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Effective Worship Dance

by Tonja Taylor  
11/01/2021 / Womens Interest

If you desire to partner with the LORD for Him to touch people through your dance of worship to Him, here are tips to help you:

(1) Ask Him to reveal to you the worship song(s) that connect you most closely to Him. When you are moved by His Spirit, that will transfer through your dance to the audience. 

If you hear a certain song or songs, and you feel deeply moved, and/or have visions (pictures in your mind) of Him, or something that glorifies Him, then that is Him speaking to you, leading you to worship to that or those songs.

(2) Sometimes the songs are just for you and Him, and not to be shared. But if you continue to have the desire to dance to the song(s) to bring Him glory, ask permission from the pastor(s) and/or worship leader for a time that you and they both agree upon. 

It is vital to be led by the Sprit and have agreement, and God is bigger than any time frame. However, there are also certain moments (called "moeds" or "kairos" when He absolutely wants certain things done.  When this is the case, there will be an excited urgency in your spirit, and the decision makers (pastor(s) and/or worship leader(s)) will be in agreement with you about that exact time.

(3) Always pray and ask and affirm with the LORD about which song(s) you are to dance to for a congregation, or another group, no matter how big or small. He knows all things, and His wisdom is beyond compare. He knows your heart to glorify Him.  

Also, if only three people show up (which has happened to me), then rejoice that those three people are the ones who are eager to experience God through you, and know that others would not have received what God had for them anyway, most likely. It's not about the quantity of people, but the quality of their hearts to receive! Remember, God has and can and will do great things in and through a small number! 

(4) Listen to the song over and over. Ask the LORD to reveal to you greater depths of meaning, and to anoint your moves so that you flow with His Spirit. Ask Him to help you forget yourself, and just rejoice in Him as you dance with freedom and joy and thanksgiving!

This will transfer to the audience. You are not performing for people, and you're not even performing for God! You are simply a willing vessel when you dance (or pray, or sing, or serve in any way), yielded to the Most High, the King of kings, the LORD of lords, Who is worthy of all praise and honor and glory! 

When you are truly worshiping God, holy angels move. God's Spirit moves. People (including you!) are changed, and that's the purpose of it all!

(5) As you listen to the song(s) over and over, it or they will get deep into your spirit (This is why it is vital to listen to music that glorifies God, and not noise that has sensuous, worldly, anti-Christ beats nor lyrics!), and the LORD will reveal to you the moves to do. 

If you know you are supposed to dance to Him to a certain song, but have no idea what the moves are, never fear; trust in Him, and He will help you! This happened to me at the first conference at which I was to dance.

I had everything but the moves, and I was the last dancer of many. As the song the LORD had shown me started (It was "The LORD Reigns" by Danny Chambers. He is in Heaven now, but the LORD used his worship to help teach me how to truly worship!), I just started worshiping. It was an upbeat song, so I started moving in a fast way.

The LORD led the crowd to start clapping. I started spinning, then the LORD showed me to hold up my Bible--the Living Word of Life!--and I danced, spinning many times--as the intensity grew! His Spirit was moving, in a wonderful way!

I had stepped out in faith and prepared in every way I 1knew how to, and of course, our faithful God met me and put His Grace all over everything! It was a powerful moment for us all! I was very satisfied in my heart that the LORD had been glorified, and that He accomplished exactly what He wanted. Praise Him!

(6) Plan each move, as He leads, to each part of the song(s). Then, be totally ready for Him to change your moves as you flow with His Spirit.  This occurs more often in solo dances than group worship, of course.

God is a God of order, and also the Free Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17). He will give you movement ideas, whether you are dancing yourself, or with a group. Plan, plan, plan, and pray before practices, and before each performance. Be open to changes, and trust in Him to "put His Super on your natural"; to anoint you/the group to work with His Spirit to accomplish His will. He will! 

(7) Garments should be modest, neither showing any female parts which might distract an audience, nor be too clingy. There are many excellent fabrics which can be layered, and look very lovely and bring Him honor and glory. After all, we want to subdue the body/flesh, and glorify the Spirit of God, which is the true Life (John 6:63).  

You don't have to spend a lot of money for worship garments. For my first official dance, I wore some palazzo pants that I'd purchased at a resale shop, and a long, loose-fitting top with sparkles on it, that matched the pants.  I was feeling insecure about it, because it wasn't "fancy" enough for me, but the conference leader, who'd been my dance teacher, assured me it was fine. She reminded me that it wasn't about me, but about the LORD. Amen!

(8) Keep the song(s) to four minutes or less, especially for a solo performance. Especially in today's society, and even in church, people can get distracted easily. It is unfortunate, but true. I have found that, even though I highly enjoy watching and doing worship dance, even I can get distracted, especially if the moves and/or the verses in the songs are repetitive!

The last thing you want is for your audience to be bored, and thinking about a hamburger, or something, while you are yielding to the Holy One, so He can change your audience and yourself "from glory to glory" (2 Cor. 3:18)! Your goal, as one anointed worship dance leader stated, is "to minister the heart of the Father directly to the hearts of the people, and bypass their minds."

Of course, if you're choreographing a group dance, especially if there are different movements, your song may be longer. The bottom line is, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, and He will. He knows what the audience needs and can handle.

(9) Remember, it's really not about you, and the people are not going to be judging you, if they're really there to worship the LORD. Also, the audience really admires you for having the courage to obey the LORD and get up in front of everyone and bring Him glory! So it's all good!

Even if you make a mistake, no one but you will know, and just keep going and focus on how good God is! Smile! 

If I can do this--and I'd never thought about anything like this for most of my life, till I learned to truly worship and just fell in love with God!--then so can you!

Go for it! Only be strong and very courageous (Joshua 1:18)!

The LORD Almighty, Jesus Christ--Who is your life and strength (Col. 3:4)--will help you! People (including you!) will be touched and changed for Him, and He will be glorified, and that, my dear, is why we're on the planet! 


Through books, courses, presentations, service, prayer, worship, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" YT channel.

Article Source: WRITERS

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