by Samuel Dumas
Doesn’t life feel good: When you see for the fourth first-time A babe that had been hidden From your view for nine months; When you re-grasp the wisdoms in motherhood And, after honoring mother and father, Go on to fame the praise of a thrill Which men will never know; When you seize into wet working hands The artful colors on the bundle of crunchy papers That your walking learners bring home day by day; When you stand in the privilege of teacher, And you can taste the suffering That silently springs up from down-pursed lips In a child’s repentance for ungraceful deeds; When you work in human care-giving, Maturing little wraiths and innocent ill-ones Back to wiggly wellness and beyond; Doesn’t life feel good? And when the presence here on earth concludes; When you receive from Hands of Life That special mother’s reward, —Blessed down— To those who have traveled the mother’s way, It is hoped that you will think back on all the whens And, with only a smile and a sweet in the eye, say: Doesn’t life really feel good? —Dumas fils
As an educator no part of the Bible is of greater value than are its biographies. Conversely extended: for a biographee, what they are is what has been written (educated) into them; these inner-man things are what they will love writing about....
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