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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
4/24/2016 / Politics

Think a little and open your eyes:

At the beginning of WW 2 Hitler sent ships filled with displaced Orthodox Jews to New York, while America was still neutral. The administration of President Roosevelt, knowing well the imminent danger to these doomed Orthodox, absolutely refused them entry, asylum and all help. The ships were made to return, made by this very "American" administration to return to Germany, where these poor people perished.

If Jews controlled the Luciferian Conspiracy in US, well knowing Hitler's ongoing persecution, would they have sent these ships back for their people to die? Kiddo, it's not the Jews; somebody else is riding America.

A recent, giant effort of the Luciferians was intended to destroy the entire ORTHODOX JEWRY in Europe, totally. THE ORTHODOX WERE AND ARE A HINDRANCE, hated by Satan and always opposing the Luciferians. Today, at this very time, they still constitute the fiercest opposition to Luciferianism. They would not join Luciferian Secret Societies and kept others from joining.

False accusations of unimaginable crimes, actually committed by Babylonic Satanists themselves against humanity, have been leveled against them, in the form of authentic "PROTOCOLS" of the Luciferian Elite itself, cleverly altered to incriminate the Jews.

This propaganda resulted in the near destruction of the Nation during the last World War. Lamentably, these lies still abound, generating the fiercest resentments and bitterness.

If Jews were in control of Luciferians globally, if they were the true invisible world power responsible for every RED REVOLUTION and every MAJOR WAR in the last 300 years, as some people imagine, then WHY WAS THE HOLOCOUST IN WW 2 NOT PREVENTED? Six million Jews were murdered horribly. The falsified "Protocols" had been released from England most especially to destroy the Jews, Hitler's sentiments and deadly persecution were known, and yet the entire Luciferian machine vastly supported Hitler, just as they had supported the rise of Communism in Russia. More than a hundred American industrial giants (like J. Ford, for example) were actively arming and supplying Germany, under the existing political "American" administrations, said to be controlled by secret societies.

If Jews were controlling America and American banks and American government, would they have supported Hitler with bank credit, armaments, raw materials and fuel so greatly and openly, and so long, while Hitler was, at the same time, daily and openly murdering Jews?

Later on these same people (American banks and government) did everything possible to PREVENT A RAPID END OF WORLD WAR TWO in Europe until the Holocaust was complete, until the mass murder of Jews was practically finished! THESE ARE VERIFIABLE HISTORICAL FACTS. Check them out.

You think Jews could have helped to kill their own people like that?

There are a host of similar examples. To this day Israel has not been permitted to touch the Temple Mount or rebuild the temple. Somebody absolutely prevents Jews from seeking their God. What do you make of that? It is not for fear of Muslims. The Muslims have been and are already fully and un-alterably resolved, globally, to eliminate Israel, quite regardless of what happens to the Mosque on Temple mount, AS SOON AS THEY HAVE THE MEANS.

Jews were downtrodden, abused and oppressed for generations and, if satanized within the Illuminati, made eager and effective administrations in Communism, etc. There are also some publicized Jewish banks. But the multitude of all the other Big Banks (not so publicized) and the leadership within the top Secret Orders of the world are NOT Jewish.

The Luciferians have pushed and are pushing the Jews into the jaws of death, followed by death eternal to all who abandon the God of Israel. First the worm, then the hook, then the frying pan; then Doomed Fish. Since the Babylonian Captivity how many times was the entire nation to be murdered, intending to eliminate the people, the message and our Savior?

The State of Israel was established at the very onset of the Nuclear Age in the midst of their sworn enemies, they say, eventually as an easy future nuclear target, something even the Nazis were unable to accomplish. This presents a position where the Big Boys can dictate to Israel, or else! God help us!

You draw your own conclusions about who rules the world and to what outcome.

Fortunately, there is something, which today nearly everybody ignores. There IS a God of Abraham, even though the phantasy making machine of "our" mass media would NEVER MENTION GOD, or honor Him! There is prophesied an end of Evil, which time is hurtling toward us even as you read. The calendars of the Incas and Mayas now end at 6000 years and do NOT continue. The Chinese calendar is not far behind. The Jewish calendar shows something like 240 years missing until 6000. They say six thousand years under Satan, then one thousand years under God's Messiah. That completes a biblical seven, while all of intelligent creation is surely observing us here, observing what it means to trust the ultimate deceiver, destroyer and betrayer.

Check out God's prophecy, which has NEVER failed and never will.

Only one "week of years" remains seven years - during which God will return to again deal with Israel directly. This is called by some to be the final week, seven years, before year 6000, and is still future. One hundred forty four THOUSAND prophets, ISAIAS types indeed, will disperse among mankind during the Apocalypse, proclaiming an end to evil and the dawn of imminent justice and righteousness.

Read it in Revelations (Bible).

The future for the coming righteous, honest humanity will be indescribably marvelous. God Himself said, that the ear has not heard and the eye has never seen, neither can man even IMAGINE the HAPPINESS which Father God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please)!

God's Word, Sir. Look it up.

Today, if you love the Lord, you are only a pilgrim here. Our home is not part of this reality. Here is merely an entrance, a door to literally another dimension.
What do you suppose will confront those who REJECT the immense gift of a loving God, so great, SO GREAT, a salvation?

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