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CALL FOR PRAYERS For Our Nation's Children
by linzy bruno
1/13/2021 / Prayers
The devil hates innocence, and recents those who are closest to God, therefore, he targets children. Children cannot defend themselves and the very young cannot even vocalize the horrors that are thrust upon them, and Satan is taking grave advantage of that fact. The pedophiles have won the sympathy of the foolish ones among us and have been given a pass. They are considered incapable of resisting their urges and we are supposed to feel sorry for them now! They have even come up with a sympathetic title, instead of calling them what they really are, we are supposed to see them as Minor Attracted Persons or M.A.P.S, which is beyond SICK!
Now that evil has infiltrated this world to the point that it has taken over common sense and a basic sense of decency, with laws put into place to protect pedophiles, rather than innocent victims, our children for goodness sake, let us all pray that God would step in to end this reign of terror over the innocent and punish those who attack children in order to fulfill their sick fantasies!
Let us pray that God will put an end to these crimes against the innocent or rescue the young victims, in California and every place these disgraceful actions are allowed here at home and around the world!
This country is hanging on by a thread, and what is left is likened to a distant memory. Criminals getting off scot free or easy, with light sentences or none at all, and oftentimes without bail. That is not America!
And while our government is busy making laws to protect the guilty, victims of all ages are suffering....
In fact, our government is behind much of the sex trafficking that is going on, because we are being led by an evil heartless ruler, who only pretends to care about America!
Oh dear Lord, we know You have a plan and we do not question that perfect plan, but we also know that prayer is powerful and You have ordained Your people to pray for one another and most especially for the vulnerable. SO, please prevent, intervene and put up barriers against the wicked for the children's sake. Take them out or render them lame and incapacitate them, in accordance with Your Will....
Linzy is a certified Bible Counsellor, with countless republications on her viewers blogs, Bible Studies, Ezines and the like. Her portfolio includes, non-fiction articles, short stories for all ages, and Christian poetry.
Article Source: WRITERS
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