God's Miracle of Protection
by Nancy Quinn The multi-lane interstate was busy during evening rush hour and I checked each time I had to move over to the next lane. I had a couple miles to go before I had to merge onto the interstate that veered south toward home. As always, I checked before moving over into each lane and saw a grey car such a great distance away that I started to turn my wheel to the left to shift lanes again. The steering wheel suddenly jerked in my hands and moved me back to my lane. As I briefly glanced down in panic at my wheel wondering what was wrong with my car, a grey blur passed on my left going in excess of 100 miles per hour and I felt an evilness emanating from the car. This memory will stay with me for the rest of my days as I treasure this event as one where my guardian angel actually took a hold of my wheel and saved me from certain death. Another time a massive truck blocked my view in the lane next to me and when the light turned green, I poised to take my foot off the brake when his loud horn scared me. Just as I wondered who he was honking at, an SUV ran through the red light at top speed. The Lord once again protected me, this time using one of His children to warn me. Have there been times in your life where you knew the Lord saved you from certain death? Knowing He loved me and intervened those times are still treasured memories to me. And even if you don't remember any distinct situations, that doesn't mean the Lord hasn't intervened. I'm sure there's been many times where He has been at your right hand and protected you without your knowledge. Who knows that the times we've been delayed going to work by an annoying phone call, or a slow car ahead of us as we're going home hasn't been the Lord's incredible timing to keep us out of the wrong place at the wrong time. If you look up the word "protection" in the Bible you will discover a treasure trove of comforting verses. Isn't it a beautiful thought to know that the Lord loves us so much that He sends his guardian angels to watch over us? I love the comforting verse from Psalm 91:4 "He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." As you go through your busy day, remember to thank the Lord that you are sheltered, protected and greatly loved. Psalm 18:2 "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety." Luke 12:7 "And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." May God bless these words as I strive to encourage others in their walk with Christ. Please contact me if you would like to request a specific lesson that Lucy Mouse can teach your children or if you would like a coloring page to be sent to match the story! Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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