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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
4/18/2022 / Health

For thousands and thousands of years, the People in Power (Kings, Aristocracy) and their rich estates were visible to everybody. These powerful positions proved to be disastrously vulnerable in the presence of Satan worshipping SECRET ORDERS, fueled by money creation (Banking Industry) and by terrible greed and sin incentives.

Read some history, see what they have been able to do recently to the Kings and the Aristocracy, everywhere.

  1. Rothschild said, “Who can defeat, or even fight, an enemy they cannot see?” The new rulers remain invisible and rule by proxy, by pawns, by puppet regimes, by infiltration, by lies, by deepest conspiracies and deadly secrecy, in obedience and loyalty to Satan and their Satanic religion.

Having eliminated nearly all opponents, after two World Wars, the Satanists, now, are “cleaning” and setting up the “house” (this world), which they have captured for themselves. Many fear, that a terrible population containment (mass murder) is a part of their planning.

A Stealth mRNA, acting over a long period, might be the ideal instrument for this. An invented fairytale of a disease or epidemic could later be blamed for this mass murder. Time blurs an awareness of cause and effect. That’s why it’s called STEALTH.


There might be several reasons.

For ONE, the god of these Satan Worshippers demands theft, agony, abuse and murder. These interesting people have always sacrificed to Satan, routinely, in their soundproof windowless Lodges.

EVIL demands suffering, cruelty and death.

For a SECOND reason, large populations are no longer an asset, in the absence of wars, under a Global Government and in the presence of automation and AI (artificial intelligence). They have become redundant. You suppose these Devils really want to feed, clothe and house “billions of turkeys, which they actually hate and despise”?

How about depletion of resources, endless use of dwindling raw materials, pollution, poverty (largely artificial), desperate need of water and sewers?

And there is a THIRD, this time more potent aspect among all of that. Real “Population Explosion” can eventually become a danger to the Planet.

You don’t believe it? Observe.

The present POPULATION GROWTH is nearly 2% per year. In the past, correcting for lack of medical advances and longevity, a growth of 0.5 % per year is historically acceptable, with population reductions of 70% every 70 years due to epidemics, old age and war. Using these figures, we obtain 3.5 billion people in 4000 years from a single set of parents. 

If the Neanderthal type of man existed only one million years ago, we obtain, at 0.5 % annual increase, about 10 raised to the power of 2110 people on earth! 
(That is 2110 zeros behind the ten) Consider that the number of molecules in the entire earth is less than 10 raised to the power of 56.

You can appreciate that an unchecked birth rate can be, eventually, disastrous.

The appearance of MAN is extremely recent, nothing whatever like the eons suggested by the Luciferians (Devil Worshippers). Both written human history and architectural evidence date back only a few thousand years.


Because man has been on this planet no more than 5-10 thousand years.
A longer period is mathematically and biologically impossible.

All the Luciferian "MISSING LINKS" of "evolution" have been proven to be frauds, just like their Nebraska Man, who was "restored by artists, with clay and plastics" from a single tooth of a pig.

Could their PANDEMICS be another such colossal LIE?


 The globalists erected enormous marble monoliths, bearing inscriptions of the “TEN COMANDMENTS” of GLOBALISTS, in 5 languages. Nobody knows who provided the money. The first Commandment is to “MAINTAIN THE EARTH’S POPULATION TO FEWER THAN 500 MILLION, in constant balance with nature”.  Since we have currently 7 000 million people on earth, this means a required reduction of over 93 % of earth’s population. Look it up on internet.

 What do you suppose is still coming? And when?


Observe what these “people” have been doing already in the past. Very few of their criminal topics and measures are here mentioned. But these few do define the character and intentions of the present, invisible, power holders.

 Below are a few examples stealth devices and some poisons continuously used against the population in the past. This will characterize the character and intentions of the hidden powerholders behind the scenes.


The interaction of radio frequency emissions with living systems has been an open and unanswered question for many decades. The public keeps receiving lying denials. Magnetic Biology is never taught in any medical school, not in chemical research, not in any engineering, not in Physics. Why?

