One Shot
by Tonja Taylor

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will vanish (pass away) with a thunderous crash, and the [material] elements [of the universe] will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up.--2 Peter 3:10, AMPC
For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.--John 3:17 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)

As one who's taught in public school for several years (both as a sub for many years, then as a full-time teacher in elementary and middle school), I'm thankful the LORD has helped me to recognize and seize opportunities, which I call "one shots", even at the potential risk of getting fired--to make a positive difference in my students' lives. 

Sometimes, I believe this has been an eternal difference!  

Personally, I believe that children will go straight to Heaven if they die as children, because God is so merciful. However, there is an "age of accountability" for every person, and only the LORD knows that. When they are accountable is when they understand they must make a choice to choose Jesus, or not. 

My "age of accountability" was 9. Praise the LORD, my parents took me to church early, and although that did not continue much beyond 10, the LORD was able to convince me by His Holy Spirit in Vacation Bible School, that I needed a Savior, the LORD Jesus, Who died on the cross to forgive and cleanse me from all my sins (John 3:15-17). Hallelujah! 

As teachers, we have an amazing privileg and responsibility to positively impact the lives of our students. If we are Believers in Christ, I believe that responsibility is even greater: to make the most of every opportunity--to seize "one shots" that God gives us to act and speak into our students' lives to point them to God!

Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.--Ephesians 5:16, AMPC

For instance, when we returned from spring break and I asked my middle schoolers what they did, most of them had positive things to say. One dear fifth grader, however, looked at me with a stony face and blurted, "My dad left!"

There was a shocked silence in the room for a few moments. Then, the loving boldness of God rose up in me, and I went over to that sweet girl, with the whole class watching. I hugged her close, then said, "Well, I know this. Father God will never leave you!" and I prayed out loud for her peace right then.

No one said anything negative, nor even acted negative. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. 

God had orchestrated this, and I had one shot to act. So, by His help, I did!

Another time, I had to tell a middle-school class that I'd be out the next day, for school-mandated training.

"Whadya gotta be gone for?" shouted one student, with a terribly arrogant attitude, in front of the whole class.

I was a bit shocked at her negative and very wrong boldness.  Remaining calm, I paused a few seconds. No one said anything, and I think the class was shocked at her arrogance as well--and wondering how I would respond.

Calmly, with the LORD's help, I said, "First, you don't have the right to speak to me that way. Second, this is something the school has told me to do. Third, I will return the next day. Now, all of you get back on your projects."

The outspoken student just glared at me, and the cold war had started. 

I had no idea why a student would react this way, especially in front of the class. I asked the LORD for insight. I went to training, and the cold war was still going the day I returned. I knew this was hurting the student and distracting me, and it had to be stopped. 

The LORD showed me that she had abandonment issues, and just needed some "radical lovin'" to break through the junk. So, He orchestrated my "one shot" opportunity, and here's what happened: During class the next day, I felt the prompting of the LORD, and stopped. I walked up to the student who'd blasted me in front of the class, and I put my arm around her neck, and pulled her face close to mine (This was pre-COVID, and you must have the wisdom of God to do this, whatever the situation, for it may not always be welcomed, and could create problems if God's not in it.).

I looked her right in the eye, and said loudly (something very close to), "Shara (not her real name), I love you, and we can't keep going this way. Got it?"

She melted, and we hugged. By God's grace, she understood, and she broke out into a big smile. "I love you too, Mrs. Taylor!" she said, and then we had class the way it should be.

From then on, whenever she'd see me, she'd yell (even across the field or parking lot), "I love you, Mrs. Taylor!" and I'd make the ASL 'love you' sign with my hand and wave back, and yell, "I love you too!"


Another "one shot" time was when I wrote on my board, "Jesus loves you, and so do I!" for my fourth grade math and English class, in a different school and town. The kids liked it. Many of them went to church, and would ask questions about God. (Those were "one shots" as well, and the LORD is good to have the kids ask questions, which opens the door for us teachers to reply and plant more God-seeds!) I'd get to brag on God somehow, and then say, "Ok, now let's get back to math (or English)."

One day, the principal came up after class and told me to take that off the board. When I politely asked him why, he said if we left it up there, we'd "have to put Buddha and Mohammed and other names" up there too.  

I knew this was the devil, so I inwardly asked the LORD for wisdom. Again, holy boldness rose up in me, and I took this "one shot". I looked up at this very tall principle (who had no kids, was not married, and had not indicated if he was a true Believer in Christ or not. I suspected not, but I am not the judge.), and said respectfully but clearly, "You know that Jesus is the only One Who rose again, and He is coming back. Things are changing!"

He just looked at me and told me again to take it off.

I knew that, as Genesis 50:20 says, what the enemy means for evil, God will always work for good. Hallelujah!

I wrestled a bit, knowing it was right for me to have that on the board; knowing that, as Psalm 24:1 says, "The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof, and all the peoples therein!"  I did not want to take that off the board, and to me, this was an infringement of free speech.

However, I also knew the school district had hired me, not to preach the Word of God, but to teach these kids math and English. So the LORD gave me wisdom, and this is what I wrote instead: "You are loved by Every One that matters!"

I said nothing to the kids, but of course they noticed and asked me about it! They were shocked and disturbed when I told them I had been commanded to take Jesus' name off, and they asked me who told me. I did not tell them (although the fact came out later!). 

So, with this, the LORD afforded me another "one shot," for I told them when they expressed their disappointment about the phrase that, "Whether it's written on the board or not, Jesus loves you, and so do I!"

During the rest of that year, two of my sweet fourth graders received Christ Jesus as their Savior and LORD, and were excited to tell me about it, letting me know the date of their baptism! Hallelujah!

I've also been blessed--since I've been teaching online for the past couple of years, which includes teaching people not native to the US, who are learning English as a second language or otherwise were not born in America--to have many "one shots" to sow God-seeds into these students. This includes blatantly sharing my writings and other beliefs (as the LORD leads, and orchestrates conversations and situations) about Jesus (not just God; many cultures believe in "God," but the Name of Jesus is distinct and sovereign above all!), and sowing many seeds. 

From what I remember, I've never had a student in all of these classes and years to openly disdain the Name of Jesus, or what God has been doing with these "one shots." And, praise Him, I know that He is using these Kairos moments--these "one shots"--to change lives for eternity in these kids, our future leaders!

Hallelujah! Celebrate the "one shots" God may have already given you to impact the lives of your students for Him (This can also include having Scriptures in your room, because you are free to decorate your room the way you want, and things like playing Christian music and sharing lyrics to worship songs (along with a selection of other genres, so no one can say you're "discriminating," etc.) in music class, or (as I've done) for the students to listen and write opinion essays on, etc. etc. 

The LORD will give you a continual supply of wisdom and witty ideas, unique directions for more "one shots." Just ask Him, and realize that, when you have an idea to do your students good to His glory, it's HIM!

Go for it, and may all your "one shots" hit their targets, every time! 

The wicked flee when no man pursues them, but the [uncompromisingly] righteous are bold as a lion.—Proverbs 28:1, AMPC



Through books, presentations, service, and more, Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. Her series for girls, P.O.W.E.R. GIRL ADVENTURES, is now out (books I-V), along with LEGACY; YOUR HOLY HEALTH: VISIONS OF THE KING, and more. See the "River Rain Creative" and POWERLight Learning YT channel.

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