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Miracles of the 20th Century Part One. The Intervention
by Jeremiah Hodge
12/07/2007 / Miracles
I accepted Jesus on March 26th 1985, during a 64 day 24 hour a day revival in Dallas, Texas.
On that day my life changed forever and the bible became alive in ways that I could never have imagined. The following year our Lord sent me to Israel and then to Canada and the Phillippines as a missionary.
Many christians today feel that we must travel to distant foreign lands, to see the hand of God perform miracles. However, this is not true. Some of the most stunning miracles that I have witnessed occured right here in the United States. I would like to share one.
In 1988 I had just returned from a missionary tour in The Phillipines. I was working as a line cook for Johnson and Johnson Hospital Services in New Jersey.
I loved my job in the cafeteria of this large facilty. I made a nice income and could eat as much as I wanted. It also gave me a chance to share my faith in Christ.
Everyday two women "Fran" and "Anne" would come down to the cafeteria for lunch. They were both executive assistants and really liked me a lot. Anne and I would often sit together and talk about The Lord.
Actually I had a deep crush on her. She was a beautiful hispanic woman and possesed a wonderful personality.
One day Anne came down to the cafeteria for lunch, followed shortly afterward by Fran. They came up to me, hugged me and told me that they would be leaving the next day (Saturday) to fly to Puerto Rico.
They were taking their vacation together. I was very happy for them and promised to pray for them to have safe trip.
The next day I was at home in my bedroom. It was a very hot summer evening. I was preparing to watch a movie, have dinner and then pray until I fell asleep.
I started into my kitchen to get a cup of coffee and suddenly I had this overwhelming sense of fear. It hit me right in the pit of my stomach. It came from nowhere and kept getting stronger. I felt a strong urge to pray. It was a very intense feeling that something was not right.
I went back to my room and knelt down in front of my window. As I started to pray, I suddenly found myself on an airplane. I could feel violent shaking and towards the front of the Plane I could see Fran and Anne, with a look of terror on their faces.
I began to pray long and hard, asking God to save my friends. I was crying and pleading with him to help the people. Suddenly the feeling of fear departed, followed by an amazing sort of peace. I wrote down what happened in my diary and immediatley shared the incident with my mom.
Two weeks later I was preparing for the lunch crowd at work. I heard someone call me and as I looked up, Anne and Fran came running towards me. They hugged me and gave me a gift wrapped in beautiful red paper.
Anne looked at me and with a smile said, "You will never guess what happened."
Before she could reply I said, "let me tell you what happened." "There was a problem with the plane". "Some sort of engine problem." "Then the problem seemed to correct itself."
The women were amazed and asked me, "how did you know."
"We had to make an emergency landing." I then shared with them the incident and when we compared the time, the engine trouble started at about 8pm, nearly the exact time I had been led to pray. The plane had been in the air for only a short time.
We were all totally amazed. Anne and Fran shared this account with many people. It is now quite well known, a true testimony to the awesome power and mercy of my best friend. God!
I am a humble servant of God. I love people and teach the bible in serveral nations. I have suffered much in my life, but God has been very good to me providing me with incredible graces.
Article Source: WRITERS
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