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  1. The Undiscovered Country by Don Costello  
    A Biblical reason why the majority of Americans did not want President Clinton removed from office during his administration.

  2. Politics & the Social Gospel by Mark Heatherly  
    What in the world is so wrong with people wanting to be good. This is not an exclusive right reserved strictly for Christians is it ? Why can't we embrace politicians therefore regardless of their spiritual beliefs & convictions or lack thereof who just want to be good & do good ? Hint...this is long but you must read on to get the real message.

  3. Finally a third political party that stands for freedom!!! by Tina Leonard  
    It is important as Christian Americans to support our Constitution and our Faith, learn more how you can do this because now we have the option! Remember we will all be held accountable!!

  4. Fredas Foibles 4-26-08 by Freda Douglas  
    Is it the NBA, NHL, NFL?
    Read this article to see who it really is

  5. I vote none of thee above by Tina Leonard  
    However, I do feel that the "spirit" of the antichrist is working through several avenues....including the "sleeping church" and leaders who refuse to stand upon the knowledge and wisdom of the truth of the Word of God.

  6. Say it isn't so by Tina Leonard  
    This in summary is about politics and Christianity, in the church and out. About judgmental Christians and how the church needs to truly stand up and be the church...or should I say kneel down and allow God to work through them.

  7. The Peace Core by Alan Allegra  
    Our title, The Peace Core, is not a misprint. It is a call to examine the true source, or core, of the peace we all long for. It is found in the Bible.

  8. Divided We Stand by Patrick Whalen  
    Once the numbers are counted, the victor will take the stage and show appreciation to the voters for recognizing the need for his, or her, leadership. If history is any indicator, the public will sit in their easy chairs eagerly waiting the coming day of unity. Predictably, it will not come.

  9. In a Starbucks Economy just give it to me black! by Tina Leonard  
    The economical, spiritual and moral recession of America

  10. The Spirit of Liberty by gonzodave coulon  
    I was so moved by this article, from a man who must be in his mid to late sixties, that I invite you to read his testimony and the many comments that have been posted. I salute Mr. "Phillip F. Tourney, Survivor June 8, 1967."

  11. The Cancer of Our Generation by Craig Chamberlin  
    There is a cancer that began to spread in America over 30 years ago. Becoming Godless was subtle at first, but now it has become a raging epidemic overthrowing the consiousness of my generation. We have lost our grounding, and without working to regain it, all will be lost.

  12. The Powerful Christian Vote by Justin Ferriman  
    With elections around the corner, the Christian vote must do some serious reflection.

  13. The Christian Nation: Christianity's Camelot by jamal smith  
    This article examines the concept of the Christian Nation from a historical point of view and the author's own thoughts at the end.

  14. Romney.....a speaker of the faithful? by Jim Hutson  
    Romney is to give a speech not far from where another presidential candidate once spoke against those who would hold his religious beliefs against him in the bid for the White House......

  15. Take Back Control by Freda Douglas  
    This article, written by a friend of mine and used with permission, is about a topic I believe all Americans should read and adhere to. I would encourage you to sign up for his newsletter. It's free and full of good tips.

  16. Abortion, Government Officials - and the Jesus of the Bible by Robin Calamaio  
    While there are many facets to the abortion argument, probably one of the most important - and often overlooked - is the role of governing officials in this matter. Does the Bible say anything about governing officials and abortion? A must read!

  17. Are Too Many Politicians Self-serving? by gene hudgens  
    Since most voters in America consider themselves Christians, this is an area that every Christian should have an interest in.

  18. The Secret Power of Ron Paul's Campaign by   
    Although Ron Paul is unimpressive by measurable standards, he represents ideas and philosophies that are greater than himself or any other man.

  19. Mass media vs. Christianity by David Conrad  
    This contempt for morality is not unique to the national media alone. Florida newspaper 'journalist' Bob Norman, refers to; "evangelical loonies", and "way out there Christian wackos". Robyn E. Blummer of the St. Petersburg Times stated in a report that Christians are trying in "Taliban-like ways to inject religion into public schools and the operations of government."

  20. A bad decision doesn't make it right by Jim Hutson  
    Pat Robertson, an often controversial and often misled Evangelical leader of the Christian Coalition, has endorsed Rudy Giuliani as his choice for President.
    Unfortunately, this flies in the face of what the Coalition claims to stand for, runs contrary to Christian beliefs, and violates the sacred trust that was given Robertson.
    Giuliani is representative of the problem with conservative Christians today.
    Acceptance of a standard far below what we should hold our politicians to.
    As Giuliani says, "I am not a threat"

  21. It's All Here in Black and White by Alan Allegra  
    Is America a Christian nation? Are Christians bigots? Does God love one race or country more than another?

  22. One Christian's View: Prayer in the Schools- No Thanks by Yvonne Reeves-Chong  
    If the concept of homosexual marriage alarms you, don't even think about school prayer! Whatever the church allows government to do, the church authorizes government to control.

  23. Faith in Politics- Election 2008: A Funny Thing Happen on the Road to the White House by Yvonne Reeves-Chong  
    A funny thing happened in 2000. On the road to Damascus, I mean on the way to the White House, everybody got God. Hogwash and Balderdash!

  24. Down The Tubes by Aaron Goulet  
    Embarrassing, embarrassing... No wonder why we're going down the tubes.

    This is a quote from Sgt. Dave Karsnia who interviewed Sen. Larry Craig, after the senator was busted trying to solicite sex in a public restroom. I didn't plan on writing about politics, but I was really struck by the truth of this statement.

  25. 'We Don't Do God' by Fenny West  
    Simply put, if you don't do God, you will 'do Satan' and he does not come openly saying, 'I am Satan.' He comes stealthily like an angel of light, camouflaged, a wolf in sheep's clothing with one aim: To kill, steal and destroy.

    Let us 'do God' in all our dealings and we shall not be disappointed or damned in our prosperity.

  26. This Jesus by sandra snider  
    The world system has its own thoughts and ideas on who Jesus is. Surprise: it's not the Jesus preached by the apostle Paul.

  27. Bumper Sticker Politics by Victoria Tkachuk  
    Bumper stickers, taglines on t-shirts and ringtones have come to say more about an individual than what they themselves could explain.

  28. Your Social Security by Stephen A. Peterson  
    Want to know some of the history of social security?

  29. Why America Is Great by   
    America was founded on Christian principles, but to truly understand what that means, you have to understand what those principles are.

  30. Longing For Heroes by   
    It seems that people are longing for heroes as if there are no real ones to be found. Perhaps it is that the superheroes of comics and television have warped our view of what a hero really is. They swoop in with no regard for their safety and save the day. Well, that is not entirely true. Everyone knows a superhero can't get hurt, but what I know to be true is real heroes bleed, real heroes die and sometimes they just die trying.


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