by Mark Nickles
Politics. It is front and center on television, radio, print and social media. As a nation, it divides us, and sets us at odds with one another. It produces plenty of heat, conflict and difficulty, but how much does it change things for the better? As a nation, we are still dissatisfied.
In truth, there is only one movement which can change our society; that which is directed by Jesus Christ and His word. Not a movement defined by a denomination, but one defined by people who are committed to living life according to the Bible. Imagine a society in which the following characteristics are regularly seen:
Sacrificial Love – In Matthew 22, Jesus taught that we should love God first, and love our neighbor as we normally would love ourselves. Can you imagine what society would look like if people were seeing to the needs and concerns of others BEFORE themselves? What a great place to live!
Forgiveness – In Matthew 6, Jesus said that we could not expect forgiveness from God for our sins, if we did not forgive others’ sins against us. Imagine a world where people were displaying forgiveness on a daily basis. What a wonderful atmosphere that would produce in society, today!
Honesty – Many verses in the Bible speak to the need for honesty, from the warning in Exodus 20:16 not to bear false witness against our neighbor, to the instruction in 1 Peter 3:10 that keeping ourselves from deceitful speech results in a good life. What if more people spoke with honesty and avoided lying, and insisted on that standard from our leaders? What a change that would make!
To the Christian: take your eyes off of political candidates, and put them back on Christ. Only imitating HIM can bring real change to our communities, our states, our nation and our world.
To those who have not committed their lives to Jesus: No politician or legislation will ever change your life for the better like the Son of God can. Consider surrendering everything to Him, that you may have life more abundantly! Your local church will gladly tell you more about Him.
Mark Nickles is a husband, father of three, and a pastor in Northeastern Oklahoma. Copyright, Mark A. Nickles.
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