Why keep it a secret? We are completely surrounded by magnetic emissions.

Hemoglobin (blood) contains iron. Does iron not always exhibit magnetic tendencies?

Microwave Radio Frequencies have been used now for some time in COMBAT. That alone should be sufficient to rate them as potentially dangerous or deadly. It has been used against opposing Embassies, in combat, used against Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland.

Weak and harmless radiation? Why not listen to a real PHYSICIST, formerly in service with the Government of England. What does he have to say?

Berry Trower –WIFY affecting children and pregnancy, our adult brains, our immunity.

 Clicking on this may not work. This subject is a giant Tabu. Articles disappear rapidly. Copy the address and paste it into your search engine. Or type Barrie Trower into your search engine and browse.

There are reports that sufficient 60 Gigahertz radio frequency, mm waves, 180 modulations, can cause RESPIRATORY COLLAPSE and DEATH.

Some say, that this is the reason, the purpose, for which the 5G (40 to 90 MHz) was brought out. Who paid for the installation? There are no immediate profits from it.

Their interest in this frequency band stems from a phenomenon of nature. The oxygen molecule (O2) absorbs electromagnetic energy at 60 GHz like a piece of food in a microwave oven. The O2 electrons cease ordered orbits and commence spinning.

At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen.

The impact of oxygen molecules, with spinning electrons, is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body.

In this event there is diminished bonding with Hemoglobin and acute respiratory distress. If this is allowed to escalate the patient will suffocate.

The entire existing RF (radio frequency) system (1G to 4 G), with 2.4 GHZ, already affects WATER. Our bodies are 70% water. Its exact function is still unknown, except to Rockefeller Luciferians.

FLUORIDE – Poisonous or Beneficial, What?

 Stalin (Communist Russia) always used fluoridation of water, especially in the gulags. Hitler used it extensively, but never inside Germany. It is now largely forbidden in Europe, except in areas like Ireland. You can figure out why, yourself.

 Fluoride is a potent poison, but in sub lethal dosage it acts as a SEDATIVE, makes the population more compliant. Prozac, a SSRI antidepressant, contains a fluoride molecule. Many modern general anesthetics contain fluoride.  The main reason water fluoridation is pushed upon the general public today is for POPULATION REDUCTION.

 Statistics are very difficult to obtain, but there is consensus that IN FLUORIDATED AREAS FERTILITY RATES ARE REDUCED BY  5 - 15 PERCENT, leaving the population with a flood of chronic health problems.

  Statistically, fluoridated areas have the SAME incidence of carries (tooth decay) as the non-fluoridated ones. Fluoridated areas are actually worse off due to cosmetic problems, like dental splotches and pigmentation. There are a host of “peripheral benefits”, of fluoridation, bestowed by these charming people on our unsuspecting public, like increase in PATHOLOGICAL OBESITY (overweight), doubling and tripling the incidence of BONE FRACTURES (osseous changes), cardio vascular debility (heart attacks, strokes), endocrine imbalance (hormonal), thyroid dysfunction, arthritis, premature aging and lowered intellect. Nice, what?

 Only reverse osmosis filters can reduce fluoride in drinking water (up to 95 %).  Water distillation removes it completely. The so called “purified water”, sometimes, is equivalent to tap water; because that’s what it might be. Fortunately, not all of it. Check it out.

 In poorer countries they simply add the fluoride to table salt. There you must buy SEA SALT to avoid it.

 ASPERTAME (NUTRASWEET), artificial sweetener. (Sweet Misery)

 Statistically, the occurrence of pathological obesity (fat people) in England is 6 %. In USA it is 36%! Why?

Aspartame is the principal agent causing overweight. It contains a mixture of 3 terrible, separate poisons, methanol, as hydrolytic byproduct, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. IT REDUCES BIRTHRATE SOME  15% to 40%, making most users chronically ill. For 17 years the Food and Drug administration would not permit its use, until a political appointee of the Reagan administration pushed it through.

