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Bitter Sweet Memories of Him
by harvestgal Ndaguba
I cried when I found out. I never thought I'd cry over him. Who was he anyway. Just someone that I spent half my life with.
Meeting Each Other's Emotional Needs
by Angie Lewis
How can couples prevent emotional infidelities from happening in their marriage? When two people become bonded through marriage they depend on one another for their emotional needs getting met.
Stop Blaming Your Wife When God is Holding You Accountable
What is the real, Biblical role of men in the marrriage/family relationship? Do you think you know? Read on to find out more.
Marriage: I Don't Love You Anymore
by Angie Lewis
If you want to save your marriage you have to "be committed"! You have to "show your love" through your commitment. It doesn't matter how you feel about each other as much as what you are going to do to stay married.
Confusion of Spiritual Headship and Submission
by Angie Lewis
Christian roles for marriage have become perverted. True or false?
Immoral Christian culture has taken hold of Christian society. True or false?
Feminism has turned a wife's responsibility in marriage upside down. True or false?
Is The Man Really Supposed To Be Head Of The Household?
With the divorce rate in the church virtually mirroring the rate in the world is there anything we can point to in order to stem the tide of failed marriages? Indeed there is. This article written by the Internet Pastor will turn on some lights in the heads of the readers... enjoy.
Restoring Marriage When Only One Spouse Is Willing
by Angie Lewis
By applying these steps into your marriage you will be putting God first in your life and marriage. You will be doing the will of God for your life. Blessed is the man (woman) who makes the LORD his trust. (Psalm 40:4)
Ten Preference Point Wife revised
by Marijo Phelps
The elk hunt of a lifetime! Think you know what happened, read on....
Christian Roles of Husband and Wife
by Angie Lewis
Submitting to your husband is an often-misunderstood concept. It doesn't mean to become a doormat. On the contrary, it means to follow your husband's leadership that is in Christ.
How To Productively Release Anger
by Angie Lewis
Anger is a deep-seated emotion that can remain bottled up within a person for years, and maybe forever. Loving someone who has anger problems is often difficult to do. Living with an angry person is like an emotional roller coaster ride because you never know when they might explode.
Five Wise Ways To Save Your Marriage
by Angie Lewis
Don't think that remarriage is going to make you happy or solve your problems. That's not reality. The reality is you can pick up the pieces and resolve your martial problems and be a better marriage partner because of it.
Treasure Casket
by Norma-Anne Hough
"Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be"
It's Molly's 80th birthday, what poem will Ted give her today?
Story of an elderly couple and their strong love for one another.
Secret to Marriage Longevity
by H. Lena Jones
The secret to marriage longevity can be summarized into five (5) words: Find out what they are...(no, those are not the five words...)
Husbands Instructed To Love Wife and Wife Instructed To Submit
by Angie Lewis
If you want to have a happy marriage then don't treat your marriage like everyone else does. Love in society is not the same kind of love that Jesus taught! If a husband doesn't love his wife properly, in the ways taught by Christ, she in turn will not love (submit to) her husband. Societies view of love has turned marriage upside down. This is the basis for most, if not all, marriage problems. A Christian marriage must be managed with God at the forefront!
Stop Being Abusive In Your Marriage And Be Assertive Instead
by Angie Lewis
When we are frustrated, disappointed, stressed, or angry what happens? We use our emotions in negative ways with our spouse. This causes a chain reaction and they become abusive back. But this kind of interaction between married couples does not resolve anything, but only makes things worse!
Society needs to take tougher stance on "Cheating" spouses
by Robert Randle
Is there something within a man, his DNA, chromsomes, or hormones which drive him to seek out another, violating the marriage contract ["covenant"] to his life long partner? More importantly, do the civil laws or State Legislatures and judicial proceedings make it easier to commit adultery by not punishing or relegating such behavior as unacceptable? Lastly, do husbands consider the wife as "bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh," or merely, just as a "spare" rib?
by Anthony Osei Boateng
Love is the element which drives one to lay the entirety of his or her resources and a totality of his or her being at the disposal of another in a sacrificial manner, with the aim of bettering the lot of the other. It inconveniences itself for the convenience of another.
Save Your Marriage by Going To The Root of the Problem
by Angie Lewis
There is so much written about "how to save a marriage" it can seem a bit overwhelming at times. The truth is no one can really save your marriage but you. Marriage gurus can throw out the breadcrumbs, but in the end it is all about you and your willingness to do what really needs to be done to save your marriage.
by Anthony Osei Boateng
Husbands and wives should have this intensive oneness always. One can even joke that husbands and wives would make the "best partners in crime". This oneness should however be utilised positively.
by Anthony Osei Boateng
When one is offended in any way by his or her partner, there is the tendency for this offence to be used as an avenue to hurt the offending partner. Many people outrightly refuse to forgive their part
Biblical Shakespeare: "To be ('divorced') or not to be (unhappily married ever after); that is the Question?"
by Robert Randle
Marriage is not the fairy tale that some would have it to be. It is not Cinderella with her beautiful Royal Ball dress and glass slippers meeting, falling in love and finally tying the knot with the handsome prince. More importantly is the trauma of a divorce, whether from irreconcilable differences, spousal abuse (physical, verbal, or mental), infidelity, abandonment, or conjugal blackmail; it is still painful and the scars can last a lifetime.
The Biblical perspective on the Institution of Marriage
by Robert Randle
There is quite a controversy today on who can be married and who cannot. Is there really a predertermined set of biological or gender determinants which God has ordained which encompasses any religious and civil laws; and of which are unalterable?
Irreconcilable Differences is the Hardened Heart
by Angie Lewis
Irreconcilable differences are a bureaucratic term used in divorce proceedings describing a myriad of reasons why couples divorce. The state grants divorce for couples because of hardened hearts, which is the inability to reconcile differences. Actually everyone has the ability to reconcile differences with their spouse but selfishness stands in the way.
What Benefit a Marriage Bible Study is.
by harvestgal Ndaguba
Wow, after 5 years, 3 kids, 3 different jobs and 4 different coutries we've lived in, I can say our marriage grows sweeter every day. Everyday we learn and grow. We've had our serious ups and downs, but what has made it work? The answer is God.
God Desinged Marriage To Be Permanent
by Angie Lewis
God designed marriage to be permanent. He did not change His own law and allow for divorce! That is absolutely ridiculous. Moses changed the law because of people's hardened hearts! Back in Moses days, husbands were throwing their wives out into the streets where they were being raped, brutally beaten and sometimes killed.
Pornography Addiction: Playing With Fire
by Angie Lewis
How does a woman captivate you with her eyes (body)? Your mind is allowing her to captivate you. And when she does all kinds of neat tricks to keep you looking she has caught you just like an animal hunts its prey. You have now become her prey each and every time you go back and view pornography. She (porn) now has control of your body and your mind and your spirit. You are being controlled by it.
Joined at the Rib
by Teresa Altman
25_ Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for her
26_ that He might sanctify and cleanse her(Eph 5:25-26 NKJV)
by Anthony Osei Boateng
John 3:16 states that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Is Resentment Destroying Your Marriage?
by Angie Lewis
Resentment is a very powerful emotion. In fact, anyone who harbors this terrible emotion shouldn't be trying to make rational decisions for themselves or their marriage. I would even venture to say that most divorces are because of unmet and unfulfilled emotions, which is what this emotion is!!
by Anthony Osei Boateng
There are moments in marriage whereby both spouses feel intense love and affection towards each other. During such periods, both parties do their best to please each other and everything looks perfect
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