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One Way to Start Writing the Next Novel in Your Series
by Tonja Taylor
3/15/2023 / Writing
"Of the making of many books there is no end," the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart about 11 p.m. in 2014, at a ministers' conference in another state.
That was confirmed through a prophet a few years later (By the way, true prophecy is meant to comfort and confirm, not direct one's life. A true prophecy from the LORD will help you ascertain what the Holy Spirit Who is God has already been talking to you about! In addition, if what a "prophet" says does not line up with the Word of God, then ignore it; disregard it. Those who truly are serving as mouthpieces for Christ, Who is the Truth, will never speak anything that is not aligned with God's pure Word!).
I have obeyed, but the LORD showed me there is more writing to be done. He is a good, good Father, and very merciful and patient. However, He has been impressing me that the time is short before the return of King Jesus--and that He needs me to do more.
I have repented for ignoring and not respecting enough the LORD and His mandate to write more!
We must take ourselves out of the picture. Getting the will of God done is not really about us; it's about the LORD being able to flow through us as He wills, to reach as many people as possible with the Good News of Jesus Christ--that they can be born again into His eternal Kingdom of Life, and have a heavenly existence on earth!
As Princess Pearl often says (or thinks) in The P.O.W.E.R.* (Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards) Girl! series, (writing often is "a little scary, but a lot exciting."
I didn't intend to preach first in this writing, but I yield to the LORD, Who knows all things. Perhaps you and I both needed to be reminded of that!
As I have learned to say, Elohim is the Writer, the Author. I am a Royal Scribe (Matthew 13:52), and what an honor it is!
52 He said to them, Therefore every teacher and interpreter of the Sacred Writings who has been instructed about and trained for the kingdom of heaven and has become a disciple is like a householder who brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and [treasure that is] old [the fresh as well as the familiar].--Matthew 13:52, AMPC
If you are a writer reading this and desiring to bring glory to God in your writing, then you are also a Matthew 13:52 Royal Scribe! Hallelujah!
Here is the strategy the LORD gave me, starting with Book Three of my series: To make a document of "Plot Lines" with a chapter-by-chapter synopsis, for each book.
Maybe you already knew that, and perhaps I've read it somewhere, but it seemed like fresh manna to me. Hallelujah!
The Holy Spirit is so faithful to lead us into all truth, and bring to our remembrance everything we need to know!
But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.--John 14:26, AMPC
This is a form of outline. I've tried outlining the usual way, and have tried using computer programs, and such. They have not worked for me.
The LORD taught me to go back through my first two novels and highlight any events or points that needed to be continued through the timeline, or at least brought to a satisfactory resolution, and not just dropped.
After all, readers expect certain storylines to continue; that is the core of the series!
So, while doing that, He also taught me to create a chapter-by-chapter synopsis.
Today, when I finally sat down to actually write my fourth novel in the P.O.W.E.R.* Girl series, I realized that I needed to do that for this novel--even though I didn't have all the details.
I asked the LORD to help me, and I yielded to Him, Elohim; the Spirit Who creates (Genesis 1)!
I got quiet, and started making a sort of outline, with each chapter being a month (This has worked well for me to get a sense of timing on when I want certain things to happen realistically, for example, Pearl enrolling in Grace Academy in March (which is a common time for students to enroll in private school), and starting in August.).
So chapter one is January. What happens, or should happen, in January? I thought. Time to update the Vision List (New Year's goals) for everyone. Also, the kids are continuing homeschool (a new thing for Xi), and it's still winter, but they can plan the garden, and make it a multi-subject project. Also, it's time for Pearl to start learning to play the harp, now that she has one, which Ms,. Sophia gave her for Christmas (a proof that God is honoring Pearl's faith in Him to help fulfill her Vision List).
It's also Ms. Sophia's birthday (although she says she'll never reveal her age), and she wants to treat them to free tickets to see the magnificent dancing horses of Vienna, the Lipizzans (which has been another biggie on Pearl's Vision List). So the LORD kept adding to these basic details, and what could be dull in reality will now be an interesting January in the book.
Chapter two is February, which is easier in some ways, because there is Valentine's Day. Let's see. Yes, let's have a Valentine banquet at the church, and the pastor exhorts the congregation to "show more love to others this year, and in different ways than before." Pearl decides to use her harp to bring joy to others, although she hasn't had many lessons. The parents in the homeschool group want to bless the elderly and other needy ones in the area, and Queen Mother gets the kids and Burt and Risa involved in helping them.
Chapter three is March, and flowers are blooming and they are all getting excited about warmer weather and planting the garden, not to mention having less rain. They hear about the spring festival coming up, and the family volunteers to help. Again, Pearl wants to play the harp to be a blessing, and now has more knowledge.
The rest of the chapters continue with each month. Of course, that doesn't mean there will be only 12 chapters in the book! This is just an excellent way the LORD helps me get rolling!
Essentially, I am writing the book by doing the plot points/outline, and the LORD will help me fill in the gaps.
Between reviewing the previous books and incorporating the highlighted plot points so I don't drop them before resolving them, and creating a chapter-by-chapter synopsis, this is an easy and delightful way to go forward.
I trust that at least some of this information will be helpful to you. Now go forth and write the right!
That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.--Psalm 26:7, KJV
Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.
Article Source: WRITERS
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