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Measurement Of Love

by Olawale Ogunsola  
8/26/2022 / Marriage

Love is the main thing that sustains any relationship. Where love is absent, hatred or love look-alikes will reign supreme. The usual end result is bitter stories.

Love exists between two or more individuals. Each member of the team loves himself and loves others as much as he loves himself.

One important thing about love is that, it cannot be hidden. An "Open rebuke is better
Than hidden love." Proverbs 27:5.
Love needs to be expressed to have value.

One who loves another person knows that he loves that person. He also knows the extent or the depth of his love for the other fellow. As an example, Elkanah, the husband of Hannah in the Holy Bible, declares about his love for his wife thus,
"Hannah, why do you weep? Why do you not eat? And why is your heart grieved? Am I not better to you than ten sons?" 1 Samuel 1:8.

The man knew the extent of his love for his wife. The Holy Scriptures bear witness, " But to Hannah he would give a double portion, for he loved Hannah, although the Lord had closed her womb." 1 Samuel Chapter 1: 5.

Although Hannah was without a child, Elkanah loved her. This is an unconditional love. To demonstrate this further, he used to give a double portion to her. Is this love not expressed? The man in love knew it and declared it so.

Not only this, a loved person can easily discern it and say so. This was the case with the love that existed between Jonathan and David, who later became king in Israel. When David heard about the demise of Jonathan, he lamented and described Jonathan's love for him thus,
"I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan,
You have been very pleasant to me,
Your love to me was wonderful,
Surpersing the love of women." 2 Samuel 1:26.

That is a measure of love for you from the mouth of someone who was loved.
Do you know that love can also be measured by people around two lovers? Yes it can. The love between Ruth and Naomi was glaring to all around them. What was the measurements from the people? The Holy Scriptures reveals,
"And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age: FOR YOUR DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, who loves you, WHO IS BETTER THAN SEVEN SONS, has borne him." (Capitals mine)) Ruth4:15.

Beloved reader, are you in love with others? Can others say sweet and memorable things about you when you are alive or when you have gone in the way of all flesh?
Be a lover of God and people around you. Let it be seen by those who matter.
Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord.

SALVATION MESSAGE: It is salient to become a new person today by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Confess your sins to Him and He will forgive you forever. Determine to forsake your sins and He will give you the Holy Spirit to help you in the journey of your life so that you can live to please Him. Remain blessed in Jesus name.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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