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Strategies and Satisfactions: Teaching English Language Learners

by Tonja Taylor  
2/09/2021 / Education

The LORD says in Matthew 28:18-20 and other places to "go and teach all nations..." He is, of course, talking about teaching them His ways, His Word. 

That is why we Believers in Jesus Christ are on the planet.

However, the Holy Spirit has to work and prepare the hearts of those to whom we minister, to get them ready to acknowledge that they need help; they need Christ. 

Meanwhile, He calls us to "be ready in season and out of season" and to walk in Love toward others. We are Christ's Ambassadors, because He is making His appeal through us! 

One of the main ways we show the love of Christ--that we show that Jesus is real and alive and cares for His creation of people--is by helping others. 

Teaching English to non-native speakers is one fun and meaningful way to do that. While many people do it free, as a ministry, there are numerous companies in the USA and overseas who are eager to hire native speakers of English.  So you can, with a little training, use the gift of speaking what you've known for years to help others come to Christ!( More on that in a moment!) 

It is a major blessing to be a native speaker of English, which is considered by almost all populations to the be the #1 universal language, and people from diverse cultures are eager to learn English, for education, for business, for travel, and more. 

It helps if you already have teaching experience, and especially if you have a TEFL (Teacher of English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teacher of English as a Second or Other Language) certification, but you can now get a certification in this for much less money and time than even just a few years ago. Many companies that hire English teachers also have the training for you to earn a TEFL/TESOL. 

China is the country that hires the most teachers, at present, although there are many countries who hire English teachers. You don't have to know Chinese, nor use it. They want you to speak entirely in English, for submersion for the students. 

There are many countries and companies that hire native English speakers, and some even hire teachers or tutors that are fluent in English, even though it is a second or third language. 

Some companies hire for simple conversation, while others can go much more in depth, with complex speaking and writing of English. 

My experience in teaching English to speakers of other languages has proved to me that almost every student I've encountered, whether child or adult, is very respectful and appreciative of the teacher. Although some of the students may know several languages (for the USA is about the only advanced country where students often only know one language--English!), they see English as a very powerful tool to help them have a better life. 

A better life is what God wants for us all. So, by helping others to learn English, and by being encouraging, patient, positive, and attuned to the unique needs and desires of each student, we are showing the love of Christ. Besides, as I tell Him before each session, He is the Master Teacher, Who created each student and knows them intimately. He knows exactly what they need, and I trust Him to guide me to the right materials, preparation, and execution during each session. He is always faithful to do so, and it is such a joy to yield to Him and let His Spirit flow through me!

Although not every student is a perfect fit, they see my earnest desire to help, and appreciate it. Sometimes, a student needs a different teacher, but almost all of my students enjoy and learn and give good reviews. They and their parents are very pleased with my God-anointed efforts.

By preparing with excellence, and showing other loving, gentle, patient, and cheerful ways, I am demonstrating Christ to them. Also, as He flows through me, I am blessed; highly satisfied and amazed that I get paid to do something that brings such deep rewards! 

In addition, since I have freedom on the platforms on which I teach to utilize my own methods and decorate my own backdrop and classroom wall, I have a few Christian symbols.  I may not talk about them directly.

On occasion, though, I have been thrilled when a student asks what I think about God, or mentions prayer, or something. That is an open door to plant more seeds for the LORD, in a few words or sentences, and then get back to the instruction of English.

Another tip for teaching non-native speakers of English is to guide the conversation; speak slowly enough so that they can understand you; ask often if they have any questions; make notes as you assess (test their understanding) of their progress; always show them proper respect; be gentle but firm if you have to redirect wrong behavior; have plenty of materials of various kinds to use; and to do what you say you will do for them.

Otherwise, a major part of teaching non-native speakers is to affirm their efforts, even the smallest ones. Most non-native speakers of English--even though the ones I've encountered are accomplished doctors, lawyers, education adminstrators, and other professionals--are speaking very understandable English, but have not been confident that they are speaking well.

So a big part of teaching English is to encourage the students, children and adults, and remind them that they are doing a good job! Notice even the smallest steps they have accomplished, and if you need to, stop and celebrate by jumping up and down, giving them virtual 'high fives" while smiling broadly; clapping and doing other things that show your delight and pleasure in them work for both children and adults! 

I also pray for all of my students and their families, of course, in my daily morning prayer time. In addition, if they share sad things with me, I show my compassion. 

We often may have stupid sterotypes about people of other cultures; biases, judgments, based on wrong things we've heard from others.  We must get rid of them, and remember that God is Jewish. Jesus is a Jew! He is not American, nor any other race--yet all races come from Him, and He knows every language perfectly!

We must remember that, no matter where we were born, where we live, or what language(s) we speak, if we are born again by our faith in the shed blood and resurrection of Christ Jesus the LORD, then we are no longer citizens of earth, but of Heaven! 

But there’s far more to life for us. We’re citizens of high heaven! We’re waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ, who will transform our earthy bodies into glorious bodies like his own. He’ll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him.-- Philippians 3:20,21, The Message

Thank the LORD He opened up the Covenant to all the rest of us! Let us remember that we are all part of the whole, and God the Father and Jesus the Son and the dear Holy Spirit (the Holy Trinity!) love each person ever born the same! God is no Respecter of persons, nor should we be. We must respect people of other cultures, while never compromising our Biblical values and mandates. 

Teaching English is an excellent way to visit other nations, while never getting on a plane! It's a wonderful way to discover fascinating details about how others live, and to share neat things about your own life. 

Truly, teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) is a powerful tool for those to whom the LORD has given the desire and ability to do so. One way to teach ESL is to use the Bible and other Christian materials, while making it plain from the beginning that those are the main types of texts that will be used.

If that's you, go for it! God will help you, and He will draw all men unto Him as you lift Him up--whether you blatantly use the Bible, or not, for as the Word says, we are "living epistles"--letters from Christ that all men can read!

[No] you yourselves are our letter of recommendation (our credentials), written in your hearts, to be known (perceived, recognized) and read by everybody. You show and make obvious that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, not written with ink but with [the] Spirit of [the] living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. -- II Corinthians 3:2-3, AMPC


Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

Article Source: WRITERS

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