by Lewis E. Thomas


When a nation forgets God, it can start with a few Christians like you and me...
Should we grow "LUKEWARM" towards God, for all of our friends and family to see.
It can begin when we stop "THANKING GOD" for all the blessings that He has given to us!
When Jesus is no longer our priority, we have put him in the "BACK OF THE BUS"!
Things worsen as we cease to cherish and
love the Holy Bible, God's written "WORD"!
We stop "memorizing" scriptures, and dub that to now be, "OLD FASHIONED" and absurd!
It continues when we stop attending Church, to use God's time, to "DO OUR OWN THING"!
Causing our nation to grow more evil as we neglect and ignore Jesus, the KING of kings!
When a nation forgets God, "EVIL" quickly fills the "VOID" that is caused thereby...
As we "GRIEVE" God, he weeps over us, from far beyond the stars in the sky!
Many Churches are like ole Samson, having no clue, that the Holy Spirit and "Power of God" abandoned them long ago!
"WILLFUL SIN" and love for the world, has driven the Holy Spirit out of many Churches, and their congregations don't even know!
Everyone who isn't daily living to please the Savior who died for us on The Cross...
Is contributing to their nation's destruction, as it becomes "SPIRITUALLY LOST"!
When a nation forgets God, it will be consumed by MURDER, CHAOS, VIOLENCE, PERVERSIONS, and GREAT LOSS...
Until that nation's citizens "REPENT" and bow to Jesus Christ, who died for us all, on that
Lewis E. Thomas
Psalm 9:17 - The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.
Hebrews 2:3, Titus 1:16, 1st John 2:4, 2:15, 


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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