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7 Affirmations for Students

by Tonja Taylor  
2/18/2021 / Education

I don't remember if I told my fourth-graders in the small rural public school  that the affirmations I had them say every morning  were based on the Bible. 

I think it would have been a blessing to most of those sweeties, if they'd known that, but it may have created some problems with the administration.

However, almost every one of my students immediately loved doing this as a class, and most wanted to lead. I would have them stand, and, after we said the Pledge of Allegiance, I would stand and say The Daily Affirmations with them. 

I had an order, so that, before the 9 weeks was up, every student would lead the class (even if they didn't want to; I'd let another student with whom they were friends stand with them if needed), usually several times. 

Sometimes, a student would try to be funny, and say them too quickly, or in a high-pitched voice. It was a distraction, so when that happened, I'd have them start again. It didn't take long for the other kids to tell the distracting students to "Shut up!" and then we'd start again. 

This is what the LORD led me to have them say: 

Using my power of choice,

I control myself.
I show respect to myself and others.
I am wise, so I obey.
I am excellent.
I am trustworthy.
I am quick to help others.
I am special and loved, and I believe it.

All of these are based on the Word of God! I believe, because our Father God is so good, so all-knowing, so eager to bless us, that His Spirit overshadowed these words when my students spoke them in unison.  I could see the heart in almost all of my students, every morning, as they said them. A couple were reluctant on some days--but they were still hearing them, and thus, those good seeds were being planted, and watered!

Another thing about the Word of God is that, once it's rooted in the heart, it remains! During the last few months of the year, my word processing program that worked with the interactive whiteboard was never repaired, even though I requested it. So, I came in one day and could not project the affirmations, as I had been doing for months, for the class to read. 

However, a few students jumped up and eagerly volunteered to lead the class from memory! I was so blessed, and close to tears, as I saw and heard their eager hearts to lead their classmates in those inspiring words, with no writing on the board--for the affirmations were written in their hearts! Glory to God! 

The LORD is so very faithful! He always puts His blessing on our genuine efforts to help others, even if they don't show appreciation. After all, He says in His Word that, when we do it to the "least of these," or "the littlest one," that we do it for Him. Praise Him, our good and kind and gracious, merciful, faithful Master Who loves us so much He died for us!

Ask the LORD today for strategies to draw your class or family closer to Christ. He will help you! 

Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

Article Source: WRITERS

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