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  1. How Divorce Influences the Next Generation by Nellie Shani  
    Divorce is all about the next generation!

  2. Thoughts on Finding Your Lifetime Mate by Marijo Phelps  
    Who do you talk with regarding the person you should marry?

  3. Marriage Preparation: Morals Lessons From George Eliots Middlemarch by Angie Lewis  
    If we marry someone because we think they are handsome, kiss good, and have a good job, the marriage will most likely be asking for trouble soon after the wedding. Let's take a look at a Masterpiece classic, Middlemarch and see what moral lessons we can uncover for conducting our relationships with the opposite sex today?

  4. The Importance of Truth in Marriage by Greg Baker  
    One of the most destructive aspects of most marriages is that we rarely like to hear the truth about what our spouse really thinks about us. Most people hate criticism. They don't want to be corrected. But until you are able to accept the truth from your mate, you'll continually be mired in the quicksand of denial. This could destroy your marriage.

  5. Do You Have What It Takes To Have A Happy Marriage? by Greg Baker  
    Everyone is looking for some magic formula that doesn't exist. We wonder if our marriage problems are do to a lack of talent or intelligence. What does it take? Do you need a special skill set? Find out if you have what it takes to have a happy marriage.

  6. You Need Preventive Maintenance In Your Marriage by Greg Baker  
    The most common mistake we make in marriage is the failure to provide preventive maintenance. For the average couple, marriage is either real good or real bad. There seems to be little middle ground. I counsel so many marriages that are doing fine one day and suddenly snap the next. All of this could have been avoided if we would follow a few simple principles of preventive maintenance in our marriages.

  7. Marital Duties of the Christian Husband and Wife by Angie Lewis  
    More and more men are being emasculated by their wives. Consequently men are looking outside of America for suitable marriage spouses so they may find a good woman who will treat him like a man. I know of many such marriages and the wives are treated with love and almost anything their heart desires.

  8. Two Shall Become One by Rev. Daniel Thrower  
    A vow can never be kept in marriage unless we exercise submission to God andone another.

  9. The Secret To A Wife's Happiness by Greg Baker  
    Although it is impossible to lump every womanor maninto a single category, in the decade that I have been counseling marriages, I have found that the vast majority of women who struggle in their marriage all lack the same ingredient. It seems to be a secret to most men as to what this ingredient is and, strangely, most women can't put a finger on it either, they just know something is wrong. It's a secret that shouldn't be a secret.

  10. Why Does God Ask The Wife To Submit To Her Husband? by Greg Baker  
    If there is a verse in the Bible that the modern womanand even societygets all bent out of shape about, it is Ephesians 5:22. But why? Scriptures teach that a woman is to be uplifted and revered. Why does God ask for her to submit to her husband? Read on.

  11. The Right Christian Philosophy Of Marriage by Greg Baker  
    The Christian view of marriage is unique. It provides purpose and meaning to a relationship that is treated with almost contempt in main stream society. Yes, Christians believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. But that is only a start and a basic one at that.

  12. How to Cope With a Christian Cheating Spouse by Angie Lewis  
    What do most Christian people do when they discover their spouse had or is having an affair? They ultimately go to their friends, family and or pastor of their church and publicly expose their spouse's sin. This would be ok if any of these people could actually do something to help.

  13. What's On Your Mind will Effect Your Marriage by Dr. Lee Miller  
    Marriage is a blessing instituted by God and yet I believe we all can agree, at times is very complicated. Learning how to effectively communicate with each other can help weed out the rough edges in a relationship.

  14. Turtle Book Prequel Outrageous Ideas About Sex Before Marriage Series by Marijo Phelps  
    The Lord had a plan and we didn't have a clue yet, or did we?

  15. Immature Marriage Attitudes by Greg Baker  
    We go into this thing called marriage with some incredibly immature attitudes. Find out how immature your marriage might be and what you can do to fix it.

