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Christian Living


  1. Honor the USA Flag Today and Every Day! by Tonja Taylor  
    I heard on that today is Flag Day! The LORD also showed me, as I shared with my online students, that we are to thank Him and honor the USA and its flag, for no matter what it seems, God is working to turn this nation around! Hallelujah!

  2. You are Born to Overcome! by Tonja Taylor  
    God is for you--or you'd be dead an in hell already! Here are Scriptures you can use to reinforce your faith and overcome what the enemy has done to you. FAR GREATER IS JESUS THE LORD IN AND WITH AND FOR YOU!!!

  3. Rejoice in Judgment? by Gene Oborny  
    Who has not had his heart drop with instant panic at a police car turning on his lights behind you? How much greater and more frightful is the thought of coming before the God of the universe to judge you? Here is GREAT NEWS, that Jesus not only forgives sin and cleanses so completely from unrighteousness, that we can shout for joy at His coming!

  4. Healing For Your Flesh by Tonja Taylor  
    Proverbs is known as the book of wisdom. Truthfully, the whole Bible is wisdom! Today, the LORD spotlighted these Scriptures in Proverbs 4, which we can claim for healing for not just our bodies, but all our 'flesh'--mind, will, and emotions!

  5. One Reason You May Be Frustrated by Tonja Taylor  
    I spent years--decades!--being frustrated, even knowing I'd been born again when I was nine. Here's what the LORD showed me!

  6. The Soul's Journey by Louise Scarmato  
    A personal revelation from the writer. I found myself at another "crossroads" in life. I needed direction and wanted to feel a sense of direction and purpose. I was longing for fulfillment. I prayed to God to assist and guide me for my purpose in life, but the right request should have been for His purpose for my life.

  7. Out of the Pawn Shop and Into the Palace! by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD has redeemed us--bought us back--from the devil's "pawn shop" and cleansed and restored us to new by His blood. Hallelujah! When we're born again by faith in Jesus Christ, we become kings and priests and are seated as Royalty!

  8. YOUR JESUS LIGHT by Lupie Riley  
    You are the Jesus light of the world. Don't hide it.

    Does God agree with psychology? We ALL, sooner or later, are or will become VICTIMS, deeply wounded (if not mutilated) by other peopleâs EGO (self-esteem). We need LOVE.
    Self-esteem got Satan out of heaven. Self-esteem got Adam and Eve out of paradise. You don't believe it? Check it out. We ALL, sooner or later, are or will become VICTIMS of SOMEBODIES self-esteem. We need LOVE.

  10. Conditional Blessings by Ken Barnes  
    All God's promises and blessings are conditional.

  11. Watch & Wait by Dudley Anderson  
    âHe knows your past from your future and his word to you will bear fruit. Set your gaze on his hand and wait for his every move.â

  12. Counselor's Corner: Give Your Mind a Mental Vacation By Applying Philippians 4:6-8 by stephanie reck  
    Is your mind filled with worry, anxiety, fear, or negativity?

    What you think about affects you more than you may realize. Every behavior and action starts with a thought first. Thoughts become behaviors and behaviors become actions. Perhaps you may not realize that you can choose what you think about, and train your brain to think better.

  13. It Has Nothing to do With Your Looks! by Tonja Taylor  
    As I went to vote early for the primaries today, it occurred to me that legal things have nothing to do with my appearance, but my heart and mind--the unseen parts of me. Also, legal transactions on earth can have great impact in the spirit realm!

  14. Taking an Offense by Ken Barnes  
    Taking an offense to someone offended by you is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

  15. Are you a Disciple or a Churchgoer? by Tesh Njokanma  
    Anyone can claim to be a Christian or churchgoer, not everyone can boldly attest to the fact that they are disciples of Christ.

  16. Live lightâlive free of bitterness by Tesh Njokanma  
    Bitterness is a weed that can ruin our relationship with people and our relationship with God.

  17. One Way to Have a Better Life! by Tonja Taylor  
    We all want a better life--and God wants it for us! He wants it so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross and destroy the power of the curse, so we could live in The Blessing (John 10:10)! Here is one way to truly start having a better life.

  18. FEAR by Lupie Riley  
    God does not want us to fear but of power, love and a sound mind.

  19. What Ifs into Even Ifs by Dudley Anderson  
    âEven if disaster strikes, keep your eyes on Jesus and trust the grace of God to empower you through every trial of life. Grace is Godâs doing and God will do it for you!â

  20. BETTER THAN MATERIALISM by linzy bruno  

    ".....Years ago I gave God thanks, but now......."

  21. Giving and Receiving by Ken Barnes  
    When you give unselfishly, you ultimately end up receiving

  22. What is the reason for God's love for you? by Jack Vorster  
    Our livelihood as human beings in physical bodies tends to blind us to the fact of our true identity.

  23. Dusty bible and pill bottle by Toni Rittenhouse  
    Dust and confusion and displaced loyalty.

    Can you blame God for what is happening to you? Who told you that NOW is the Kingdom of God on this Earth?
    It so happens that people who teach that now is the Kingdom of God are liars, lying to you. For the longest time miss-information was taught to obscure the truth, alternating with promoting a different god (maybe gods and a goddess), but certainly not the God of the Bible.

  25. Tracking the Trails of Life by Dudley Anderson  
    âLetâs be sure, as we seek to live our lives according to the plans of God that we look out for the little marker posts of Godâs track along the trails of life while following the guidance of his great trail map, the Bible.â

  26. God Helps Us to Please Him! by Tonja Taylor  
    God is a good, good Father! He knows we true Believers want to please Him, and that sometimes we need some help to understand how to do that even more effectively. Here's some proof He will help us!

  27. Amazing Grace by Ken Barnes  
    Godâs grace is amazing.

  28. One With The Name by Tonja Taylor  
    We are one with The Name of Jesus, our LORD! Hallelujah! What a tremendous and weighty honor, to be trusted by The King, and be one with Him in covenant relationship!

  29. Jesus The Arranger by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus is--especially when we yield to Him--The Arranger of our lives, and it just gets better the more we follow His lead!

  30. Do Life with All Your Might by Dudley Anderson  
    âDear GodTracker, as you seek and track the plans of God for your life, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. God has not called you to be more than you are, he has called you to be all that you are.â


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