BIG-HEADED PEOPLE: Sunday School Lesson
by linzy bruno


“I had a very strange dream last night, Mom. There were all these people crowded into this small room, only they couldn’t stand too close together because their huge heads took up so much of the room! What do you think it means?” Brighton asked.

“Hmmmm….Well, it’s kinda funny, but I do think it means something. Maybe we should ask Pastor Jackson before church this morning,” his mother replied.

Brighton nodded and quickly ran upstairs to his room to get ready.

They were able to arrive early enough to chat for a while, much to his mother’s relief.

“Pastor Jackson, I had a really crazy dream last night. It was really short too. I didn’t see anything leading up to it, just a tiny room filled with people who had these huge heads!” Brighton exclaimed.

“Wow, that is strange! But I’m pretty sure it can only mean one thing. Brighton, you come to church every Sunday and you are surrounded by people who, spiritually speaking, have a huge room in which to gather, with a vast amount of room for spiritual growth, and everyone has small heads, you know spiritually, that’s not to say pride never enters in, but when you are aware and pray often, you can catch it early. It’s not always easy, but we are all aware and work with God to maintain humility. We who love God work with His Spirit to make only HIM the huge one in our lives. But I think your dream was a reminder to us all that the simple fact is that for those who do not know God, everything is about them and everything they do is for them and their own plans and agendas. But, we all have to fight against that human pull on our souls,” Pastor Jackson explained.

“Oh yeah! That does make sense!” Brighton replied.

Then he happily sat down next to his mother in the front row, just before Pastor Jackson began speaking:

“One of you youngsters had an interesting dream and told me all about it this a.m. I had another Sermon all set for this morning, but I think this reveal through this dream is an even more pressing topic for me to teach today. This dream was about a tiny room packed full of people with these giant heads.”

Everyone laughed and looked at one another in surprise.

“I know it sounds funny, and I guess it is funny, but I also believe God was sending us a message through this unusual dream. I think the message is clear, and quite plain. Without God, we weak and prideful human beings are just full of ourselves; our heads are symbolically huge. I’m convinced God is telling us just how wicked our hearts are without Him. Without His Spirit abiding within us, we will falter, and resort back to ourselves. And our heads, spiritually speaking, will grow in size, while the room we have to grow, which is symbolic for our own hindrance of that growth, shrinks around us; stifling our development all the more.”

Later that day, Brighton and his mom continued to dwell on Pastor Jackson’s powerful Sermon.

Then that night, the Lord gave Brighton another dream about the big-headed people. This time in the same small room, the people began screaming and fighting with one another. Then suddenly, a new mystery figure made His way into the tiny room. His Presence was so looming, so large and so Majestic, that the people gasped, and their heads were immediately shrunk down to the size. Then Brighton woke up suddenly in great surprise and with great clarity.

‘I get it now. Oh God thank You for helping me understand by giving this second dream,’ he quickly prayed. Then he ran downstairs to tell his mom all about his new dream.

“Mom, guess what! God gave me another dream, and it all makes so much sense. Pastor Jackson was SO right! I mean, I knew he was right before, but now……it’s like……”

“Wow, that’s great! Tell me all about it!” His mother replied, as they both sat down at the breakfast table.

“Well, it was like a part two of the first one. Only this time, the people were all fighting right before, guess Who…… Jesus showed up! And He made everyone’s heads shrink to normal or smaller than normal size!”

“Oh, that’s something isn’t it? I wonder what Pastor Jackson will have to say about that!”

“Yeah, I wonder TOO!” Brighton replied.

Then that Sunday, Brighton and his mom showed up early again to talk with the Pastor about Brighton’s sequel of a dream.

“Pastor, guess what! God gave me another dream and it all makes so much sense. This time the people all started yelling at each other and even hitting each other. THEN, Jesus showed up. Everyone stopped and stared and all the peoples’ heads were shrunk to small and even extra small sizes!” Brighton exclaimed.

“You’re kidding! Well, isn’t that interesting. I think I can use that in my Sermon this morning. Thanks for telling me about it,” he replied. “But this time I’d like to mention that it was you who had the dreams. Is that okay with you?”

“SURE!” Brighton replied.

“Well, in case any of you were wondering, it was Brighton who had that dream. He came to me early this morning to inform me of a new development. He had another dream about the big-headed people, only this time Jesus showed up and all their heads shrunk back to smaller sizes. That is clearly because only Jesus can help us to fight against our natural tendency toward pride and the aspirations of the self. AND, some of the heads being a little smaller…..I’m pretty sure that implies the different levels of obedience they displayed before the LORD in cooperating with His Spirit to turn away from pride……Brighton, I forgot to ask you, did the room get bigger when their heads got smaller?”

“MUCH!” Brighton replied, with his biggest smile.

Everyone laughed.

Then after services, Pastor Jackson told Brighton and his mother that he wanted to plan a special class where he could teach the dangers of remaining in pride and resistance to the work of the Holy Spirit, which he got to work on right away.

Then a few days after the first class, in which he and his mother attended, Brighton told her “Ya know….. I’m really grateful for the class Pastor Jackson has set up for us because I think I’m feeling a little too good about being the one that God gave those dreams to,” he explained.

“Oh well that’s okay though because you are clearly aware and didn’t allow pride to sneak up on you.”

“Yeah, thanks to JESUS, Who made me aware, I was able to see it!”

“Praise the LORD,” his mother replied.





Linzy is a certified Bible Counsellor, with countless republications on her viewers blogs, Bible Studies, Ezines and the like. Her portfolio includes, non-fiction articles, short stories for all ages, and Christian poetry. 

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