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How to Teach Small Groups Online

by Tonja Taylor  
4/27/2021 / Education

"Juan, I see your hand. Wait a bit, and you can talk," I encouraged my most active lower elementary student. He'd been prone to burst into conversations many times, but he had learned some self-control the past few weeks. "Darla, please continue," I said. "Donnie, you're next, and please stop spinning around in your chair."

Yes, there are many similarities between teaching in a physical classroom, and teaching online. Both have their weaknesses, but children are the same; they all need love, attention, and leadership.

One thing I've learned to do is--like the first day and week of school in a physical classroom--tell the kids my expectations. I keep them to four:

(1)Raise your hand if you want to speak and wait until you are called on

(2) Be prepared to help your fellow student (which means following along, or at least staying aware and able to locate where we are very quickly, for those advanced students who work ahead)

(3) Bring your books, paper and pen, or whiteboard and marker(s) to class

(4) Keep your audio off (background noise) and your cameras on "so I can see your lovely/handsome face"

I also encourage them to go to the bathroom before class, but sometimes things happen. However, they know to let me know, and I don't make a big deal about it.

I've discovered that, sometimes the kids turn off their cameras or are making faces at the screen, looking at their reflections. Sometimes they are eating or drinking or whatever.

Bless their hearts, they are in their homes, and many times, I've seen a parent or sibling come up and distract them. Of course, sometimes the parents are actually sitting there helping them, or at least very close by. However, this often means background noise, for when my little darlings turn on their audios, they often have had to read loud and really focus!  I pray for the LORD to give them peaceful habitations, surroundings, and to help them concentrate.

My classes really are troopers!

I also tell them I love them, and ask them how their weekends were. I give them "show and tell" time at the end of the week, and also share some parts of my personal lives with them. I have a great relationship with my dear students.

True, there have been some moments, especially at the beginning, when they tested the waters and were disrespectful in some ways, but we've smoothed out the kinks and they know I care for them and am really trying to help them. My former "struggling readers" are coming along very nicely! I'm really proud of them! I tell them so, and it is making a difference!

So, with my experience in public school classrooms and teaching in church and more, I remember to include everyone, while allowing the older and stronger students to have more leadership roles.

I also encourage all my students to be ready to help the others, which means first that I encourage my students to ask for help.

In addition, I always commend them for saying, "I don't know," if they don't; that is a sign of maturity. In addition, I ask often if they have any questions, and take everyone seriously.

Humor helps, too. I let them see me be silly sometimes.

It's a relationship, and I'm going to miss those sweeties in a few weeks when our sessions are over.

They know I pray for them daily, and if a prayer request comes up from them, I speak a very short prayer over that issue right then.

They can see that I have Christian symbols and signs in my backgrounds, and I mention church and more at times. I enjoy being myself with them (and all my students, including the individuals I tutor on another platform, which include children and adults from many countries, for various subjects. GOD IS SO AWESOME!)

Kids are kids, whether at a building or in their homes. Although in one sense they are getting private tutoring, for some it may be more of a challenge for these little ones to be at home. I've even had a few tune in while in the car, rushing back home. (I understand that, for my daughter often did her homework on the way to an event or such, although we did not over-involve her in groups, either.)

Teaching online is more relaxed in many ways. For instance, the kids don't know if I have my shoes and socks off or not, unless I tell them. Also, they often want to show me art or other projects or toys they have, and it's easy for them to grab them quickly and put them in front of the camera.

In addition, there are no school bells, bullies (unless it's their siblings or such, and I've had to intervene with a couple of kids whose older brothers kept punching them or talking to them or otherwise distracting them! Some parents are very close; some leave the kids by themselves in their rooms or other areas.), or other restrictions.

Unless the LORD changes things drastically--and I don't think He will!--I will never go back to teaching in a traditional public school setting!

Overall, teaching online is very rewarding, and I'm so thankful the LORD has led me in this direction.

There are many excellent organizations that are looking for experienced, caring teachers, so if that's you, ask the LORD to guide you to the right one(s) and go for it!


Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

Article Source: WRITERS

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