by Dudley Anderson GodTracker 788 Proverbs 30:5 “I feel so spiritually dry at the moment,” Anne explained to me when I rang her one evening to have a chat. “It’s as though God is far away and doesn’t hear my prayers anymore,” she added. Anne was a good friend and had been a Christian for many years but, although she loved the Lord, she was prone to bouts of depression, which would leave her feeling low and dry. I might add, too that I had not seen Anne in church for the past few weeks. I knew she’d not been away from home and yet she’d chosen to stay away from fellowship at a time when she needed to be sitting under the sound of God’s word. Going to church does not make anybody a Christian just as sitting in a bank would not make someone a banker. And yet, the Church is made up of people who are called the body of Christ. When the body of Christ meets to worship God, it becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit with each believer’s body a living stone in God’s temple. To be a Christian is to be a body part of Christ but meeting with other Christians is to be part of the body of Christ. And where the believers come together in unity, God commands his blessing! So for Anne, not coming to church only kept her out of the blessing of God and away from her place of healing. Perhaps you feel a little like Anne today. If you do then may I encourage you to remain in a place of healing where you will hear God’s word? The word of God is encouraging and able to lift you when you’re down. The word of God is fulfilling and able to restore you when you’re empty. And the word of God is like a soothing ointment for your bruised soul. So not going to church when you’re feeling depressed or disillusioned is like not going to a hospital when you’re gravely ill. God-tracking is remaining under the sound of his healing word. READ ALL ABOUT IT ****************** SO, DON’T GIVE UP, LOOK UP & PRAY Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa Dudley Anderson began writing for radio in 1994. Dudley currently writes a weekly e-mail Christian motivational thought called GodTracker and has complied 2 devotional books based on GodTracker. More information at surereaity.net Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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