by Olawale Ogunsola

The invasion of coronavirus otherwise called COVID 19 into human existence has changed so many things on earth. This virus seem to have come to stay among mankind. It is not the first pandemic to visit humanity to remain forever. Scientists are now more occupied by how to find a solution to this pandemic I wish them the best in their efforts.


Do you know that there is another perspective to this COVID 19 palaver? It can be confidently asserted that it is a God's control measure to awaken the church of God to her God-given commission. In other words, it is a Godly means of nailing the coffin of the Church's rebellion against the Great commission.


What do I mean by this? Please, come along with me.


Since creation, when the heart of man has been corrupted, rebellion against God's plans and purposes had begun. For instances God's plan for mankind is,
"Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground." Genesis 1:28 NLT. This same instruction was repeated after the destruction of the first earth in which only eight people were saved, Noah, his wife, three sons and their wives. Genesis 9:1


Against God's commandment to "fill the earth", mankind rebelled against God and resolved to "build a great city for ourselves with a tower that reaches into the sky. This will make us famous and keep us from being scattered all over the world." Genesis 11:4. NLT.


What was the Lord's solution to the rebellion to achieve His initial plans? The Lord came down and confuse the people with different languages verse 7


"In that way, the Lord scattered them all over the world, and they stopped building the city. Verse 8.


To every rebellion of man against God, He has perfect solution to end it! Hallelujah! Knowingly or unknowingly, the early Church had their own share of conspiracy against the Lord's commandment. What was His commandment?
"But you will receive power when the Holy spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witness, telling people about me everywhere- in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8.
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this : I am with you always, even to the end of the age. " Matt 18:19-20 NLT.


God's solution to the "rebellion" of the early Church who assembled in Jerusalem was "Persecution". The Holy Bible records,
"But Saul was going everywhere to destroy the church. He went from house to house, (where believers assembled), dragging out both men and women to throw them into prison."
But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus whereever they went." Acts 8:3-4. NLT.


The assembly of the early church was to gather for fellowship but this became a form of rebellion because of their failure to scatter to preach the Good News to unbelievers.


To church of today, instead of engaging fully in the work of the Great Commission, the church now occupies herself with unhealthy competition of building the greatest Gospel edifice that can accommodate "XYZ number of worshippers at a time" very little attention is paid to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Coronavirus has rendered almost all the big edifices useless because there is no room or permission to assemble to worship for fear of the virus. So many ministers have been arrested for violating the law of their land for their failure to follow social distancing, wearing of face masks and hand washing.


The beauty of it all is that the eyes of the Church have been opened to explore the golden opportunities available via the social media to engage in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Good News has gone viral on the internet. The edifices have, in many cases, been restructured to fit into this in any form it has been done.


This proves that the imminent coming of Jesus Christ is nearer than ever. This is because the uttermost part of the whole world can now be reached and there will be no excuse for anyone to claim that he has not heard the Good News of Jesus. So Coronavirus must be seen by the church today as a control measure to awake her to her core responsibility.


Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord help to uphold me and count me worthy when He shall come for His saints in Jesus name.

Note: NLT is New Living Translation of the Holy Bible. 

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

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