Shame on US
by Rev. Will. Harrison Jr.

I have heard so many times for so many years people asking the question How can you tell me to believe in a God who allows so many horrible things to happen in our world and in peoples lives everyday and does nothing to intervene and/or prevent these horrors?

Maybe the real question is how can we as a race of humans, and as Americans, and as individuals, not only allow but actually carry out such unrestrained Godless horrors?

I believe in a Creator who is the supreme God of all mankind, the Earth and all else in creation. But when this God made the first human family, after having made the world and all that is in nature, that first family was told that they were being given the authorization and the requirement to rule and subdue the earth and everything in it. Yet since then, whenever you may believe that was, we have not ceased to seemingly do everything in our human power and beyond, to cause unspeakable horrors upon each other, ourselves and our offspring, and even upon the very Earth we were commissioned to be stewards of.

I want to know, I believe even God and all of Heaven would like to know, and we all on the earth should be prepared to ask and answer the question of How can we have allowed and how can we still continue to allow the horrors of our history to repeat itself, especially against the innocent, the children, the needy, the poor, and the ones trying to do as much right as they are able to. Shame on us.

No, I do not at all believe in some kind of pie-in-the-sky notion that we all could actually discover a way to totally eradicate every single piece of depraved activity and effect on the earth. Look at your life and mine. We are all a collection of good attempts to be bad and bad attempts to be good. But I do so strongly believe that we all could, collectively and as individuals do a way far better job than we have so far, of not only making the right choices but actually insuring that we intervene and even prevent these horrors from taking place. Shame on us.

Wars can at times be inevitable but should not be irresistible. Disease and sicknesses happen but there have been so very many that could have been prevented. Even when it comes to the issue of what is commonly referred to as abortion, think of the human beings that may have been born that would have presented us with the technology to help us do a better job of curing disease, helping the environment, feeding the poor, helping the needy, etc. Maybe we deserve the curse of violent gangs hijacking our children and our public places, pedophiles and others like them preying on our children, terrorism in the name of a good God who only has mercy on his own, STDs of all kinds, identity theft, drug dealers and gangsters and thugs and bullies, alcohol related crimes and killings, tobacco related deaths and diseases, and the list goes on. Shame on us.

I also do most certainly believe that the creator must in all fairness and justice judge us on the earth even if for no other reason than because of the incredibly lousy job we have done as stewards of each other and everything else in creation. And also even because of the obvious fact that we have been apathetic, lazy, blame shifting, irresponsible, gutless, self indulgent, and so forth. God must judge us not only as individuals but as the various groups we represent, whether a Nation, an Ethnic group, a particular religious persuasion, or even on a smaller scale such as a town or a village, a city or even a family. And God must to some degree judge those who believe they are innocent along with the perpetrators themselves, because of culpability, and even being guilty by association, or even by our own failure to do as we complain God should be doing, Intervening. Shame on us.

Regardless of your political or philosophical or religious or socio-economic views and values [sorry if I missed yours] we can all do way way more than we have and than we are to intervene and prevent the things that we say God should be doing and the things we ourselves recoil from when we see or hear of them happening. Maybe, and I said maybe, the increase in natural disasters around the world, the increase in diseases and epidemics, the increases in human-on-human crimes, the increase of the crimes involving money and economic issues, the increase of sexual deviancy and perversion especially against our children, and the increase of any number of other social and cultural and human ills are connected and in direct relationship to each other. Maybe we just cannot simply continue to all be as free and independent as we all so vehemently insist on being without very grave consequences. Shame on us.

Maybe, and I said maybe there is a line that must be drawn for many things. Maybe there actually should be self imposed and culturally and societally imposed limits on so many things in order to cancel the ticking time bomb of self destruction. Even things in nature itself has limits and boundaries and weve learned the dreadful consequences when those are defied. Maybe just maybe God has programmed not only natural consequences for the boundaries we seem to be blind and uncaring of, so that we will at least be warned, but has actually ordained certain select things to take place to tell us in effect, that was wrong and youre all going to suffer because of not preventing it and not intervening and not taking full responsibility. Shame on us.

I personally do believe that God has done so and is doing so and will continue to do so and even told us that this could be expected. We deserve every bit of consequence but the real travesty and tragedy is that so much of these consequences could have been prevented and avoided by US. What am I and what are you doing about these things. When will WE intervene in our own affairs. When will we judge ourselves and be courageous and responsible and start drawing the lines on so many things. When will we do whatever it takes and use discretion, prudence, skill, wisdom, common sense, discernment, honor, mercy, etc. and show the maturity we should be able to expect after all these generations. Character even to match our advances in technology.

How could we have, how can we still, why do we, keep on making excuses and blaming others and worshipping the freedom to do our own thing above reasonable and rational thinking in our everyday choices and decisions. Stop asking God about the apparent failure to intervene in our personal affairs and freedoms and just leave us alone to self destruct. It wont be our fault anyways. It never is. Its always someone elses fault not ours. I ask How can God not judge us all, in our individual and corporate collective lives, with way more of what weve seen. How can God be so merciful and patient and not intervene to stop us, not stop the consequences. Maybe it is yet to happen. Unless..

Rev. Will. Harrison Jr. Minister since late seventies, living with disabilities, married with children, should not have been saved. Former white & blue collar businessman. President and Founder LifeBuilders Ministry

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