by Lupie Riley


Freelance writer Lupie Riley

Thought:  One word sums up the world we live in today…” stressful.”   A Suttle change is taking place in this country. Each day, another freedom is taken away and soon we may find ourselves living under a dictatorship government that controls our every move.  As a believer, what should we be doing?  God has a plan for each of us everyday (Psalms 139:16.) He gave us spiritual gifts and talents at the time of our rebirth, that are to be used to strengthen His church (believers) and we should be putting them to use.   If your not sure what your gift is, ask Him and He will surely answer. “Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all.”

Do you have leadership skills? Have you thought of running for a government office?  We desperately need Christians in high places.

Are you a good speaker?  Don’t be afraid to speak out on injustices.

Are you a helper?  Then go out and help those in need.  Be an encourager.  They are never alone when they walk with Jesus.

Perhaps you are gifted as a teacher.  Help those to grow in the authority of His Word.

Are you a prayer warrior?  Continue to pray for those who need Salvation.

There are many parts in God’s church (His body) just like there are many parts to our own body.  Spiritual gifts are to be used to strengthen the church to a point of maturity until we all think alike about Jesus.

He is coming soon to take out his children before Judgement falls on a nation that has turned their back on God. If you knew the exact moment of your death, what changes would you make right now in your daily living? As we look out into a world that is imploding, what place do you think God wants you in?  Our children are daily immersed in this anti-God world and we need to pray for them every day.  My prayer for my own goes like this: “Father God, give them DISCERNMENT to be able to recognize the Evil one and his temptations. Give them POWER to resist the tempter and WISDOM beyond their years so they can always make good decisions for themselves.” 

Pray for America’s people to come back to God. Pray for a revival in their hearts. Perhaps, He still may bless it like He did in it’s beginning.

Prayer:  Father God, we desperately need a revival in this country. As the days grow darker we need to let your Jesus light shine through us so that others may know who you are and what you have done for them through your sacrifice on the cross.

Verse: Psalms 94:19  “Lord, when doubts fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer.”

Married 58 years, four children, nine grandchildren and three greats.  I've been a freelance writer for over 40 years.  Working on a book at the present.  My priorities are God first, family, country. Look me up on Google search by my name Lupie Riley, click on first link. Faithwriters.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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