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How To Have a Patient Spirit

by lareina morgan  
1/24/2020 / Christian Living

Isaiah 40:31 

but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

God requires that we wait patiently for Him to move in our lives. Sometimes we get discouraged if we don't immediately receive an answer from our prayers.  We must believe that the Lord heard us the first time He received our request. The answers to our prayers will never be the same. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes the answer is yes but not right now. And sometimes the answer is no. We need to determine if what we are asking for is the right thing to ask for by searching our own hearts for our motivations in our requests to God.

God knows what is best for our lives and our circumstances, and He will never answer a prayer that He knows will not be a true benefit for our lives and for His will for our lives.

So, you must ask yourself if what you are asking for is within the will of God. How do you determine the will of God? By reading His word with prayer and meditation. Reading the bible and worshiping in His presence gives you all the tools necessary to understand who God is and want He wants for all of His children.

If you ask for something that you know the Lord does not allow for His children, you can be sure that He will not provide it for you. If you decide to do it for yourself, then you will be stepping outside the will of God for your life, so you  must be careful about your actions, because if you miss the mark (sin) understand that sin will always have a consequence in your life.

Patience comes as you decide to depend on Him and not on yourself and when  you will allow His will for your life you will have peace in your heart. You will know that He will answer your prayer.

from the true world of God Blog

Article Source: WRITERS

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