Every test animal given aspartame had lesions on the hypothalamus at autopsy.  The other “peripheral benefits” include mild to severe reduction of intelligence (IQ), promoting and then severely aggravating existing diabetes, pathological obesity, endocrine dysfunction, brain tumors, lymphomas and leukemia, just to name a few of these great “blessings”, wished by them upon us.

 SUCRALOSE- Splenda.

 The perpetrators are getting concerned about the gigantic statistical evidence of massive damage from aspartame and are launching another artificial sweetener, SUCRALOSE, before eventual law suits materialize. There is insufficient reproducible evidence available for sucralose, but early studies report probable promotion of cancers, as only one of many suspected side effects.

Sucralose breaks down on cooking, producing toxic chloropropanols, especially PCDF and DIOXIN, related to Agent Orange, possibly the most dangerous chemical known to man. There are reports of genetic damage, Leukemia (bone cancer), endocrine dysfunction (hormonal, loss of fertility), severe gastro-intestinal complaints due to destruction of intestinal flora (beneficial bacteria, damage lasts 3 months from single ingestion), seizures, migraines, OBESITY (alters glucose and glp-1 levels) and diabetes. Only some of the studies are in.  The dear establishment declares the product safe. Such wonderful people, no?

 Only saccharin, which they removed, has been shown to be harmless. The dear Searle Co. gave test Animals a 5000 times dose of saccharin until some showed tumors on the urinary bladder. Had they given them 5000 times dose of plain salt, or even sugar, they would have killed them outright.


 This is an excitotoxin, a poison, producing neurological severe excitation. It is used commercially to tenderize meat and enhance taste response. As one man aptly put it, “it will, eventually absorbed, tenderize your brain, as well”. Produces severe chronic inflammation with chronic use. We must read the labels of what we buy, for sheer self-preservation. Look up its devastating effects on the internet.


 The most direct and effective way to introduce chemical poisons or infective agents into the public is certainly by INJECTION.

 Thimerasal, a topical “paint-on” antibacterial containing mercury, was taken off the market because of local toxicity and some, most minute, systemic absorption.  Now these Dear People are injecting this mercury, as “preservative”, in children’s vaccines!  Some of these injectables claim to be preservative free. But when I read the accompanying literature, it said “contains trace amounts of mercury due to the manufacturing process”, in very small print, at the end.  At the lab the content of mercury was shown to be three times as high as before! The same applies to flu vaccines, as far as I heard.

 At the age of 2 years the infant would have received 29 vaccines, some while still in the mother’s tummy, “to prevent Rubeola infections”! I have never seen Rubeola in a pregnant woman, but have seen the devastating affects o pushing mercury into the most tiny brain of the developing fetus (baby), before any blood-brain barrier defenses could have developed.

 This almost guaranties to destroy or damage the baby’s reproductive capacity as well as a probable reduction of IQ by 10 to 50 points or more. We now have a virtual epidemic of “congenital” idiots, Autism, ADD types (attention deficit and neurological malfunctions), etc. Autism (idiots) had a frequency of occurrence of one in ten thousand. Now it’s close to one in 160! Can you imagine the disaster confronting affected families?

 Somebody sent me the form below, to discourage compulsory vaccinations. Ask the “Health Providers” to sign it and observe their reaction.


I herewith acknowledge that I _____________________________ (name of health care provider) have recommended or administered (name of the vaccine) ___________________________________ to (name of the recipient) _______________________. I have read the scientific literature available on this vaccine (vaccines), I have assured the patient or parent the product is safe, and I am aware Federal legislation protects vaccine manufacturers from legal action in the event of a serious complication. To demonstrate my faith in the safety of this product, I herewith accept full financial and legal responsibility for any harm or complication that results from the administration of this product. Date:_________________________ Name of person who recommend or administers the vaccine:

Print name:_________________ Signature:__________________

Witnessed: Print name:________________ Signature:__________________

Witnessed: Print name :_______________ Signature:____________


A physician would be an absolute idiot to sign that!


