You Will Not Love Her the Same
by Annie Glasel

On the day of your wedding, my son

I want you to know that your love for your wife

Will not remain the same throughout this life

If you remember that love is more than your feelings

More than the sum total of the moments you are together

There will be days when you want more than anything

To go back to the way things were

And there will be days

when you would not trade what you have for what is in the past

But no matter what, treasure the now now


Then you will not love her the same

No, indeed, you will love her more each day

I've written to ease my pain; I've written to hear my voice; I've written for vanity; I've written for sanity; I've written for fun; I've written for laughs; I've written for me; I've written for money. But until I write for God, this talent is for naught.

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