Evolution is a Fairytale (Part 2)
by Eugene Lopatynsky In Part #1, we considered, how important is the AGE OF THE EARTH. If the Earth is recent, then there is no chance whatsoever for any Evolutionary phantasies. Now, why are some people so deadly afraid of Special Creation and our Creator? It is useless to argue against physical laws. The first Law of Thermodynamics is the conservation of energy. The second Law is the Law of Entropy, of Disorder, of DE-VOLUTION (devolution). Everything in our universe tends always to DISORDER. This is a fundamental law in physics. The second law of Thermodynamics, is the Law of Entropy. Every design, every chemical reaction, every complex structure will come to equilibrium only at maximum disorder, maximum entropy. More time, more disorder. There are no exceptions. It is insane to invent a phantasy of Evolution in a universe of Devolution, in an environment which tends always and automatically toward Devolution. Part 2 is for those more technically and scientifically curious. This information is usually well hidden or mutilated by the Luciferians. Observe the case of the “moon rocks”. NASA reported, that the MOON ROCKS obtained, were 2 to 8 billion years old, but the moon rocks came all GLAZED. That means they had been heated to 1000 to 1300 degrees Celsius. Potassium vaporizes at 744 degree C, rendering their Potassium Argon analysis absolutely worthless. On similar occasions the sample rocks were AGED just by running water over them. Potassium dissolves beautifully in water. The rocks become almost immediately most ancient. (1) CARBON 14 DATING YET EVERY FOSSIL, EVERYTHING THAT EVER LIVED, CONTAINS MEASURABLE CARBON 14. That is true evidence that the age of the samples is far ess than the maximum of 50 000 years old. Applying the necessary C 14 correction it gives them all an age rating of less than 10 000 years. There was, essentially, nothing once living, which could not be dated to less than 10,000 years of age with corrected C14 essay. (2) ACCUMULATION OF He4 (helium isotope) (4) EARTHS MAGNETIC FIELD (5) THE EARTHS SPIN RATE This means that 1 million years back in time we gain 10,000 seconds, or approx. 2.8 hours. One full rotation of our planet would have taken only 21.2 hours. Five million years ago the present spin rate would be more than doubled and daylight is halved! The evolutionists speak of 200 million years just for very recent fossils and 500 million years for the appearance of trilobites! How could this be possible? This, by the way, is a neat and easy calculation. Try it! For those still seeking a purpose and meaning in life. Strangely, some of my articles are read by Luciferians, even before they are read by Christians. You can figure out why, by yourself. Friend, if you have understood the above, then you know that there is indeed a GOD who will eventually, for certain, judge you. You can imagine what will happen there. Our God provides perfect freedom to all, but with freedom comes a corresponding and inevitable responsibility. There is a principle of Universal Justice, which nobody will ever escape. Your evil is either on Christ or it remains on you. If it remains on you, you will, yourself, pay forever your penalty. If you do not reject the Biblical Christ Jesus, and His teachings, (Satan set up imposters in most major religions), then He will never reject you. Father God says, “No eyes have ever seen, nor could ears have heard, NOR COULD ANYONE EVEN HAVE IMAGINED THE HAPPINESS, which God prepared for those who love Him….” (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please). God’s Word, Sir. Look it up. What do you suppose awaits the Luciferians and active Evolutionists eventually? God said, the “smoke of their torment shall ascend forever and ever” (Rev 14: 11). You think God is jocking? With infinite love God gave us a Savior, to pay our penalty and a Bible, a guide and light on our path! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God’s love for you. Men are not lost because they are sinners; THEY ARE LOST BECAUSE THEY HAVE REJECTED THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE, who died for them. Even if you go into a lost eternity and have not accepted Christ, He died for you, and you simply made His sacrifice for you of no avail. You have trodden underfoot the blood of your Savior. Many sects and BIG religions have been preaching a phantom, a DIFFERENT CHRIST, not the Christ of the Bible. Their religion provides no salvation, it is a ‘one-way street’ without exit, leading into perdition (Gal. 1:8-9, King James only). Satan’s biggest department is the department of religions; of disguised and fake religious decoys, baited traps, feeding spiritually poisoned food unto the perishing souls of men. What do you suppose will confront those who reject so great, SO GREAT, a salvation? Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this life is worthwhile to find the BIBLICAL Christ Jesus and to belong to Him! If you want Him, pray now with me, "DEAREST LORD JESUS, FORGIVE ME MY SINS. I REJECT ALL NON-BIBLICAL RELIGION. COME INTO MY LIFE AND BE THE RULER OF MY LIFE. HELP ME TO LOVE YOU MORE EVERY DAY AND TO OBEY YOU WITH ALL MY STRENGTH AND TO READ YOUR BIBLE DAILY, EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE." If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. Even in this life it will be the greatest happiness you’ll know, and a light upon your path. Conversely, to FAIL in this, it will be the GREATEST DISASTER you will ever have, both here and hereafter. After this, clean up your life with the Bible. Check out the guide in “How to read the Bible and clean up your life” in https://elopatynsky.wixsite.com/-remnant-of-god , under “articles”, on bar. (Just click on it) Search for the only truth and remedy that exists, for the God that loves you, who made all life and who has made, and will make again, a beautiful world. To get a list of my articles write my full name (Eugene Lopatynsky) into GOOGLE, then click on faithwriters. Or use EDGE for your search engine. Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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