  16. Same-sex marriage case closes: Roman Catholic teaching says 'marriage is between a man and a woman' by Peter Menkin by Peter Menkin  
    Of the kind of argument posed in San Francisco regarding the California initiative Proposition 8 that disallows homosexual marriage in the state, is the argument offering religion is a major cause of anti-Gay and Lesbian prejudice. Catholic News Agency (CNA) reports on the case recently before the Federal Court in San Francisco...

  17. How a Budget Can Help Save Your Marriage by Greg Baker  
    Without a doubt, mismanagement of financial resources is one of the leading causes of divorce and marital turmoil. Gaining control of your money and income will provide stability and security in the home. Read this article to learn how and why.

  18. SOUL MATES UNITED by Paul Curtis  
    Since the first day
    When my life was blessed

  19. Ten Sins of the Christian Husband or of Any Husband by Greg Baker  
    Historically, the problems that men tend to have as husbands are fairly predictable. Every man is different and places a unique spin or flavor on these issues, but in general, the problems tend to be rather the same. Here is a list of ten issues that Christian men, and every other man for that matter, typically struggle with when it comes to their marriage.

  20. How Should a Christian Husband Love His Wife? by Angie Lewis  
    If a husband cannot keep himself from looking, touching, or bedding another woman other than his wife then he most likely is doing something wrong in his walk with Jesus.

  21. How to Fight With Your Spouse Without Killing Your Marriage by Dr. Sharon Schuetz  
    One of the most crucial things that all couples need to learn is how to fight. How you deal with conflict has a much greater effect on your relationship than you realize.

  22. The Faithfulness of God the Father by Daniel Myers  
    In one capacity or another, I have always known about God and about His Son Jesus Christ. I just never put the whole salvation thing together until 1984 when a dear friend of mine led me to the Lord and I was saved.

  23. Is Your Spouse Cheating? by Angie Lewis  
    he pandemic of adultery in marriage today is all about the cheaterthey are mislead into believing that they can defraud and disrespect another person's physical space while at the same time trespass against the marriage bed.

  24. Most Blessed Of All by Trish Thompson  
    A love thought to my husband.

  25. Wonders Of Weather by Trish Thompson  
    A love thought to my husband.

  26. How a Christian Wife is to be a Helpmeet to Her Husband by Angie Lewis  
    Emotionally she encourages her husband to be the man of God that was meant for him to be. She is an asset to her husband when she supports him in his callings and endeavors in life and praises his continual efforts in the Lord. She should refrain from trying to control, browbeat or boss her husband around because that is not what God has called her to do.

  27. I Think I Married the Wrong Person by Angie Lewis  
    Most of us have felt, sometime in our marriage, that we married the wrong person, especially when marital issues arise and things are not going so well in the marriage. After all, we want to be happy, not stuck in a loveless, lifeless, or sexless marriage, right? But have you ever wondered how you got yourself to where you are at in your marriage in the first place?

  28. How Can I Love My Unbelieving Spouse? by Angie Lewis  
    Are you reborn a new person in Christ? Do you love your unbelieving spouse unconditionally or are you resentful and bitter inside? We have to be careful how we as believers betray ourselves to others, especially to those who have not accepted the Lord for their life.

  29. Where has Commitement in Marriage Gone? by naomi Cassata  
    Marriage is tough! Blending two lives together with different backgrounds can never be easy even. Our culture's view on marriage has sliped into the church. Find out the missing ingredient in marriage today, in my article.

  30. The Divorce of Marriage by Yuri Solomon  
    Marriage may be optional or disposable in our minds, but this is anything but a reality. The pain is real; the cost is high, and the pathology is virtually unstoppable.
    When marriage in youth is postponed for social and material achievement, there is practically nothing left around which to build and grow a marriage. assured that the Christian life will always bring us to the choice of seeking our pleasure or seeking God's glory, and both cannot be sought simultaneously.


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