Word Count: 399
Contact Lewis E. Thomas
by Lewis E. Thomas
9/23/2022 / Poetry
This rhyme is about my memories of the past when I walked "WITHOUT" God!
Those days when I was oblivious to the darkness I was walking in on the path I used to trod!
If God would, I would not ask him to take my past memories of rebellion from my mind!
If not for those memories that grieve me now, I wouldn't be writing this rhyme!
Without those memories I would not be able to measure the "GREAT THINGS" that God has done for me!
I would not be able to see the long, sinful journey I made, before he "SAVED" me and set me "FREE"!
My old days of rebellion make the GRACE he gave me through my journey to find him, ever more "SO SWEET"!
No, I won't give up my memories, because they show me the patience he had with me, they are precious, and something that I "MUST KEEP"!
You can't have my memories of those days when I ignored him to do my "OWN THING"!
Those days when my unholy deeds grieved the "MIGHTY KING of Kings!
I "NEED" those memories of "PAST TIMES" when I walked in carnal lusts and Sin!
They show me how far God has lifted me up and out of my old "LIFE OF SIN"!
Oh, how spiritually blind "I WAS" back when I was young!
In my youth I thought I was smart and wise but I was quite foolish and spiritually dumb!
God never gave up on me during those days when I deserved to be cast into Hell!
Today concerning the spiritual condition of my soul, I can truly say "ALL is WELL"!
My memories take me back to my yesterdays when I wallowed in the filthy mire and mud of Sin!
They show me where I would "STILL BE" if Jesus had not washed me in his blood and guided me to become Born Again!
No Sir! My memories are precious to me and something that I would never "GIVE UP"!
They remind me that if not for God's grace I would still be "LOST and totally "CORRUPT"!
You can't have my memories...
Lewis E. Thomas
This poem dedicated to Pastor
Voddie Baucham, an awesome man of God!
Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS
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