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Defining Adultery Is Knowing You Are Committing Adultery
by Angie Lewis
2/17/2011 / Marriage
How do we go about defining adultery except to say that it is morally wrong and it is a sin according to God? When we live our lives as if there is no God there will be consequences. I don't say this scripture does. Many people don't stop to realize that they create negative consequences in their life by making the wrong choices. Whole marriages and families are ruined by one adulterous act. This is why Jesus said to NOT even look at another with feelings of lust because our attitude of lust will lead to adultery eventually.
An example of this is seen in how we live our marriage. Instead of living our marriage by the One who created it, many of us manage our marriage through our own understanding. And that is why we don't see the blessings! Today there are so many people suffering from adulterous marriages and they just don't get it! They don't understand why they are suffering? Many of these marriages suffer greatly under the affects of adultery by a spouse. When a spouse commits adultery it takes a forgiving heart to get past the hurt and pain that it can cause.
There are three ways adultery can be defined in a marriage. The number one way is when a spouse has sex with another person other than who they are married to. The second way, which most people don't know about, is by remarriage when their first marriage spouse is still living. Scripture is very clear on this; it is stated four different times in the bible. Some Christians are living in adultery because they remarried while their first spouse still lives.
Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery. (Luke 16:18)
And thirdly when two people are in a defacto cohabitation marriage and one has sex with someone outside of this defacto marriage. According to God two people who live together and are having sex are married. You may not be married to the state because there is no record of the marriage, but God sees the record of your marriage in the way you live. Look at Adam and Eve! Did they have a record of their marriage? God considers a man and a woman married when they (1.) leave parents. (2.) promise to each other by living together, and (3.) by consummation of the relationship.
If we want to save our marriage there is only one thing we must do when a spouse commits the sin of adultery. We must make God the most important part of our life so we can have a forgiving heart. The truth is it is not a new spouse we need when our spouse commits adultery; it's a new perspective on life. We need to receive a new heart and mind. The bottom line is we need healed!! And God is our healer! A new spouse can't heal our soul. Only God can wipe away our past, purify our minds and make us new people in Christ for righteous and peaceful living in the kingdom of heaven.
How many of us choose to live our marriage under our own wisdom and understanding and then expect to be forgiven by Christ's loving grace for making wrong lifestyle choices according to that understanding? I mean think about this. If we don't have the faith to live as Christ-ones then who are we living for? Adultery is a sin to God and sincere repentance is a must so we can be forgiven. And forgiveness only comes when we stop living the sin of adultery!
The point is we have to consciously and willingly put in the effort to walk with God in His kingdom of heaven by discontinuing the adultery. We should not minimize sin in our lives, or justify reasons why God won't mind if we do something that leads to sin or is sinful behavior. We need to stop deceiving ourselves!
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, not thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
I truly don't know what else to say about adultery except look at your life and see where you may have erred. God gives us free will to do as we please now because he wants us to choose Him over our desires. He wants us to choose Him over our desire to be unfaithful in our marriage; He wants us to choose Him over the pleasures and desires of this world. Only when we die to these things and choose God will we be free from sins hold on us and be the whole and happy people God created us to be. We need to find our way back on the path that leads to God! There is no other way.
I believe full-heartedly that to make the right choices means waiting on God to guide us in His wisdom. We have to put our lives in His hands, which means we NEED to walk in faith and in Godly wisdom and understanding, and that means we may have to suffer for doing what is right. God loves us greatly and wants us to choose Him, but that does not mean we will never suffer again. On the contrary it is through our suffering that we grow more faithful and wise in Him. Don't let sin take a hold of your life, give your burdens to God and let Him heal your soul!
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