Best Cosmetics
by Olawale Ogunsola

"The King's daughter is all glorious within : her
clothing is of wrought gold." Psalm 45:13.


By the time I started writing this piece, I heard a Musician's name that meant so much to me and is relevant to this write-up. The musician's name is called ADARADENU. This can be translated as," Someone who is so beautiful from outside into inside." Where then does your beauty start from and where does it end?


Desire of every serious minded woman, young or old, is to look radiant and glorious. Every woman who is worthy of being so called is so concerned about her looks. A reasonable percentage of women will smile when she is called "A beautiful woman!" Or if you are a woman reading this, how will your response be if you are called "A beautiful woman"?


The crave to look good costs people a fortune. There is no amount of dollars certain people cannot spend on their looks. "I must look good" is the song of many people. Who hates beautiful things? Who cherishes the opposite? Who runs after ugliness?


This fact has driven manufacturers to roll out various kinds of cosmetics regularly. There are various cosmetics that meet different colors of skins. Some go to the xtent of applying these beauty products to change their natural look into what they like, no matter the costs. Beauty specialist feed fat on this attempt to look beautiful. Do you know that some people, especially women seek beauty to the extent of provoking their Maker to wrath?


Do you know that in most cases, cosmetics users sometimes use them to cover who they really are?


For instance, certain people, male or female, are deceivers and devourers. So, to cover their evil acts that their victims might easily fall preys, cosmetics products are employed. That is why the Living Manual, the Holy Bible, is right to say,
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth
the Lord, she shall be praised" Proverbs 31:30.


Do you want to be favoured and beautiful or to be praised by your God and man?


At the time of writing this piece, I heard a name, possibly a nickname of a local musician on an fm station that is relevant. During interview, he(the presenter) called his name and instead of answering, he added a prayer-phrase. I really cherished him. What is his name and what is the prayer - phrase?


The name is "Daradenu" and the phrase is, "Kí Olúwa jkí a dara dénú." Meaning :Beautiful until inwards is reached!", "May the Lord help us to s until we are beautiful inwards" It sums up that it is possible to look good outside but to be inwardly bad. Then what next?


God loves beauty. During and after creation, the Holy Bible records that God "... saw that it was very good". Gen 1:31(see also verses10,18,21). If God loves what is good, how then do you attain unto His recommended and recognised beauty? The Scriptures recommends certain "cosmetics" that propells your beauty from within thus,
"... be in subjection to your husbands... your chaste conversation coupted with fear.
... whose adorning let it be the (adorning) hidden man of the heart, in that which
is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in
the sight of God of great price. " I Peter 3:1-5.
"Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderous, sober, faithful in all things." ITim 3:11.
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with
shamefacedness and sobriety...
But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
Let the women learn in silence with all subjection." I Tim 2:9-11.


Beloved, kindly read and r-read the quoted verses many times. You will observe that your inner man, your Inward parts will be re-newed as you obey those words.


By so doing your beauty will not come from man-made cosmetics but from inward grown (divinely made) beauty products. They cannot be corrupted and have no expiry dates. The more you apply them, the better the results. Do you know one thing about these divine cosmetics? They are good for all nations, races, colours of skins and generations.


People have used them before. People are using them now and they reap the same benefits. Others will use them to derive great values. Begins today to apply them.


Note the opening quote of this piece. If you know yourself as "a daughter of King (king of kings), you cannot but be" all glorious within" to have everlasting beauty. Go ahead and obey the Holy Scriptures which contain more "beauty products" that are useful here and in the life to come.

Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

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