 (AIDS is promoted by enforced “Personal Secrecy”, the carriers remain unknown)

 A note to cancer patients and those with a family history of cancer.

A hundred years ago cancer would not even appear on a list of major death threats. Today it is second only to cardiovascular mortality. Some say that it is fully expected to greatly exceed cardiovascular – heart attacks and strokes – mortality in the future. Cancer is the worst possible way to die. Don’t trust the AMA (American Medical Association) or your Big Brother. These guys permit only “cut (surgery), burn (radiation) and poison (chemo)”, with a five years survival rate of 2.5 % from cancer! Investigate, study the resources available and defend your life.

May I suggest, as a first step, to take a look at “Cancer Wars”, by Wm. Schnoebelen? Besides all else, he is a capable Herbalist Practitioner. Two DVD discs are thus available from Southwest Radio Church, Bethany, OK 73008, tel. 800 652 1144.                    

After that explore the internet. All effective cures for cancer are suppressed and illegal in “US and a” (small “a” for a shrinking American presence in America). Keep in mind that there are also unsavory quacks out there too, just as there are also greedy, money grinding scoundrels in today’s “approved” conventional medicine. You have to be careful. Below is a list of internet leads to explore.

Be aware, that some of the cancer protocols, like the Budwig protocol, are reported to heal many otherwise intractable conditions, not just cancer. Consult the references at the end of this article and follow the leads.

Cancer treatments and options to investigate.

Control-click on the links or input them into your search engine.

Peruse the above as a start and to obtain further leads.  Be your own detective. If you achieve a spectacular healing, don’t remain silent. Publish the results.

 Genetically modified food is a vast, growing QUESTIONMARK. In Europe such produce must be labeled as genetically ALTERED. In the USA NO SUCH LABELING HAS BEEN PERMITTED to us. Why, do you suppose, is that?

 The Devil People have been quietly injuring, maiming and killing people now for generations. What do you suppose they maybe planning now, perhaps starting fake “vaccines” and false pandemics?

Dear Reader, the growth of the present God hating, anti-Christ movement was predicted thousands of years ago. Still worse is actually to come, in the form of materializing DEMONS and their GIANT HIBREED offspring. Old, bones of giants are still visible from two previous “visitations”. Read the Bible. Turn directly to our God.

Our God will very soon triumph with terrible vengeance over Satan, over all his people and devils and over all his evil works.

For us, God is joy, a delight, a happiness so immense that it is impossible to contain it for any of us. It spills over as praise, or gratitude, or endearment. In fact, the happiness is so great that such response is unstoppable. That, if you please, is the only REAL praise.
If you love Him and find yourself in the presence of God you will automatically resonate with Him, vibrate with Him – you will be unable to contain your happiness. You will cry for joy. No matter how hard-boiled you might be, there will be tears, tears of joy from your innermost being. However, you call it, it is flowing, living LOVE.

 And the future? God says that "the ear has not heard and the eye has not seen, nor has entered into the imagination of man, the happiness which God has prepared for those  who love Him...."

WITH INFINITE LOVE GOD GAVE US A SAVIOR, to pay our penalty and a Bible, a guide and light on our path! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; THEY ARE LOST BECAUSE THEY HAVE REJECTED THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE, who died for them. If you are not yet completely committed to Christ, know that our Savior needs to be invited. He is a gentleman. He knocks on the door of your heart (innermost being). Everybody can have the other one (Satan) automatically; that one never knocks. He pushes his way.


If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. Even in this life it will be the greatest happiness you'll know, and a light upon your path. Conversely, to FAIL in this, it will be the GREATEST DISASTER you will ever have, both here and hereafter.

Something most especial is waiting for those who seek the immense goodness of our Lord. God Himself said, that "The ear has not heard, and no eye has ever seen, neither can man even imagine the HAPPINESS which God prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please).

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