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Date: 04/12/19. Time: 08:25PM. Day: Wednesday.
1. Revival would hit our souls, Like mighty flames as of old, As we keep yearning for d'Lord... As we keep longing for more! 2. There's a sure promise from Christ, That those who hunger and thirst, For righteousness shall be filled, Thus, saints that groan are revived!!!
3. Revival can hit our souls, Any day, and any hour... The more earnestly we press, The more Heaven grants access.
4. The Lord sends down flaming coals, On those daily found at'His throne, Seeking that which is deeper. ...intimacy births revival!
5. Do you long for revival? There's just one way or never... True revival only comes, By repentance at the cross.
6. Do you long for revival? Weep and cry God a river! He cannot forsake such plea. With such deep groans God is pleased!
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