by Faith Jansky
How God’s people feared and trembled As the giant, they did see; They knew they couldn’t fight and win, And from him they did flee.
But they forgot their great Captain, Who had never faced a foe That could defeat and conquer Him, And that, with them He’d go!
They looked instead, at the giant, So impossible to fight. Refusing to face and conquer, They ran from him in fright.
David wasn’t a warrior Of great renown and skill, But He knew His God’s great power, And sought to do His will!
David placed all his trust in God, And ran forth to meet the foe, Trusting God would lead and help him; And with him, God did go!
That giant wasn’t big to God, And His power, He did show; That all men on the earth could hear, And His great power, know!
The giants we may face today Can seem impossible too. But our God remains the same; And His promises, still true.
He will help us face each giant, As we place our trust in Him! Our God can make us conquerors, Though the outlook seem grim.
Let’s gaze much upon our great King, And face hardships by His grace; That others may see His power, And be drawn to seek His face!
By Faith Jansky
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
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