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Seven Secrets for Successful Speakers
by Tonja Taylor
2/03/2021 / Career
Holman Christian Standard Bible
The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of those who are instructed to know how to sustain the weary with a word. He awakens Me each morning; He awakens My ear to listen like those being instructed.-- Isaiah 50:4
For some reason, it is often reported that the #1 fear of people--even above death!--is the fear of speaking in public!
Why would this be?
It is really the fear of being judged, rejected, found insufficient.
Regardless, I have been speaking in front of audiences for years and I don't remember ever being rejected. I'm not astoundingly pretty, but I do have a message and I am confident about it. (I try not to talk about things I don't know about, of course.)
My main message is the Message of every true Believer: That God is good, and all good, Jesus is coming back soon, and that every person on the planet needs to get to know Him--NOW!
This is my life work: helping people understand and respond to this Message. It came as a sheer gift to me, a real surprise, God handling all the details. When it came to presenting the Message to people who had no background in God’s way, I was the least qualified of any of the available Christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities.--Ephesian 3:7-8, The Message
Every Believer has a Message, and while the main way we show Christ to the world is by living in love according to the Word of God, how we use our spoken and written words is the next most powerful tool.
You may never speak in front of a crowd, but even in one-on-one conversations, these tips I've learned from others and my own experience can help you be more at ease and effective in speaking.
1. Prepare your content--and yourself. Choose a subject you're interested in, for your enthusiasm will flow naturally and you'll most likely put more effort into making the presentation excellent. You may not always know when you're going to be called on to speak (Speaking "off the cuff" or without notice is called officially "impromptu" speaking. This means you've had no time to prepare what you're going to say. Of course, if you already have knowledge of the subject you're asked about, you're way ahead.)
Studying your material and practicing your presentation--to friends, famly, your dog, old photos, the wall, or such, especially when recording yourself--preferably by video--will show you how you really look and sound to your audience. You may or may not be pleased with what you hear and see, but you can take steps to change things for good. Remember, even the experts (in whatever field, whether it's sports or media or education or business or anything else) keep practicing, keep perfecting. That is one reason they became and stay experts!
2. Prepare your materials. This includes technology, furniture, handouts, props, etc. It is always a good idea to check at least a few hours ahead, and preferably, a day or more ahead, to make sure every bit of technology, furniture, refreshments, etc., is going to be available for your audience. You also need to make sure you have your handouts polished, proofed, printed, and packed, along with any props you'll be using to demonstrate with during your speech. It's best to get these things done a day ahead if possible, or at least a few hours ahead, so you're not scrambling around and getting pressured while you're trying to get dressed and catch your ride or flight or mentally prepare otherwise.
3. Wear your best--your best outfit (the one that makes you feel like a million bucks and won't be a distraction to you); your best smile; your best energy; your best enthusiasm--after all, if you're not excited about your speech, why should your audience be? Fake it till you make it, if you have to! This is expected, whether you're in a contest, volunteering, or getting paid!
That doesn't mean you can't be serious and show morose moments, but most audiences want and need a positive message, at least at the end! Subjects can be deep and heavy, and the LORD will guide you in this. For instance, when I was 8 months pregant about 25 years ago, and presented my talk against abortion for speech class in my public college, I was serious. It was all serious. It was very serious, and there were many silent tears flowing from the shocked members of my class--men and women alike! So use God's wisdom. He will help you, as He did me. In fact, I'd cried during every one of the eight drafts of my speech, and had to pray and ask Him to help me NOT break down while I presented. He was faithful, and I know what He did with my words made a permanent impact on everyone who heard it! Many of my classmates told me so!
4. Drink warm water right before you speak, and hum or sing. You may feel silly humming or singing, but the pros do it! Don't drink cold water. If you can't heat a bit of water, at least drink room terperature water. Some people also use a lozenge or a cough drop, but you want to make sure those don't interfere with your speaking or, at the worst, fly out of your mouth in front of the crowd!
5. If you have a problem looking people straight in the eye, just focus on their foreheads, and it will look as if you're looking them in the eye, but you will be more comfortable! Also, sometimes those to whom you are speaking don't like to be looked straight in the eye, so this will work both ways. In addition, remember to scan the room, to turn your head and talk to the whole room, so everyone will feel included. Haven't you been in a group where someone is speaking and it seems like they never look your way, but are always talking to just a certain side of the room? This is a technique that has to be learned.
Of course, if you are taping yourself or teaching by video, you have to train yourself to look not down at your computer, where you can see the other person or people, but to look directly into the camera. That way, your audience will feel as if you're in the room with them, as if you see them as a person, because you are looking into their eyes, so to speak.
6. If your mouth feels dry, as speakers' mouths often can, especially at the beginning of the speech, then take a sip of water, or, if there is none close by you, then just put the front of your tongue down behind your lower teeth and move it forward and backward, drawing up moisture from the bottom of your mouth. This will help lubricate your throat and keep it from "catching" or causing you to lose a word or syllable, and will be more comfortable.
7. Have cards or papers or products available with your contact information, to give to your audience after the speech. This is also a good time to give them handouts, unless you want them to read along with you during your speech. That is up to you. By having your contact information, you have a tool to bring more potential opportunties for speaking to you, especially if you're building a business.
God bless you and remember to yield to the Holy Spirit so He can accomplish through you what His Plan is. Then He will be glorified and you and your audience will be blessed to the max!
GO FOR IT, for The Living Word is with you, in you, and for you, Child of God!
Tonja and her husband live to exalt God--via books, presentations, global service, podcasts, YT channels: "River Rain Creative" and "POWERLight Learning", and more. JESUS IS LORD!
Article Source: WRITERS
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