals are we sending? Could it be that we're sending the subtle message that we don't value our wives as we once did?

As husbands, our responsibility is to love our wives. Love is the foundation upon which all the other necessities that make up a strong marriage are built. If you feel that something is lacking in your relationship with your spouse, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're actually loving your wife the way she desires to be loved. One place to start is by making her feel good. Take a lesson from your dog. No matter what kind of day it's been, go absolutely crazy with excitement when your wife arrives home. Make her the celebrity of your life and become star stuck with her. If you arrive home before she does, take her coat and her shoes when she gets home. If she likes tea or coffee, make sure it's piping hot and there for her when she's ready for it. Give her a pleasant and peaceful environment to come home to. Dedicate yourself to helping her unwind from her busy day by listening to her and allowing her to unload her days "emotional baggage" while massaging her feet.

If your wife is normally home before you arrive, take the time on the way home to pray and get into the right mindset. Go through the mental checklist of: what am I feeling, why am I feeling what I'm feeling, whose fault is it that I'm feeling what I'm feeling, do I want the change what I'm feeling and if so, how do I change the way I'm feeling. If you're under pressure and stress, allow your wife to be a part of the stress reliever. See her as a partner and a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

Make the decision to love, not based upon how your wife treats you, but based upon the fact that God commands us as husbands to love our wives - Ephesians 5:25. If you feel you're being cheated or not getting what you feel you deserve in return from your efforts, let God take care of that end of it. Your job is to be that faithful pup and love your wife with all your heart every day for the rest of your life.

Greg's love of writing and the unique way God illustrates the truth of His Word through everyday life situations has given birth to the FaithsMessenger Blog ( Our goal is to share biblical principles, stories and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way.

Article Source: WRITERS

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