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by Dr Surya Kumar Daimari  
2/18/2013 / Career

Once I had had the privilege of making a fresh headway onto a garden. From far off place, the garden looked like a red carpet carpeted over the ground for tennis play or for some musical opera to be performed. The rich golden flowering trees greeted us with the red carpet welcome. A medley of colors was thrown up everywhere. It seemed that the garden was ready for some celebration, the earth being littered red with petals. And the mood was simply pretty divine. As I came nearer the place, I saw that it was all roses and roses only. Beauty in her red and purple costume comes here and goes with her exotic smiles. I could also see that some of the young shoots in the plants began poking their heads through the stems and some tender green leaves unfurling themselves in the sunlight.
The beauty I have experienced here is amazing and perhaps romantic. In Wordsworth's words it must be "the emotion recollected in tranquility". What was more fascinating and thrilling was that I was overwhelmingly sensitive of a sweet perfume which made me active and alive. The whole area was scented by the perfume. I could see the beauty but surprisingly not the odor. It must have come from the hearts of the roses and certainly not from the other side of the hedge. The beauty and the sweet odor as they are the most integral parts of the flower began to have a greater resonance in my life like those of the young green shoots sprouting through the stems with a meaning in life. It was William Wordsworth who could seek and find a different kind of beauty in meadows, woodlands, mountaintops, torrent rivers, daffodils etc. which was more spiritual in essence rather than sensuous. I was perplexed thinking how the gardener toils, manures the soil, cultivates the plants and waters them. I know that it is God only who grows the plant and gives the beauty and the sweet odor as well. God is the best gardener and the best designer. But the man as the gardener is more instrumental in giving life and beauty to the flower. It is really wonderful to see how the little seedling emerges from the ground and grows into a plant- as a trailing, climbing plant with branches that produces beautiful flowers and fruits as well.
"Beauty without perfume" makes me a sense of incompleteness. In the same manner, education without quality will not make any sense. The education of our times primarily lacks the so called intrinsic values, ie, TRUTH, BEAUTY AND GOODNESS. The Truth, Beauty and Goodness are the real values in education without which education is a cripple. Along with the knowledge gained through academic courses, ie, brain culture, it is this spiritual quality that will make a man perfect, a man with character and sound personality.
"Beauty with Perfume" should be the guiding principle of our life. Young people should strife for Beauty and also for Perfume. Along with academic excellence, students should also seek for values.
"Values means primarily to prize, to esteem, to apprise, to estimate, it means the act of cherishing something, holding it dear and also the act of passing judgment upon the nature and amounts of values as compared with something else." Says John Dewey.
Values whether aesthetic or spiritual or moral or social stand for ideals for man to live in the society with a meaning and purpose. Values help building our character. Values also help an individual to live the life of integrity and dignity, equality and social justice. It's a life willing to live for others and accept all the joys and sorrows, all the challenges and triumphs of life. In this world of increasing immorality and corruption only these values of life can help bring a deliberate change in the society and make you a brand quality. As a student or as a good career holder and also as a good citizen, precisely this is your priority. Amazingly, all these REAL VALUES ARE FOUND IN JESUS. WANT TO BRAND LIKE A SUPER STAR? JUST PUT JESUS INSIDE.

Name of the Author of this article: Dr. Surya Kumar Daimari, MA,M.Ed, PGDTE,D.Min.(Doctor of Ministry)
The author is a freelance writer.
Book published: The Names of the Believers in the Bible in Types and Symbols .

Article Source: WRITERS

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