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LEGACY - Crafting Your Child's Future With Words - Part 6 - Faith Speaks

by Tonja Taylor  
1/31/2020 / Family

Faith means trust. When we have faith in someone, we trust them.

When we believe something, we speak it. And the ultimate is to believe and speak the living all powerful Word of God.

God tells us to have faith—trust—in Him, and certainly, He is the only One in the universe Who is utterly, totally trustworthy! He is the Spirit of Truth. He cannot lie, nor would He, because it would go against His Word.

Our good and awesome God, Yahweh, the God of the Covenant, always does His Word!

The problem lies with us humans: We don’t always know it, or believe it if we do know it. So, it is up to us to study the Word and how it applies to our lives, and then to choose to believe it, and act upon what we believe.

Just like when we go to bed, we believe the sun will appear in the morning; and just like we get dressed and go to work, believing our employer will still be there and that we still have a job; just like we cook raw meat because we could get sick if we don’t; just like we start a fire and know that we will have heat—we believe certain things will happen after we take certain actions.

How much more can we please God by reading His Word, and doing what He says—knowing He will do what He says!

Faith is choosing to believe! And believing God is the ultimate way to success! His will for us is written in His Word. That is how He thinks about us and what He wants for us. He is so good! He is Love (I John 4:8) and He is forever faithful. Once we receive His Son, Jesus, as Savior and LORD, God (Yahweh) becomes our faithful Father and will never leave us nor forsake us, and will always be working all things together for our best and His glory (Genesis 50:20)!

God is a faith God. He used the power of His words to speak the earth and the universe into existence (Genesis 1)! He only used His hands in creating Adam and Eve, then gave them a spoken command to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion (power and authority) and subdue the earth—to make it work for them.

One of the main ways He gave power and authority to Adam and Eve—and for all people even born—is to speak in alignment with His Word!

When we speak the Word of God over our children, we please Him, because we obviously believe it will positively affect their lives.

If we don’t believe God, we cannot even please Him!

To help us understand this, we can think of our own children. We love them so much and do and sacrifice so much for them. We tell them the truth because we love them. We only want the best for them. Yet, when they don’t believe us and disobey us—even though we want their best and are protecting them or correcting them to teach them how to govern themselves if we don’t give them or let them do certain things that would hurt them—it hurts our hearts, right?


So unbelief—not believing Father God, Who is the perfect Parent!--hurts the heart of our dear Father. Even when we were God’s enemies, He sent Christ to die for us, to rescue us from certain death and hell and destruction, so we could have a wonderful life—if we just choose to believe Him!

In faith—believing God always works with His Word, which He does—we speak His living, life-giving Word over our children. It is called “blessing” them. This is the truest sense of the word, although sometimes we refer to giving our kids gifts as a “blessing.” But speaking the Word of God over them (and living it in front of them, of course!) is the best Blessing you could ever give them!

So when we have faith in God and His Word, we will speak it, and it will change our kids for Christ. We may not see it at first, but the Word of God is always working! We continue in faith, believing God that His Word is working, even though we may not see results for a while.

Just like the following examples, we keep on speaking the right Word of God, believing our persistence in speaking His living Word is working in our kids. (But of course!)

Picture three posters: One of a woman taking the first step to climb a rock wall with her bare hands. The slogan reads, "Begin With the End in Mind."* She obviously has faith that she is going to survive this and conquer it—or she never would have put herself in that position. The next shows a crocus poking its head through the snow. It says, "Judge each day not by the harvest, but by the seeds you plant." Whomever planted the crocus seeds obviously believed that they would produce flowers—at the right time. And the third needs no words: It shows a large hand full of precious seeds, dropping those seeds into the little hands below, which are stretched out and eager to receive.

Our children may not know how to tell us, but they are hungry for right words, more than they are good food! Their little spirits are fresh from Heaven, and they need and will soak up God’s Word like the adorable little sponges that they are! Our words are seeds, and the kind of seeds we plant determines our harvest. So we plant the good Word of God that we want to produce good in our children, by planting the Word of God in the garden of their souls (minds, wills, emotions).

Here are just a few Scriptures you can use to personalize and speak in faith over your children:

"Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy Word is truth." - John 17:17 (You could change it to, “LORD, sanctify Belinda (or whatever your daughter or son’s name is, or name every one of your children!) through Your Truth; Your Word is Truth,)”

"Every Word of God is pure; He is a Shield to them that put their trust in Him.--Proverbs 30:5 - (You could speak, “LORD, Your Word is pure, and You are a Shield to John (or whatever your son’s or daughter’s name is) because he puts his trust—his faith—in You.”

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only Begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth." - John 1:14 (You could speak, “LORD, Your Word—JESUS--was made flesh, and dwells among us, and Melissa and Andy and Bayleigh and Hunter (or whatever your kids’ names are) behold Your glory.’)

Here is one more. I will insert my daughter’s name (Victoria) as you could put the name of your child(ren) in that place and speak it over them:

"Let the Word of Christ dwell in (Victoria) richly in all wisdom; let (her) be teaching and admonishing (herself and others) in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in (her) hearts to the LORD, and whatsoever (she) does in word or deed, (she does it) all in the name of the LORD Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him." - Colossians 3:16

So choose to trust in the LORD today and speak the Word of God over them, to start shaping their lives for good—for God!


Through books, courses, presentations, service, prayer, worship, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" YT channel.

Article Source: WRITERS

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