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Freed Worship
Such is God's divine brilliance that He creates free thinkers, Spirit-led workers and unconditional lovers. God's people are free to move with Him wherever He goes.
Loving the Holy One
Worshipping God and loving God are similar in that neither one can be excessively premeditated. And we love and worship best when we do not claim to have the Object of our admiration all figured out.
Do You Want God To Seek You?
by Rosalyn Johnson
As believers we should be seeking God, but most importantly God wants to seek you.
You will discover in this article how to get God to look for you.
Coming Back to You, Lord
by Rick Oraham
this is a song I wrote while in drug rehab entitled, "Coming Back to You, Lord"
Abundant Blessings
by Allison Egley
A young women reflects on God's blessings as the pastor delivers a Thanksgiving sermon.
The Church or a Circus?
by Larry Sowders
What do you expect when you attend a church worship service? Read to find out my opinion.
Joy and Really Being an End.
by Colby Joyner
So, as we are abrased by ideas of global acceptance, compromise, and the instant yet fleeting gratification of the lost, have faith that you can allow for your own personal bubble to expand to that which is bigger than the world, entirely encompassing it, feeding on truth until each passing moment from top to bottom is lived with the constant seeking of the joy found in God for it is not fleeting, it is not limited, and it is not prone to corruption by our own imperfect backwashes of impure action and thought to the point of being able to completely assimilate Himself into mankind through Jesus and become sin to leave unscathed in order for us to do the same by faith alone.
by Michael McBuba
Why is praise/worship so dear to the heart of God, and is it possible to understand His heartbeat on this subject? The Bible provides us with ample answers to all of the foregoing questions. Our objective therefore, in this study, is to explore the ways and means by which we can increase our intimacy with God through a re-discovered lifestyle of genuine, true worship.
Who is a God like You?
by Fenny West
Who is a God like You?
What a Father and wonder!
Comforter and Strengthner
Stooping down to lift from sin
Giving Your best, my love to win.
Who is Like unto You?
by Fenny West
Who is Like unto You?
What God is like You?
Glorious in holiness;
Great is Your faithfulness.
You rule from sea-
From sea to sea;
Glory be to You;
I give You Your due.
A Life of Worship
by David Smith
Every person is born with a fundamental problem, sin. However, most of us do not even know what sin means. In reality sin is a worship problem. We will either worship ourselves, sin, or we will worship God.
Unchanging Love
by Mike Mattice
This article is based on chapter two, "Tending The Soil", of my book
More Than Songs.
Because It Was Torn
by Mike Mattice
This article is based on chapter one, "Beyond The Veil", of my book
More Than Songs
It Makes a Difference to This One
by Tonja Taylor
When I finally obeyed God and offered a sacrifice of praise, I thought I'd really messed up. My whole church seemed to think I was nuts--all but one needy teenage girl. My offering made a positive difference in her life!
Praise - Our Weaponry
by Pam Vernon
God gives us 'songs in the night' - we are to learn to praise Him in the difficult times and trials and thereby we will know deliverance and the transforming power of God as He turns our trials, into triumphs. Praise and worship are the spiritual weapons we use to accomplish this.
by John Urs
Many people are claiming that they are worshiping and praising God. Is that genuine ?
He's Just Like That
by Judy Sims
Jesus is an adoring lover.
Thansgiving Carole
by Frances Fernandez
Thanksgiving has become the "unofficial" whistle blowing for the race to begin. The finish line is the day after New Years. How many times as a parent have we wanted to say, "Oh, come January 2nd!" (Yes, even as a Christian parent!) In the midst of the chaos we need to make sure to keep our eyes on the true meaning of the holidays, and why we are doing it all.
by Aaron Griffith
When the weight of life becomes too heavy we naturally become weary and can lose focus on who we really are in Christ. When this happens, we must remember the Holy Spirit is always there, willing and able to give us refreshing and comfort. "Weary" is an attempt to capture one of those moments, I have experienced, while communing with the Holy Spirit.
Preaching to the Choir
by Al Boyce
Is our worship music helping with the Christian walk, or just dancing in the aisles? Leading true worship means bringing Christ to hurting people outside the church walls.
Peace in the Midst of Turmoil
by Gino Geraci
In times of turmoil, it is natural to focus on people, problems and circumstances rather than God. Although we seldom think about it, worship is even more necessary in times of trial, crises and disaster than anything else. Worship removes our focus from self, others and calamity, and redirects it to God.
by Lenora McWhorter
To experience freedom in worship and to make it a priority.
Daughter of the King
by Lesley-Anne Evans
Despair gives way to joy as a woman discovers her identity in Christ.
The Power of Worship
by Debra Lohrere
Singing praises to God or worshiping him opens up a window to heaven. As your praise reaches the heart of God, it becomes a two way stream of communication. As you touch God with your praise, his Holy Spirit touches you and ministers to you. Praise and worship can also open the door to blessings from God.
Palatial Discord
by Jan Ross
Poetic capture of discord resolving into harmony in the Saul's palace as he summons his armor-bearer ... David.
The Emerging Church View of Church
by Patrick Oden
Rather than authority constituting the church, the authority of the Church, and with it its functional leadership, is constituted only by those who are participants.
by Teri Millette
The poem "You" is about the Lord Jesus. It is a song that I wrote in 1994. It is about praising Him and giving Him the glory.
Run Forresst Run to Worship
by Rev. Will. Harrison Jr.
Yes, we do deserve or may well deserve what the devil is offering but the entire message of the Grace of God is that Mercy and Grace and Forgiveness is available from the Lord if we will turn "TO" Him instead.
by sanjay uplana
Amazingly Beautiful
This is a poem that reflects the need that we as god's people want.
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