The Truth About Abortion
by Mark Nickles

The abortion legislation passed in New York is troubling. But it should also remind Christians that the root issue is not logic, science or civil rights…, it is spiritual.


Society has been rejecting God for at least the last couple of generations. In many cases, that rejection has become manic. The first chapter of Romans (NIV) makes particular statements about those who reject God and his directives. Verse 18 talks about those “who suppress the truth by their wickedness”, despite clear evidence. Verse 21 states that the results of rejecting God are “futile” thinking and “darkened” hearts. Finally, in verses 28 and 29, we are told that they did not consider it “worthwhile” to retain God’s knowledge, and as a result they were characterized by, among other things, murder, deceit and malice. Verse 31 even refers to them as “heartless”, while verse 32 says that they not only continue in evil, but “approve” of others who do so, as well. Now, let’s apply this.


Any reputable scientist or medical professional will tell you that what is gestating inside a pregnant woman is not just an “organism”, in the same sense as a cyst or tumor. It is a living, breathing human life, with circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems separate from the mother. That human life even has its own unique DNA! Many dismiss the science and logic and dispute this truth out of hand. That line of thinking has led to New York’s decision to allow abortion even up to birth. The truth of the matter is rejected for a lie. What’s worse, some actually BELIEVE the lie. Futile thinking and a darkened heart prevail. Abortion can (and should) rightfully be considered murder. Yet, it is continued and approved by an ever-louder and boisterous group of supporters, who also seek to prevent an opposite, truthful view from being widely dispersed.


Murder of the unborn. Deceit in covering up the truth. Malice in carrying out the whole deadly campaign.


The primary answer, like the problem, will be spiritual. Christians must study God’s word, pray, witness, love others and share the truth as God opens doors (see “pray”). When we employ Christian disciplines as our main strategy, those actions we take in the public and legal sector will have more effectiveness.


Mark Nickles is a husband, father of three, and a pastor in Northeastern Oklahoma. Copyright, Mark A. Nickles.

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