Worthy Is He
by Stephen Kimball

Ephesians 1:4, NLT: "Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes."

The heavens, on a clear night, away from all the city lights, are a marvelous sight to behold. The myriad stars that dot the black canvas of the night sky, with a backdrop of Milky Way illumination, boggles the mind. 

Earth, a mere 93 million miles away from the Sun, the star of our solar system, is like a next-door neighbor compared to the farthest object that rotates around it, at eleven billion miles. The galaxy we are a part of contains anywhere from 100 to 400 billion stars like our Sun — still, no one knows for sure. And this galaxy, only one small galaxy amongst a sea of hundreds of billions. Incomprehensible!

Despite all the scientific theories about the birth and evolution of the universe, The Bible declares that the totality of it was created by God. He created and placed us on this itty-bitty sliver of an island in the middle of a seemingly boundless starry ocean, on purpose. And every living thing on it is God’s handiwork. Every person that has ever been conceived, a special creation of God — significant, unique, and loved by their creator. If you are a believer, a genuinely born-again child of God, His Word declares that he not only created you but he “chose” you to be a part of his family, even before the foundation of the world. Now that is special!

He, by way of Jesus’ sacrifice to pay the penalty for your sin, has made a way for you to spend eternity with him. Everlasting life! Oh, what joy comes with understanding your place in the universe. Not merely a random speck of dust, but a handmade work of art — loved, forgiven, accepted.

As humans, we have a tendency to forget this. We think small. We reason from an earthly point of view. Think, for a moment, about the one person in history who you would like to meet and spend some time with. Who would it be? An athlete, a musician, a president? Perhaps a famous artist like Picasso or Michael Angelo with their stunningly beautiful works of art. As exquisite and awe-inspiring as their paintings and sculptures may be, how puny do they seem when compared to God's works? Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, being the unparalleled masterpiece. 

Or perhaps you would choose a wealthy businessman, to glean his secrets to success. The richest man in the world today is Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Space X. Impressive, for sure but how does sending rockets a few miles into space compare to the wild power it took to fling the stars into place? Space X CEO vs. The Creator of the Universe! Not much of a battle, I’m afraid. 

It’s true, the one who’s responsible for life and breath and every molecule, known or unknown, wants to be your King, your savior, and your friend, forever. Overwhelming!

The Bible says, despite your specific life circumstances, that God will never leave you or forsake you. You are not alone and you never will be. This amazing love demands a response. This love is worthy, in every way, of genuine devotion.

To contact or read more poems and articles by Stephen please go to: http://www.faithwriters.com/member-profile.php?id=68560

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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