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The USA Rises!
by Tonja Taylor
1/16/2020 / Skits and Plays
(NOTE: The LORD laid on my heart to order many small flags (about 4” x 6”) for various presentations I will do on this. I was called as a visiting teaching to teach dance at a local public school, and took these flags and played the song below. I put a flag in the hands of each child and explained why The United States of America was created—to freely worship God!
I exhorted them that we say the Pledge of Allegiance every day for a reason, that most of the Good News about Jesus is paid for by Americans, and we need to be thankful that we live in a free country!
I held my larger American flag and led a train of kiddos holding theirs, and we waved our flags and blessed America and sang along with the song. It was great! The kids and I highly enjoyed ourselves, and I believe the LORD and the holy angels did too! )
Drama details:
As the audience is seated, the song by Carman and Petra (not video, just music), “It’s Our Turn Now” plays. Audience watch the video about the facts/stats--negative details about how many kids on drugs, incarcerated, killed, etc.--from the problems in society, in the video as actors enter.
Actors—all adults right now--come in as the video plays, when the song talks about the Word and prayer being taken out of school. (It is adults that allowed the “ball to drop” and prayer and the Word to be taken out of school. God forgive us!).
It would be great to have a “schoolroom” setting on one part of the stage, at least. An American flag displayed prominently. Several chairs around a small table, at least, with books, and whiteboard or something, and a globe of the world.
Kids are studying—or better yet, praying!—with the Word of God open on their table, next to their “regular” school books. As a symbol of God being taken out of schools, adults in suits (“government officials”) come in. The principal is with them, looking sheepish and sad. (Of course, this is a Christian principal. I’m sure some leaders of schools were glad when this happened! God forbid!)
A couple of men in suits demand that the kids stop praying and close their Bibles. The kids don't move. So the adults actually start going to each desk, rudely taking the Bibles from each student's hand, closing the Bibles, while the kids protest. They tell the kids to shut up and to never bring them back.
The other people in suits work speedily to take down the Christian and then even the USA flags.
The teacher is shocked and looks sad, as tears roll down her cheeks, but just stands there, shaking her head.
The adults leave. The kids put their heads down, except one, who actually looks relieved that he does not have to study the Word any more. Lights dim.
Switch scenes: Song is still playing, that was playing at the beginning.
There is a righteous indignation through the Spirit of God rising in the people—adults and children. We want our country back!
One idea is to have an American flag and Bible “buried” in a pile of trash and junk that (now, because of the WORD and prayer being removed and the adults not teaching their kids the Way of God) the children are kicking and reviling. Audience is not quite sure what’s underneath at this point, although they might (we hope) guess.
At the same time, in another “corner,” there is a small group of prayer warriors—including the principal and the teacher and a couple of parents and the kids of the school that are and have been praying for restoration.
An adult dressed as the Holy Spirit hovers over and around them. The kids and adults are holding the Word!
He puts an American flag in their hands and the adults that were praying, and they raise and wave them in worship to the LORD, in an act of blessing Him and America.
The kids with the Bibles and flags (adults trail behind them; kids lead the way!) get bold and walk up to the demonically influenced kids kicking the pile and just ignore them and start blessing God and America, and singing praises (at the point, the song by Carman may or may not be playing—it may be more dramatic to have the song fade and the kids’ voices—faint but growing in strength in the boldness of righteousness—heard).
Perhaps the “bad” kids try to wrestle the flags and especially the Bibles from the righteous kids, but to no avail. And the Holy Spirit is hovering around the righteous kids, and the holy angels with them.
We see the “bad” kids start to fall back.
Yeah—then we could also hear the “bad” kids reviling the righteous kids, but the righteous kids forgiving and blessing and ignoring the insults, while continuing to praise God and bless America. One carries a long, glistening, deep red cloth (lame or cloth laden with sequins or such).
Very soon, by the power of love and praise through the righteous kids, the “bad” kids are truly away from the pile, but watching. The righteous kids—as the parents and principal and teacher that were praying—start going through the pile of junk.
More “righteous” people that have been praying in the shadows (perhaps their prayers can be heard--the power of more people than we thought praying—as the song fades and the kids’ voices take over) and start approaching the pile.
The “bad” kids start looking scared and realize they are far outnumbered!
Now Rick Pino’s “Take the Land—Army” needs to start playing as the tide turns!
Very quickly, the kids, together, uncover, dust off, and raise up the huge Bible and American Flag that were buried under the rubble. They yell in victory, and so do those warriors and adults that were praying—seen and unseen—and the “bad kids” fall back and run—or are drawn by the power of Christ.
The group starts praising the LORD and restores the Word and the flag. The person holding the cloth drapes the blood-red material over the flag, which of course represents the covering of the Blood.
***One thought is also to have the kids in the schoolroom be handed a bunch of little American flags to hand out, and the student could hand them to the prayer warriors coming from the shadows—then go out into the audience and hand out flags.
May this skit/drama bless and inspire you to do even more, and may God put His Anointing upon it to touch every heart and change them for Him!
Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.
Article Source: WRITERS
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