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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
12/31/2017 / Politics

The apocalypse is presumably a period of 7 years and the four horses are widely believed to originate and end within that period. The seven years are insufficient to accomplish any substantial changes. Just as most of the seven churches are outside the apocalypse, so are most of the “horses”.

 Observe that the closer we come to the end point, the faster these events appear to follow each other. Already the present economic Black Horse and the Red Horse of bloody revolutions are overlapping in North Africa. The first, the White Horse (biblically), “went forth conquering and to conquer”; this process requires time to be of any consequence. If our Lord speaks of major, extended events, then most “horses” deploy well outside the Apocalypse. The seven churches actually “end” in rapture, before the Tribulation. If unworthy, they enter Tribulation.

All the “horses” have their source in the original Tower of Babel, Satan’s original plan to rule mankind. The “horses” are merely different manifestations or political models within the final stages of this Luciferian campaign.

THE WHITE HORSE is said to be a conquering imposter.

 Many say that the first, the White Horse, is an imposter, pretending already during the last 16 centuries to be “Jesus on Earth”, while it firmly opposes, corrupts and persecutes TRUE Christianity. It started as Catholicism in the fourth century AD and ended being the principal world power with the First World War, when the last of the Catholic emperors were finally overthrown by the Red Horse. . Did you know that men studying to be Catholic priests are not permitted to read the Bible or to have one?

 To document the origin, history and conduct of this White horse, see Hislop’s “The Two Babylons”, on the internet. This construct of world power, operated by a pagan priesthood, which abuses the name of Christ, has been called by many to be Satan’s greatest masterpiece.

THE RED HORSE stands for bloody revolutions, a symbol for the destruction of all previously existing authority.

 The red Horse is a Luciferian conspiracy producing and directing bloody revolutions and finally all world wars.

 The people behind the Red Horse apparently came over from North Africa, where Islam fought the Satanists to a standstill, at the time of the returning Crusaders. Their main modus operandi always consisted of Satan worshipping SECRET SOCIETIES and BANKING. Catholicism (and Islam) made banking difficult by prohibiting usury and fought these precursors of Masonry, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, etc. with its Spanish Inquisition.

 The Red Horse eventually retreated (fled) to a fortified Island Fortress, abolished Catholicism there, seized the government and commenced to grow and export their secret Conspiracies and Banks and their red Revolutions, in complete safety for its own headquarters, throughout the rest of Europe. This period produced the “French” revolution and continued until Soviet Communism was dismantled to make room for their next Horse, the Black Horse, an economic construct of pure banking (“bankster”) power.

  THE BLACK HORSE is an “Economic Horse”.

 This phase or “political model” is considered actually to be “benign”, in contrast to the Red Horse model of bloody aggression and terror. It was deemed far cheaper to have mankind just walk, by themselves, into the final trap.

 If planning to catch a deer for supper, you could devise a plan (say, “model A”), where you can scream and run at it with a club to bludgeon it, or, (“model B”), where you build a trap and place food to entice the deer to enter by itself. Once the trap closes you can do what you like to the deer.

The “model B” was deemed cheaper and safer than world conquest by Communism (part of Red Horse), in the presence of nuclear weapons. These dear people didn’t really intend to fry, and some of them probably would have done so during the final showdown with well-known, hated and feared Communism.

 Today, the European Union is an economic union, with a common currency, parliament and, soon, a single leader. A very similar Black Horse is being formed to unite economically USA, Canada and Mexico; then, eventually, all of North and South America. Similar economic phenomena are taking place in Asia. The Black Horse is galloping sprightly. Its final purpose is the same as that of the Red Horse. It is world conquest, where a victorious superrich elite of “godlike” Luciferians will be totally oppressing a completely impoverished and helpless mankind, in a system of worldwide FEUDALISM. The same people who controlled the Red horse also will control completely the Black and Yellow (pale) horses. These can be viewed simply as different political and economic models to achieve the original objectives.

 THE YELLOW (PALE, GREEN) HORSE is a symbol for universal death.

 Under World Government no nation will have an army and therefore no means of defense. The last, the Yellow Horse, is probably reserved mainly for the apocalypse. Although, its beginning may date back to sometime in the 1950ies, when serious population containment programs, resulting in genocides, development of Aids (HIV), Ebola virus, abortion and so on, were being taken seriously in hand. According to the Bible, half of mankind shall die during the 7 year period of the apocalypse. A one-world government just does not need a large population in the absence of national wars, or the need for war factories.  Nobody needs trillions of people to supply and serve a most minute elite of Luciferians. This implies plans for the elimination of more than 95% of humanity under the global government.

  Who could defend himself? No nation will be allowed an independent army under globalism. Where could you run? This time mankind will be inside a global prison. Read the Bible. The antichrist will destroy “WITH PEACE…”

According to the Georgia Guide Stones (look it up on internet), just 500 million people, worldwide, will supply quite enough helpless slaves, bound in future feudalism, to serve a ¨godlike elite” of Luciferians on their fabulous, colossal estates.

 Some say that the authors of all this are the same nice people, who, throughout history, have made history lie, made monuments lie, made tombstones lie, made science lie. And no great wonder, since Satan was a liar and murderer from the very beginning.

 Some say that everything these dear people touched has turned into indescribable, unimaginable filth. 

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