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The Difference Between Praise and Worship
by James Barringer
Christian music is often referred to as "praise and worship," as if the two terms were interchangeable. Although they're frequently used that way, they actually mean two very different things.
by Tom Zart
All of Gods heroes depend on courage
To overcome the dilemmas of strife.
God wants us to follow in His footsteps
As we practice His majesty of life.
Is it wrong to use musical instruments in Christian worship services?
by Robert Randle
Singing praises to the Lord God is the most beautifully moving ways to honor and express our love of Him. On this point, there is unanimous agreement among the Christian Church; however, there is a group of believers who teach that it is "unscriptural" to use musical instruments and offer up spiritual songs, hymns, and psalms acappela-style in the worship services.
Jesus First
by glenn coon
What comes first, Jesus or doctrines?
The dangers of negativity
Having a form of godliness but denying its power
by Robert Randle
There are many Evangelical Christian laymen and clergy who believe in divine healings. Each Church and its leadership has different interpretations and traditional teachings regarding how this spiritual grace is administered. Are conditions today such that the healings taking place occur in private and not before the assembled saints, where all can praise the Lord for his great deliverance.
Just What is the Woman's Role in the Church?
by Robert Randle
It has been said, and quite truly, that women are the 'backbone' of the Church. many things would not get done in the Body of Christ were it not for the good sisters and their amazing organizational and time-management skills, spirituality, and devotion. Among more and more Christian Chrches is the prominence of women in positions which were previously almost exclusively held by men. Women are one-half of the Earth's population and control an ever-increasing amount of the wealth of the world, not to mention the old saying, "The hand that rocks the cradle guides the Nation," it should not be too surprising that women want more of an involvement in the things that pertain to life and godliness. There are many who welcome this change and there are those from the "Old School" who believe that this should not be so in the Church. The following are passages for your consideration.
Christian Mega-Churches: A Sign of the Times?
by Robert Randle
There is certainly nothing wrong with increasing numbers of people surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. On the Pentecost after Jesus' resurretion, about three thousand were added to the original one hundred twenty Galilean believers in the first and second chapter of ACTS. These adherents to the 'Faith' were taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its simplicity without any gimmicks,commercialism, merchandising, and religious entertainment or programs.
How to really worship the Lord God
by Robert Randle
To offer up the worship of praise and thanksgiving to the Creator of heaven and earth is not a matter to be taken lightly. This should be a time of awe, fear, and reverential pause, reflection, and silence before offering up these spiritual things to Him. This is not a time for playing, inattentiveness and socializing.
Are you offering "strange fire" to the Lord?
by Robert Randle
To offer up praises before the awesome God and Creator of the Universe for all His wonderful blessings should be accompanied by humility, love, and reverential fear. Sadly, for many parishoners it is a time of social mingling in the guise of peeudo-worship, predictable religious platitudes and feigned piety.
Everything Is Possible!
by louis gander
How can I define a tune, to all the deaf on earth?
Or find the nearest ocean, and walk its total girth?
Or explain a rainbow's color, to someone blind from birth?
Or begin to taste the smallest crumb of Gods tremendous worth?
Praise and Worship: Release The Power of God in Your Life
by Lorene Troyer
Would you like to learn how to release supernatural power of God in your life? Read on to find out how.
Understanding the Priesthood of Jesus Christ
by Oluwaseun Okikiola
An understanding of the priesthood of our Lord Jesus gives us the key to a life success and victory without limits. However, a lot of believers are ignorant about this and are suffering defeat. This article gives you an understanding of the role of Jesus as our High Priest and how you can take advantage of this to live a life of triumph
Almighty Applause: Reflections on Worship
by Vanessa Peters
"Almighty Applause" explores the disparity between our passion for worship and entertainment. Think about how people act at concerts, sporting events, or shows in contrast to their behavior at church. This article encourages Christians to worship wholeheartedly, and to look forward to church as an engaging event, rather than a ritualistic duty.
by Johanna Nielsen
One step, two steps. My feet begin to move. Faster and faster we move until I begin to realize my steps have become a dance. Click, click, click. Swoosh, click, swoosh. Rhythm. My feet begin to make music.
by Tom Zart
My favorite poet is God above
Who gives Earth its rhythm and rhyme.
Not pied pipers of misguided souls
Who promote distrust, hatred and crime.
Christ, Incomparable
by Fenny West
Christ, Incomparable
The First, and Adorable
God's Son, Preeminent
Great I Am, Immanent.
Attend Upon the Lord Without Distraction
Nehemiah would not be deterred in his mission to be about God's business of rebuilding the wall.
The Way
by Wilfred Tunyira
How do you accept the way: Christ Jesus Our Lord? Without him life has no meaning, we will forever walk in the path of his righteousness.
Sustainable Virtues
by Erik Estabrook
My wish for all to know Jesus well.
by Richard L. Provencher
Seniors are precious souls and need not only God's divine presence in their lives, but also the continued love and encouragement from family and friends. Amen. PT.
Be Free!
by Robert Totman
Going from burdened and unproductive to lifted up, free of cares and fruitful.
What Would You Have Done?
by Jeff Peterson
How would you have responded to Jesus if you met him face-to-face 2000 years ago? This article reassures Christians that we would have believed in Him, even then.
Permitted to wear the finest linen
by Andrea Stinson
Are you permitted to wear the finest linen .
Will you be found prepared for the wedding feast for the Lamb.
Where were You?
by Roger Jennings
This is the kind of talk that you would have heard 2005 years ago in Jerusalem a few days after they crucified Christ at Calvary. At that time I can see where there would be disbelief and doubt. People wanted a savior but not for what Jesus came to do.
true worship
by dumi nkomo
The Samaritan woman had discoursed with Jesus about her life. This portion of Scripture begins with discernment, "Sir I see that You are a prophet." That was worship and reverence. Worship is recognizing Who God is and what he represents.
She then added, "Our fathers worshipped (past tense) on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place we must worship (present tense) is in Jerusalem." The Samaritans had a past experience of worship and it was mountain worship. It was not the true worship because it was based on past tradition.
Heart of Worship
by Aaron Griffith
We as Christians are experts at division. We spend a great deal of our time and energy promoting what makes us different, sometimes at the expense of other Christians. One area that we do this so well is in our "worship" style, but what is worship? We have become so focused on pleasing ourselves by focusing on appeasing our preferences and attacking those who don't agree, that we have forgotten that worship is about focusing on God. We need to come back to the "heart" of worship.
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
by Adam Bennett
Communion is the moment where sorrow and joy meet most clearly in our Christian experience.
Self-indulgent worship
by Adam Bennett
Does it matter if we don't enjoy worship? Is it important for worship to suit our preferred style? The article explores what Zechariah the prophet said about self-indulgent worship.
Professional Praisers
by Dixie Phillips
A peek behind the scenes of Heaven.
Who? Me?
by Freda Douglas
A growing period for me came when I was a newly married lady and went to my church's school of missions and was asked to speak to a neighboring church. As an introvert this was an unseemly situation.
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