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Eight Things You Can Do To Get Your Husband To Do What You Want
by Karla Downing
Do most of your attempts to change your husband not only fail but result in distancing him from you and making your marriage worse? If so, you will benefit from the following eight things you can do to get your husband to do what you want...
Embracing God's Purpose For Your Marriage
by Daniel Robertson
Your marriage is meant to be great. It is meant to be something wonderful, something amazing. God's intent is that your marriage would be full of hope, passion, joy, and companionship. More than that, your marriage is meant to be a shining example of God's love for the whole world.
Ministry to Women in Difficult Marriages: Five Things You Must Do
by Karla Downing
Are you involved in ministry to women in difficult marriages? Then, here are five things you must do:
Ministry to Women: 5 Things You Should Never Do When Ministering to Women in Difficult Marriages
by Karla Downing
Are you involved in ministry to women in difficult marriages? If so, here are the five things you should never do when ministering to a Christian woman in a difficult marriage...
Bone of my bones,
by Duane Huffstutler
Why should a man and a woman get married? Almost everyone would say because of love, Right? Well I have a surprise for you. It was less than 200 years ago when people decided that they should get married because they loved one another. Why did people get married for the 6800 years prior to that? Did people get married to repopulate the earth?
Christians and Divorce - The Grief Process Applied to Divorce
by Karla Downing
Divorce is one of the most painful experiences Christians go through. The healing process requires you to go through the same grief process that people go through with other losses. Here is how it works with divorce...
Christians and Divorce - How to Take Care of Yourself After Your Divorce
by Karla Downing
Divorce requires a huge readjustment in your life. It takes time to re-orient and rebuild. In the process, you have to learn to take care of yourself. Consider these helpful tips...
Marriage Help for Christians - Four Things You Can Do To Change Your Difficult Marriage
by Karla Downing
Are you looking for marriage help for Christians to help you decide whether to stay in your difficult marriage? Before you decide to leave, make sure you have tried these four things...
A P.C. Update Regarding Gay Couples
by Donna Wasson
We should all try to stay current with the latest in political correctness. Here is the newest update...
Dave and Emma
by Ruth Thoutenhoofd
A true story about longevity and commitment in marriage.
Husband promises his wife a cruise for their 10th wedding anniversary
by Greg Miller
A husband promises his wife a cruise for their 10th wedding anniversary. He delivers on his promise.
Oneness In Spirit; Oneness In Love
by Anthony Osei Boateng
Many Christians are plagued with maintaining the spark and intimacy in their marriages. Some couples tend to drift apart, apparently after spending so much time with each other and "getting used" to being with each other. The basic solution to this problem is maintaining a oneness in spirit.
The Missing Joy
by Olawale Ogunsola
In life,the role played by joy can not be over exagerated.The absence of joy in marriage causes separation and divorce.First be married to your Maker to have joy in life.
Husbands, Love Your Wives
by Mark Nickles
Pulling off a successful Valentine's Day is easy. A successful marriage, on the other hand, takes work. With the overwhelming evidence that the traditional family is in trouble in our society, today, I contend that it's up to the husband to take the lead in building a strong marriage, thereby greatly increasing the family's chance of success.
Mr. and Mrs. Porcupine
by Melissa Martin
A short fictional story based on reality. Marriage counseling 101.
Bretta's sarcasm cuts into her introverted partner. "You're boring and about as fun as road kill!"
Brian grimaces and retorts, "You're frigid and as cold as a polar bear in the bedroom."
Word Weapons
by Melissa Martin
A short fictional story from a marriage counselor's point of view about a fictional couple in counseling.
Jack wants more sex and Jill wants more romance.
Funeral for a Marriage
by Melissa Martin
A short fictional story from a marriage counselor's point of view about a fictional client.
Is There Romance After Children?
by Melissa Martin
A humorous look at romance.
Romance Quiz for Couples
by Melissa Martin
Take this humorous quiz to find out about the romance in your marriage.
This Day is Forever
by Richard L. Provencher
caring one for another
Choices, choices, choices
by Lisa Kartos
We forget that we have control over our feelings, that we choose to feel what we feel. The sooner we can gain awareness and self-discipline, the sooner we can live more righteously for our Lord.
Your Wedding
by Helen Murray
This was written for my daughter's wedding day. It was a second wedding, and we were all very happy about it.
Courtship Story To a Dating Couple
by Marijo Phelps
Pray when heading into a relationship which is more than friendship and see what God thinks...
Courtship Story Regarding Future and Yet Unknown Husband
by Marijo Phelps
God's incredible healing in two lives before he brought them together into marriage...
Commentary & Report: "Is Marriage worth Defending?" by Alan Wisdom, Institute on Religion & Democracy, by Peter Menkin
by Peter Menkin
The paper on marriage written by Alan Wisdom titled, "Is Marriage Worth Defending," has been on my own interest-screen since January, 2011. This likeable and readable paper of some note and considerable interest on the subject of traditional marriage, with a section on Gay Marriage, was originally produced in 2009 by Institute for Religion and Democracy as one of its Mt. Nebo papers. The Institute, a conservative think-tank, produces a few papers and offers thoughts, press releases, and talks to groups and the press about religious issues like marriagethe traditional kind.
Same Sex Marriage A Sin By Any Other Name
by Dan Wafford
There is increasingly strident pressure from the "gay rights" movement to legalize "same-sex marriage."
I put "same-sex marriage" in quotes, because there really is no such thing, nor can there ever be.
God created the principal of one man and one woman joining together to create the core of a family.
Marriage is, by God's sovereign authority, defined as one man and one woman in covenant with one another. God sanctioned this state by joining those who honor His holy covenant into one being. How does He accomplish this? We don't know. We only have His word that He does. Without this sanction from God and the accompanying miracle of the union of two into one, there cannot be a "marriage."
Making a Marriage Worth Saving
by Susan Bowman
A Marriage is more than an abstract word used to describe a couple's state of being - it is a relationship between a man and a woman who have promised God and each other that it will last forever. Keeping that promise is not "a walk in the park." This article explores the basic essential qualities of a strong marriage: commitment, communication, love, and understanding.
7 Reasons for Forgiveness in Marriage Leading to a Lasting Relationship
by Ngozi Nwoke
There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness- Josh Billings. Lack of forgiveness in marriage has led to many separations and divorces. A Lasting relationship demands that the couple learn the act of forgiveness. To forgive may not be the easiest thing to do but it certainly is the wisest thing to do.
Why Are More Married Women Cheating On Their Husbands?
by Angie Lewis
More married women are cheating on their husbands because adultery is encouraged by society. It's odd, but people do not "see" that society is one big temptation for both wives and husbands. For a wife NOT to cheat, she would have to set the conviction to be faithful, no matter what, in her heart and with God. With that said, below are the major factors that contribute to a wife cheating on her husband.
Help! Everything I Do Or Say Starts A Fight Or Argument!
by Greg Baker
You feel you are at the place where everything starts a fight. Even the good things you say or do are taken wrong. And no matter what you do, it's like starting World War III in your marriage. This article explains the typical causes and what you may be able to do to improve your situation.
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