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Does It Nourish Your Spirit?

by Tonja Taylor  
12/22/2019 / Christian Living

Do we care what we allow into our spirits like we watch what we allow into our bodies? Do we even watch what we put into our bodies, our minds?? We MUST. We must not just choose that which isn't terribly bad, but that which is THE BEST for us!

Years ago, I was a divorced single mom and my daughter was with her father and his wife for the weekend. I was watching what had been to me once before a movie I'd found humorous, to which I'd laughed and laughed. But after 15 long minutes, I still hadn't so much as giggled! I sighed and wondered what was wrong.

Then, the LORD gently spoke into my heart, "Is that nourishing your spirit?"

That was it, of course! I'd been growing much closer to the LORD, really getting into His Word, repenting of things that offended Him, and maturing in the things of true Christianity.  The movie was not funny because now, to me, it was foolish, and tacky.

And my dear Daddy God was helping me! He had been teaching me to keep the trash out of my mind and life otherwise, and to choose life--better things that would help me in my spirit, soul, and body.

So I said aloud, "No Sir. I'm sorry." I rewound the VCR tape, got up, turned on praise music, and had the best time with my Daddy for the next hour or so!  I exercised on the treadmill while I praised Him with all my might.

I felt MUCH MUCH better! Now THAT nourished my spirit, and when we nourish our spirits, we feel better in every part of our three-part lives!

So if what you're doing to feel better is not working any more, do a heart check. Ask the LORD if you need to stop that or get rid of it, and ask Him to show you how to draw close to Him in worship, prayer, the Word, and doing good deeds for others. THESE are the things that are truly satisfying in life, for where the Spiriit of the LORD is, there is freedom, and in His Presence is fullness of joy!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God, via books; presentations; church, community, and global service; podcasts; YT channels ("River Rain Creative" and "POWERLight Learning"); and more. JESUS IS LORD!

Article Source: WRITERS

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